More than 1,500 visions of Mary have been reported around the world, but in the past century fewer than a dozen cases have received church approval as being worthy of belief. As for the possibility that Pedro Regis could have invented nearly 5000 messages over a period of nearly 33 years, it has to be asked what possible motivation he could have for doing so. Together with my blessing, I express my best wishes for the Words of Heaven contained here to resonate in every creature of good will. Answer (1 of 4): > Many of Cardia's messages underline the imminence of the End Times and predict earthquakes, pestilences and wars. The apparitions apparently are continuing, and hundreds of thousands of people travel to the small town each year. The only message that I will be able to make public will be the one that you will continue to give us every 3rd of the month on the hill of Trevignano Romano. It was indescribable pain, although I know that however painful it may be, it is not the totality of the pain that Christ continues to suffer for humanity. ((Revelamos Quen Es la Vidente Luz de Mara, Foros de la Virgen Mara, accessed July 13, 2019,, It was on March 19 of 1992, that the Blessed Mother began to speak regularly to Luz de Mara. Apparitions in Trevignano Romano, Italy. Jennifer is a young American mother and housewife (her last name is withheld at her spiritual directors request in order to respect the privacy of her husband and family.) Our Ladys messages from July 1973 to December 1997, through locutions to Fr. I am an instrument Jesus uses to make us taste his Word for our times. Indeed the regular confession of our venial sins helps us form our conscience, fight against evil tendencies, let ourselves be healed by Christ and progress in the life of the Spirit. Below is a presentation given by Luz de Mara in Esteril Cathedral in Nicaragua, with an introduction given by Bishop Juan Abelardo Mata who granted her the Imprimatur: Indeed, an international consensus seems to have emerged that the messages of Luz de Maria de Bonilla are worthy of consideration. The church may even wait more than 100 years before judging an apparition as being worthy of belief.. Here it should be said that, while the former bishops approval must indeed be considered as rescinded, the CDF statement does not technically constitute a formal Notification condemnation, and a number of commentators have raised questions regarding the procedural regularity of the Diocesan Administrators actions. Thirdly, the messages have frequently been accompanied by visible phenomena, photographic evidence found inIn Cammino con Maria, which cannot be the fruit of subjective imagination, notably the presence of the stigmata on Giselles body and and the appearance of crosses or religious texts inbloodon Gisellas arms. Jesus told the man, I will cease speaking to you now, but My Mother will continue to lead you. The couple felt called to start a cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests where they would meditate on the messages of Our Lady to Fr. However, this is only possible if you remain totally selfless, renouncing yourself. Even though some of the Lords words were of warning, he described Jesuss voice as always beautiful and gentle. I answered affirmatively, and then after a day of continuous prayer, that night, Christ appeared to me on the Cross and shared His wounds. ). Always be ready, because this battle will be strong and everything will lead to a serious war, but still you continue to live as always and with indifference. Many of the prophecies Luz de Mara has received have already been fulfilled, including the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, which was announced to her eight days in advance. Mornings are for housework, but in the afternoon, Cardia receives guests who come for spiritual guidance and hope for a personal message from Mary delivered through the alleged visionary. He had next to no catechesis or understanding of the Catholic Faith, so the voice of Jesus both alarmed and entranced him. This will happen when my apparitions here at Itapiranga will end. On July 13, 1960, Elizabeth started a diary at the Lords request. TREVIGNANO ROMANO, Italy (CNS) An Italian woman who claims to regularly experience supernatural visions said Mary told her in September 2019 that a new disease would soon emerge from China. On March 8, 1985, Alicjas life changed radically when she encountered Jesus standing before her after receiving Holy Communion. While Faustinas revelations, themselves, regularly allude to this new sanctity of Living in the Divine Will (as do the revelations of many other fully approved mystics of the 20th century), it has been left to Luisa to be the primary herald and secretary of this new and divine holiness (as Pope St. John Paul II called it). Gobbi through interior locutions are some of the most numerous and detailed regarding her love of her people, her constant support of her priests, the coming persecution of the Church, and what she calls the Second Pentecost, another term for the Warning, or the Illumination of Conscience of all souls. In May of 2017, acommission established by Pope Benedict XVI andchaired by Cardinal Camillo Ruiniconcluded its investigation into the apparitions. Don Ciro, himself, has pointed out that he could not have been ordained by Msgr. Apprenez couter la voix de Jsus dans votre coeur et pendant la prire. Mes enfants, je vous demande de revenir . CatholicPhilly.comworks to strengthen the connections between people, families and communities every day by delivering the news people need to know about the Catholic Church, especially in the Philadelphia region, and the world in which we live. Children, I want to save you and I have no more words, please help me my sweetest children. Jesus immediately granted her request by allowing her body to assume an immobile, rigid-like state that appeared almost as if she were dead. They married on May 25, 1930, when she was sixteen and he was thirty. Fr. Trevignano Romano, 3 mars 2023 Mes enfants, merci d'avoir entendu mon appel dans votre cur et d'avoir pli vos genoux dans la prire. The 121-word message that Cardia says refers to the coronavirus was dated Sept. 28, 2019. The association accepts donations for the maintenance of the field it owns and where the apparitions allegedly occur. Dear brothers and sisters, Yesterday (November 9, 2022), I received a message from our sweet Heavenly Mother in which she announced that starting from this date - the messages I also received during the week, to which you I made participants, precisely to share her loving appeals as a Mother - while . Marco Ferrari had three meetings with Pope John Paul II, five with Benedict XVI and three with Pope Francis; with official Church support, the Association of Paratico has founded an extensive international network of Oases of the Mother of Love (childrens hospitals, orphanages, schools, aid for lepers, prisoners, drug addicts). Finally, to understand the grave dangers of the new form of Communism spreading across the world under the pretense of a Great Reset (whose pillars, say the World Economic Forum, are COVID-19 and climate change), watch the riveting video God and the Great Reset: Healing of the Leper- Animated Short Film, Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Prayer in Divine Will against the Forces of Evil, Prayers for Protection Against Hurricanes and Storms, St. Mechtilde's Prayer for Souls In Purgatory. Mark Mallett has also provided answers to 24objections to the apparitions. Once again, there is so much packed in another message to Gisella Cardia from Our Lady all of it consistent with the prophetic consensus we are hearing from many souls in the Body of Christ throughout the world. For many years to follow, Elizabeth struggled to care for herself and her family. Soon Our Lady began to speak through him to a weekly prayer group that grew and grew. Mary appears in these apparitions as Rosa Mystica, a title under which she appeared to nurse Pierina Gilli in Montichiari-Fontanelle (1947), an event to which the Brazilian apparitions to Eduardo and Junior refer repeatedly. Thank you in advance! In the following year, Jesus began to speak interiorly to her especially after receiving Holy Communion. On Aug. 3, Cardia and her husband unveiled an artists rendering of a large sanctuary structure she said Mary would like to be built on the field, along with a promise that a source of miraculous healing water would be revealed later, for which a well would be needed. Robert Faricy. . Through what became The Spiritual Diary, Jesus and Mary taught Elizabeth, and they continue to instruct the faithful in the divine art of suffering for the salvation of souls. In their messages, Jesus and Mary say that The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the greatest grace given to mankind since the Incarnation. Pray under the Crucifix of Jesus and He will bless you. Valerias Copponis story of receiving locutions from heaven started when she was in Lourdes accompanying her military husband on pilgrimage. Only thus will the Our Father prayer truly be fulfilled; and this prayer, the greatest prayer ever prayed, is a sure prophecy uttered by the lips of the Son of God. - YouTube In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for December 3, 2022.Dear children, thank you for being. Visionary of Our Lady of Anguera. Messages from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia August 27, 2022 Dear children, thank you for having listened to my call in your hearts and for having bent your knees in prayer. The apparitions have already been the subject of an Italian national TV broadcast during which the seer behaved with remarkable calm in the face of some heated criticism from panelists in the studio toward her and two books. (CNS photo/Robert Duncan), By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Posted August 7, 2020. Message from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia June 7, 2022 My children, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. Amen.This page celebrates: Everything Catholic, Saints, Sacraments, Prayer, Medjugorje and Catholic Culture.F O L L O W M E \u0026 S U B S C R I B E: support this page please visit the site below! COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMERWe make these videos with the intention of educating others in a motivational/ inspirational form. (Trevignano Romano miracolo del sole 3 gennaio 2020/Trevignano Romanos miracle of the sun, January 3, 2020). It is the realization of the Our Father prayer in the soul, that Gods Will be done in you just as it is done by the saints in Heaven. Individual, integral confession and absolution remain the only ordinary way for the faithful to reconcile themselves with God and the Church, unless physical or moral impossibility excuses from this kind of confession. Many of Cardia's messages underline the imminence of the End Times and predict earthquakes, pestilences and wars. You don't. Gobbi worked tirelessly to fulfill the mission Our Lady entrusted to him. #xsupportcatholicphilly:before{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0px; content: ""; opacity: 0.8; z-index: 1; background-color: #FFF; } The Holy Roman Inquisition hasnt been set in motion yet, Bishop Rossi, laughing, told CNS July 31. The locals are against me, Cardia told CNS. Starting in February 1997 and still continuing, the apparitions to Eduardo Ferreira have been taking place regularly on the 12th of each month as well as occasionally on other dates. The heart of doctrinal conformity is the proclamation of grace, the proclamation of mercy, the new creation., I am studying the spirit of the messages, Bishop Rossi said, adding that he is looking for the proclamation of grace and not of judgment., The bishop also said that while he was pleased to let the pilgrims use a church for their recitation of the rosary, he would be happier if more of the pilgrims came to Sunday Mass. Then he heard a voice that he believed was God the Father: The Blessed Mother has chosen you to be used as an instrument of God. Sensing that this could be a sign, the children began to pray the Rosary. All this is not to frighten, but to urge man to turn his gaze toward God. Pray, pray, pray!. The manifestations became known as the Itapiranga apparitions, named after their native town in the Brazilian Amazon jungle. About six years later, the man began audibly hearing the voice of Jesus (what are called locutions). Gobbi, she stated, Many times have I intervened in order to set back further and further in time the beginning of the great trial, for the purification of this poor humanity, now possessed and dominated by the spirits of evil.(#553). In particular, how could Pedro Regis have imagined the extensive message #458, which he received publicly while kneeling for nearly two hours on November 2, 1991? While such a foreignNihil obstat does not, on its own, constitutein situ diocesan approval of the apparitions, it is certainly not insignificant. Even still, Gisellas stigmata, her hemographic blood images, or bleeding statues should not, on their own, be taken as indicative of the visionarys sanctity such as to give hercarte blanchewith regard to all future activity. It has attracted the attention of specialist writers such as the well-known Italian journalist Saverio Gaeta, and has lately been the subject of a book-length study by researcher Annarita Magri. Given that the apparitions are no longer formally approved (but not formally condemned), it may legitimately be asked why we have nonetheless chosen to feature material received by Edson Glauber on this website. Gobbi would receive over the course of his life. She booked a ticket to Rome and, against all odds, found herself and her companions in the inner corridors of the Vatican. Together with her brother, she started participating in the meetings of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in 1984 following the death of their mother. According to the norms, the local bishop should set up a commission of experts, including theologians, canonists, psychologists and doctors, to help him determine the facts, the mental, moral and spiritual wholesomeness and seriousness of the visionary, and whether the message and testimony are free from theological and doctrinal error. A woman who identified herself as a hermit named Sister Patrizia said she learned of the apparitions to Cardia while suffering an illness in her Tuscan hermitage. Philadelphia, PA 19103, PREVIOUS: Mary foretold COVID-19 pandemic, alleged visionary claims, NEXT: When faith wobbles, cry out for Gods help, pope says, Culture Project: A Q&A with Lynsey Lucas, first year missionary, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary honors Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Angela Clark at gala award dinner, Office for Black Catholics, Sisters of the Redeemer partner for retreat on racial healing, 2020-2021 Audited Financial Statements of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Archives of The Catholic Standard and Times. The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith established a set of norms in 1978 to help bishops and guide them in the process of discernment and investigation of reported apparitions and revelations. The following is adapted, in part, from the book, THE WARNING: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience, pp. Gobbi Gisella Cardia Jennifer John Leary Kay Luz de Maria Maria Valtorta Miscellaneous Our Lady of America Our Lady of Garabandal Our Lady of Medjugorje Pedro Regis Servant of God Fr. The Marian Movement of Priests must be my work alone. thus I have again succeeded in postponing the time of the chastisement decreed by divine justice for a humanity which has become worse than at the time of the flood.(#576). Gaining the churchs approval can take a long time; visionaries and witnesses must be questioned, and the fruits of the apparitions such as conversions, miracles and healings must be examined. Gobbi had boarded over 350 air flights and taken numerous journeys by car and train, visiting five continents several times over. Cardia says her life has been transformed since the apparitions began in 2016. (CNS photo/Robert Duncan). #scppad{padding: 20px 40px; z-index: 2; position: relative;} Notre Dame Trevignano Romano Gisela Cardia, 3 mars 2023 Mes enfants, merci d'avoir cout mon appel dans vos curs et d'avoir pli vos genoux en prire. Furthermore, the urgency of the messages content is such that suspending the dissemination of this material until the resolution of Edson Glaubers case (which may take several years) would risk silencing heavens voice at a time when we most need to hear it. Seven months later, a statue of Our Lady of the Immaculate Heart in their home began to weep oil profusely (later, other sacred statues and images began oozing fragrant oil while a crucifix and statue of St. Pio bled. Eventually, all of her children married, and in time, moved back in with her, bringing their children with them. In 2010, her mystical communications came to a conclusion, two years before her death from cancer in St. Johns Hospice, Szczecin, on January 5, 2012. These are the words that Jesus is begging us to have ever on our mind, heart, and lips. During the rosary Aug. 3, shortly after 3 oclock in the afternoon, Cardia knelt and looked skyward. There are profound reasons for this. Gabriele Amorth who encouragedValeria to diffuse her messages outside the prayer cenacle. Secondly, several of the overtly prophetic messages would appear to have been fulfilled: we notably find a request in September 2019 to pray for China as the source of new airborne diseases. Martin Gavenda who would become the main seer of the apparitions saw a white light and a female figure who said that she wanted to use him for Gods plans. She says that the messages are intended to heighten awareness of the reality of evil and sin and to call for the conversion of sinners, primarily through the recit. Children, I ask you to listen to my advice and to the voice of my Son so that you might be saved. With 4921 messages allegedly received by Pedro Regis since 1987, the body of material associated with the purported apparitions of Our Lady of Anguera in Brazil is extremely substantial. There are several reasons for this, which can be summarized as follows: The Imprimatur of the Catholic Church, granted by Bishop Juan Abelardo Mata Guevara of Esteril in 2017 to Luz de Marias writings after 2009, together with a personal statement affirming his belief in their supernatural origin. On June 19, 2013, Pope Francis gave it his Apostolic Blessing. Here again, the warnings from Heaven and from science continue to merge (see When Seers and Science Merge). She says that the messages are intended to heighten awareness of the reality. While Walter was driving home from work one day, an intense feeling in his chest, like a heartburn that didnt hurt, suddenly overwhelmed him. When I begin to write (let us say, under dictation), I am not aware of the sense of the whole. Its contents can be found here: The church approaches each claim with the utmost prudence, with rigorous investigation and with the invitation to live out the Gospel rather than follow the apparitions. Children, the times you will meet will be hard and that is why I ask you to increase your prayer and above all the prayer of the Holy Rosary, a powerful weapon against evil. Adam Skwarczynski, the diaries of Bruno Cornacchiola. The consistently elevated theological content and pedagogy of these messages and devotions. Gobbi founded the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP). In the event that Big Tech shuts us down, and youd like to stay connected, please also add your address, which will never be shared. . At the womans next appearance, the children sprinkled the mysterious figure with blessed water, thinking it might be a demon, but the woman did not disappear. Yet there is additional video evidence of solar phenomena in the presence of multiple witnesses during prayer at the apparition site, similar to the phenomena of the Dancing Sun in Fatima in 1917 or attested by Pope Pius XII in the Vatican Gardens immediately preceding the proclamation of the Dogma of the Assumption in 1950. As he was praying at the shrine of Our Lady for certain priests who had renounced their vocations and were attempting to form themselves into associations in rebellion against the Catholic Church, he heard Our Ladys voice urge him to gather other priests who would be willing to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and be strongly united with the Pope and the Church. The longer the alleged apparitions last and the more popular an apparition site becomes, the more evidence accumulates and the longer it takes the church to reach a judgment. We don't know the real reasons for this change, but we are certain that the Queen of Heaven always works for our good and our salvation.