1 Three decades of messenger RNA vaccine development Rein Verbekea,b, Ine Lentackera,b, Stefaan C. De Smedta,b,1* and Heleen Dewittea,b,c,1 1Last authors contributed equally to this work aGhent Research Group on Nanomedicines, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ghent University, Ottergemsesteenweg 460, 9000 Ghent (Belgium) bCancer Research Institute Ghent (CRIG), Ghent University Hospital, De Pintelaan 185 . Malone is known in his field, and his work is often cited by the many, many others who've followed him to work further on mRNA vaccines and therapeutics. Dr Robert Malone the inventor of the mRna vaccines tweeted a video explaining from the data about the harms from the Pfizer vaccine, & the problems with its clinical trials. After months of providing valuable Covid-19 information that runs counter to the official narrative, Twitter has finally banned Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology. In spreading these exaggerations and unfounded claims, Dr. Malone joins medical professionals and scientists, like Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Judy Mikovits, whose profiles have grown during the pandemic as they spread misinformation about mask-wearing and convoluted conspiracy theories about virus experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci. "There was a pandemic. About 8,000 pay the $5 monthly cost, he said, which would amount to at least $31,200 in monthly revenue. And he was a guest on the podcasts America First With Sebastian Gorka and The Joe Pags Show.. "These are the clear antecedents to delivering mRNAs as a vaccine.". Certainly, today's COVID-19 vaccines can and will be improved. Replying to @WIONews. mRNA vaccines a new era in vaccinology. Dr. Bruce Patterson, who runs a long-COVID-19 treatment center, said at a conference this month that many of his long-COVID-19 patients"who got better, after a week or two, reverted back to where they were.". Vaccine side effects, and human immune responses to vaccines, surface in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or, sometimes, months not years. If thats trueor, more to the point, if Malone believes it to be truethen you might expect him to be championing a very different message in his media appearances. In this interview with The New American, the mRNA platform pioneer Dr. Robert Malone outlines the issues with the federal regulations concerning vaccines for livestock and weighs in on the . Dr. Felgner invented the first lipid nanoparticle. It's true that vaccination isn't one-size-fits-all. Sign up free Dr. Robert Malone is an American virologist, immunologist, and the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine technology. And we didn't have all the pieces back then. He has been an invited speaker at over 50 conferences, has chaired numerous conferences and he has sat on or served as chairperson on numerous National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Department of Defense study sections. Read: The mRNA vaccines are extraordinary, but Novavax is even better, His concerns are personal, too. An immunologist who says he invented the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is urging public health officials to "check [their] egos at the door" and change their COVID-19 policies to align with the science. On December 30, Malone recorded a podcast with Rogan, and on December 31, their three-hour interview aired on Spotify, where Malone railed against some kind of "mass formation psychosis" driving people to worry too much about COVID-19. (Karik is a senior vice president at BioNTech, which partnered with Pfizer to create the first COVID-19 vaccine to be authorized for use last year.) Take Andrew Geall, who developed some of the first lipid nanoparticles for mRNA vaccines. He has dedicated his life to developing vaccines for humanity and remains pro-vaccine. I mean, you add up the number of people who've published in this area over the last 30 years it is hundreds and hundreds of people.". He dropped out of graduate school in 1988, just short of his Ph.D., and went to work at a pharmaceutical company called Vical. Now he's spreading unfounded claims about the vaccines and the virus. Malone views Karik as yet another scientist standing on his shoulders and collecting plaudits that should go to him. And people listened. There will always be hypothetical "what ifs" for any new drug, vaccine, or treatment. . Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan, said such guidance was only as reliable as the evidence behind it, and thus it should change when new evidence is obtained.. Blog/Vaccine Posted Jan 2, 2022 by Martin Armstrong. "It's not as if there hasn't been a huge amount of safety data on millions and millions of people," Meulien said. Felgner, now the director of the Vaccine Research and Development Center at UC Irvine, has been recognized internationally for his contributions to the mRNA vaccines. Whether Malone really came up with mRNA vaccines is a question probably best left to Swedish prize committees, but you could make a case for his involvement. Ive been written out of the history, he has said. Scientists are still studying the vaccines to improve them. Another hurdle was how to get mRNA into cells so that proteins can be produced and generate protective immunity. We discuss Dr. Malone's new book Lies My Gov't Told Me: And the Better Future Coming (Children's Health Defense) https://amzn.to/3UpBsR1 | Substack @RWMaloneMD Dr. Malone has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times. Malone is now working on a new media initiative that is just launching. Dr. Robert Malone, an mRNA vaccine technology pioneer, said his LinkedIn account was restored Monday after it was shut down last week when he raised concerns about potential risks of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for some groups, which LinkedIn labeled as "misleading.". A team invented mRNA vaccines, not . Already, Canadian researchers have learned that spacing out the first and second doses of mRNA vaccines, to more than one month apart, can help prevent more cases of myocarditis in teens and young adults and improve the body's immune response at the same time, a win-win for vaccination safety and efficacy one that the CDC adopted last week, to the applause of many US experts. Clinical trials Medicine Science . mRNA vaccines are a new sort of vaccine; the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna were the first. "I've gotten kind of wary of journalists for some reason," he said. Both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines represent a new technology in the vaccine field: mRNA vaccines. What Robert Malone did was to develop a method to get RNA into cells[1]. In that alternate media universe, Robert Malones star is ascendant. It's called messenger RNA," Hoerr, CureVac's founder, said, expressing the transient nature of this molecule, which only instructs the body in what to do to fight the coronavirus. Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection. There are hundreds of scientists who contributed more to mRNA vaccines than he did.. No matter how nuanced Malone might try to be, or how many qualifiers he appends to his opinions, he is egging on vaccine hesitancy at a time when hospitals in the least-vaccinated parts of the country are struggling to cope with an influx of new COVID-19 patients. The idea that he is the inventor of mRNA vaccines is a totally false claim, said Dr. Gyula Acsadi, a pediatrician in Connecticut who along with Dr. Malone and five others wrote a widely cited paper in 1990 showing that injecting RNA into muscle could produce proteins. Malone felt slighted. By Megan Redshaw On the "Dark Horse Podcast," Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA vaccine technology, said the COVID vaccine lipid nanoparticles which tell the body to produce the spike protein leave the injection site and accumulate in organs and tissues. How a vaccine pioneer became a scientific outcast. But unlike many of them, Dr. Malone is quite new to the right-wing media world, first appearing regularly on podcasts last June. He's moved to the social-media platform Gettr an alternative to Twitter founded by a former Trump aide and become more prolific and political on his lucrative Substack. Dr Robert Malone came under criticism for speaking out - and tweeting - against vaccines when he was reportedly a key player in developing the mRNA technology used in the Covid-19 jabs. "Regarding the genetic covid vaccines, the science is settled," he said in a 15-minute speech that referenced the Rev. What about all the initial work he did successfully injecting mRNA into mice for the very first time in the late 1980s? not only are they changing who was the inventor of the mRNA Technology to PUSH their agenda but also they are changing the definition of a pandemic, changing the definition that naturally acquired immunity is better, changing the definition that holistic meds and treatment are the best treatment for . In any case, its clear enough that Malone isnt singularly responsible for mRNA vaccines. As outlined in the 2019 review and articles about the development of the mRNA vaccines, such as this special report from STAT, a number of different discoveries were necessary to transform the hope of mRNA as a new drug class into mRNA vaccines. Others have been rewarded handsomely for their work on mRNA vaccines, he says. And almost without exception, these influencers feel that they have been wronged by mainstream society in some way, Mr. Brooking added. In media appearances, he often notes that he has colleagues in the government and at universities who agree with him and are privately cheering him on. The Malone Institute. The Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology: Dr Robert Malone. Twitter on Wednesday banned the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert W Malone after a claimed "misinformation reporter" named Josh Kelety claimed Malone misled people by claiming the vaccines are failing against the Omicron variant. He's become a trusted source for people everywhere who aren't quite sure about these mRNA vaccines or whether they are really safe. Today, hes one of the most prominent critics of the technology he claims to have helped invent. Therefore, public health policies which meet generally accepted criteria for coercion to participate in clinical research are forbidden.". At the outset of the pandemic, he offered some initial ideas about what doctors might take off the shelf to help treat COVID-19. Karik replied that she hadnt told anyone that she is the inventor of mRNA vaccines and that many many scientists contributed to their success. That protein, in turn, hangs around for about a week of viral boot camp. Dr Robert Malone MD, MS Jan 01 2022 Dr. Malone is the discoverer of in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and the inventor of mRNA vaccines, while he was at the Salk Institute in 1988. . Help us create a more trustworthy Internet! Malone said the side effects from his first shot were nothing remarkable, but after his second, he started complaining of high blood pressure, saying he'd been given a "bad batch," and raising unfounded concerns that the usual protocols weren't being followed at the Food and Drug Administration the federal agency that's meant to view new drugs, treatments, and vaccines as "guilty until proven innocent," as he often says. He was part of a research group that won a $21 million emergency contract from the Trump administration to study famotidine (brand name, Pepcid AC) as a coronavirus therapeutic. On his personal website, Twitter, and LinkedIn, Dr. Robert Malone has been promoting himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccines. Jan 3, 2022. Next, Malone and researchers from both the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Vical Incorporated, injected naked RNA and DNA vectors into the skeletal muscle of mice and observed gene expression[3]. Spread the love . What he did, in a nutshell, was show that messenger RNA a notoriously unstable and hard-to-work-with single-stranded molecule could be injected into mammals by using a lipid nanoparticle (a glob of fat, basically) as its package. Dr. Malone said that early on in the pandemic, he believed that what he could contribute was bringing repurposed drugs to market. Still, vaccine research and development doesn't end with the first doses in arms. "I don't think there is one inventor of mRNA vaccines," Meulien said. It wasn't until more than 10 years after Meulien that Hoerr injected "the first human beings ever worldwide with RNA" in 2005, he said. According to one recent study, the innovation for which he claims to be responsible has already saved hundreds of thousands of lives in the United States alone; theres talk that it may soon lead to a round of Nobel Prizes. If. I see nothing to show this declaratively. He told Glenn Beck that offering incentives for taking vaccines is unethical. "It's an ideal molecule to work on in terms of therapies and drugs' development.". In fact, the current portfolio of partnerships reflects nearly 350 county or school district-based chapters across 32 states nationally. "There are many, many contributors to the field, and it's really hard to distinguish and determine who brought more," Ingmar Hoerr, the founder of the German biotechnology company CureVac, told Insider. Scientifically trained at UC Davis, UC San Diego, and at the Salk Institute Molecular Biology and Virology laboratories, Dr. Malone received his medical training at Northwestern University (MD) and Harvard University Medical School (Clinical Research Post Graduate) , and in Pathology at UC Davis. But in recent months, he and his wife have made numerous stops at popular conservative conferences, like Hereticon, the Peter Thiel-backed conference in Miami for Silicon Valleys self-proclaimed contrarians, and the Defeat the Mandates march in Washington. Live from Music Row Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy - broadcast on Nashville's Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. - host Leahy welcomed mRNA and DNA vaccine inventor Dr. Robert Malone to the newsmaker line to talk about his upcoming event on Saturday and to clarify the un-approved use of the Pfizer vaccine. The process of achieving major scientific advancements tends to be more cumulative and complex than the apple-to-the-head stories we usually tell, but this much can be said for sure: Malone was involved in groundbreaking work related to mRNA vaccines before it was cool or profitable; and he and others who believed in the potential of RNA-based vaccines in the 1980s turned out to be world-savingly correct. Although The Unity Project officially launched just last week, the organization came to market announcing existing strategic partnerships with over sixty grassroots organizations across the state and beyond. He wasn't getting any credit for his decades-old role in these new vaccines. And they are taken aback by his emergence as a vaccine skeptic. On June 10, Robert Malone, Ph.D., creator of mRNA vaccine technology, joined evolutionary biologist Bret Brownstein, Ph.D., for a three-hour conversation on the "Dark Horse Podcast" to discuss multiple safety concerns related to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, both of which use mRNA technology. by Ben Armstrong July 29, 2021. STATEMENT FROM ROBERT MALONE, INVENTOR OF mRNA TECHNOLOGY ON CHILDHOOD VACCINATION BEFORE YOU VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN My name is Robert Malone and I am speaking to you as a father, grandfather, physician and scientist. "Regarding the genetic COVID vaccines, the science is settled: They're not working," he told the crowd. For instance, he recently tweeted that, according to an unnamed Israeli scientist, Pfizer and the Israeli government have an agreement not to release information about adverse effects for 10 years, which is hard to believe given that the countrys health ministry has already warned of a link between the Pfizer shot and rare cases of myocarditis. On social media, researchers pointed out earlier work that also managed to deliver and translate mRNA in cells[5]. But they say Dr. Malone has twisted legitimate policy debates to use them as cover for continuing to spread misinformation and to advance claims about the pandemic that are demonstrably incorrect. Staying away from the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections was honestly the easiest decision I've ever had to make in my life. Despite the mainstream media labeling Dr. Malone as an anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist, he is far from that. He told Tucker Carlson that the public doesnt have enough information to decide whether to get vaccinated. On June 10, Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA vaccine technology, joined evolutionary biologist Brett Brownstein, Ph.D., for a 3-hour conversation on the " Dark Horse Podcast " to discuss multiple safety concerns related to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. According to Science Magazine, Malone was also part of a classified US government project called DOMANE, which used artificial intelligence and computer simulations to identify existing drugs that might be successfully repurposed "against threats such as new viruses.". There were a half-dozen people at Vical who really contributed to this, said one Vical employee. Malone later joined Felgner at Vical, where they were the first people to introduce these fatty bubbles carrying mRNA into mice. The documents tone is pointed, and at times lapses into all-caps fury. Three decades of messenger RNA vaccine development. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines, including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies. The NWO Overloads are REWRITING history . If you want proof of that, scroll through the many comments from his followers thanking him for confirming their fears. Just Vax propaganda. Hes an upgrade over their typical guest list of chiropractors and naturopaths, and theyre perfectly happy to address him by the title he believes hes earned: inventor of the mRNA vaccines. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a vocal opponent of vaccination for over a decade, and he has aggressively pushed the discredited link between vaccination and autism. Although he has previously said that he "went bankrupt," he has never actually declared bankruptcy. FULL CLAIM: "Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA vaccines" REVIEW As of 23 August 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized two and approved one COVID-19 vaccines: the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Janssen vaccines. Some former colleagues feel Malone deserves recognition for conceptualizing the experiments. from 8 AM - 9 PM ET. The example he points to more frequently is from his time at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Before going any further, lets be clear that the back-and-forth between Bannon and Malone was premised on misinformation. An extensive history of the process to refine lipid nanoparticles can be found on Chemical & Engineering News. In extended interviews at his home over two days, Dr. Malone said he was repeatedly not recognized for his contributions over the course of his career, his voice low and grave as he recounted perceived slights by the institutions he had worked for. Dr. Robert Malone has become a hero in the anti-vaccine community. As an editorial in Nature Reviews Materials mentioned, optimizing lipid nanoparticles to deliver nucleic acids like mRNA was a long road. On June 10, Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA vaccine technology, joined He then turned to biotech start-ups and consulting. 1:55. . Its in his Twitter bio. On show after show, Malone, who has quickly amassed more than 200,000 Twitter followers, casts doubt on the safety of the vaccines while decrying what he sees as attempts to censor dissent. Dr. Malone said he did not align himself with any particular political party. . Malone has found good company lately in the ivermectin-promoting Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (of which Kory is a leading member), whose off-kilter COVID-19 treatment guidance he touts in an autoreply to anyone who emails him. In the 1980s, Malone worked as a researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, where he conducted studies on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology. as well as other partner offers and accept our, publicly vilified and threatened legal action against another physician, left out and dismissed by the scientific community, first human beings ever worldwide with RNA, unclear whether famotidine does much for COVID-19, small, low-powered studies suggest it could help, ignoring any and all evidence of vaccine safety, ivermectin-promoting Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, has a long history of requiring many vaccines, gross misinterpretations of how these vaccines work, injected mRNA tells your body to make a viral protein. Ugur Sahin and zlem Treci, the founders of the German biotech company BioNTech, also made the news for using that same technique to develop a coronavirus vaccine in partnership with the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Within days, mRNA coronavirus vaccines were being widely acknowledged as one of our best bets against the virus. Everyone else should be wary, he told me, and those under 18 should be excluded entirely. I spoke with several of these peoplevaccine scientists and biotech consultants, suggested by Malone himself and that is not what they told me. Dr. Malone spent decades working in academic centers and with start-ups seeking to bring new medical treatments to market and to combat the Zika and Ebola outbreaks. Malone, who will appear on the Joe Rogan show Thursday according to associate Ed Dowd (one of four contributors to the Malone doctrine), had more than 520,000 followers . You might very well walk away with the skewed sense, after hearing Malone speak or reading his posts, that there is a far-reaching COVID-19 cover-up and that the real threat is the vaccine rather than the virus. First, federal regulators keep tabs on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which gathers reports from both citizens and healthcare workers nationwide of anything amiss after a vaccination whether it is directly related to vaccination or not. Martin Luther King Jr . Dr. Robert Malone mRNA Inventor - Kids Will Die from the Vaccines . What's more, some people do have severe, painful, and rare vaccine side effects. By that point, Malone had long moved away from the field of mRNA vaccine development. He worked on that ground-laying research in the late '80s with scientists such as Philip Felgner, who is considered a contender for the Nobel Prize and who won Spain's equivalent last year (The Princess of Asturias Award). Robert Malone in Madison,. Wherever he appears, Malone is billed as the inventor of mRNA vaccines. Dr. Robert Malone, is the Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug, and he is outraged by the government's decision to mandate people into a one size fits all medicinal solution. Malone, when reached by phone, said he was extremely busy, and unsure about giving an interview. Watch the lead-up to the viral clip with more context above. Its the kind of validation that few scientists in history have ever received. This is the level of censorship on twitter! The human immune system identifies that protein, attacks it and then remembers how to defeat it.). "Whether they made sense for protecting our elderly and frail from the original virus is irrelevant.". On December 29, Malone was suspended from Twitter after saying that people who got Pfizer's vaccine were getting sicker than those who didn't. Dr. Malone is an internationally recognized physician-scientist who specializes in advanced development of medical countermeasures to infectious diseases. Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines, recently appeared on "The War Room" with Steve Bannon to discuss the latest viral outbreak in China, which he claims the government is concealing the truth about its origins. IRVINE, Calif., Nov. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Unity Project announced today that Dr. Robert Malone, MD, MS, has been named the organization's chief medical and regulatory officer. (The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines work by injecting RNA into arm muscles that produce copies of the spike protein found on the outside of the coronavirus. I've spent my career working in the field of medicine and vaccine technology. Rogan's podcasting strategy is unabashedly ill-informed. When he says the vaccines can permeate the blood-brain barrier, or that the tiny fatty particles they're packaged inside might hang around in women's ovaries, those are gross misinterpretations of how these vaccines work. (A June 23 statement from more than a dozen public-health organizations and agencies strongly encouraged all eligible people 12 and older to get vaccinated, because the benefits far outweigh any harm.) Malone is also frustrated that, as he sees it, complaints about side effects are being ignored or censored in the nationwide push to increase vaccination rates. That data isn't just being collected by American regulators at the FDA and the CDC. CNN called her work the basis of the Covid-19 vaccine while a New York Times headline said she had helped shield the world from the coronavirus. None of those stories mentioned Malone. Dr. Robert Malone Says Worst Case Scenario Has Happened! Malone may keep company with vaccine skeptics, but he insists he is not one himself. In addition to his regular appearances on conservative shows, Dr. Malone has more than 134,000 subscribers to his Substack newsletter. However, Malone is but one of a great many scientists who've made today's mRNA vaccines possible. Malone's celebrity as a vocal vaccine opponent, already many months in the making, skyrocketed to stratospheric proportions in December thanks to Rogan, the former "Fear Factor" host who's become one of the most popular podcasters. Based on funding mandates. Dr. Suddenly, it seemed, everyone wanted to know who was responsible for this promising technique. But who was the brainchild? This claim has been repeated in countless blog articles, social media posts and videos (see here, here and here). The Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology: Dr Robert Malone.Not an interview, but a summary and commentary of Dr Malone's thoughts around the spike protein. The coronavirus pandemic has given rise to a class of influencers who build conspiracy theories and recruit as many people into them as possible, said Emerson T. Brooking, a resident senior fellow for the Atlantic Council who studies digital platforms. Why is the self-described inventor of the mRNA vaccines working so hard to undermine them? Recently, Malonepublicly vilified and threatened legal action against another physician who reported his vaccine misinformation campaign to the Maryland Board of Physicians,and accused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of scientific fraud.