the untamed album cover. Key prophecies which were fulfilled on the first Palm Sunday confirm the mission of our Lord in connection with his second coming. Zechariah 9:9. Lk. 4 And they went away and found a colt tied at a door outside in the street, and they untied it. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the LORD; We have blessed you from the house of the LORD.. It is appropriate, however, to note also that Christs deliverance was a sure sign of the deliverance of his people, and thus the active sense is embraced in the passive (W.J. 6. For Christians, the East Gate is where Jesus made His Triumphant Entry (John 12:12-15). Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! June 30, 2022 . In the Hebrew text, though, the term literally is, saved (ASVfn). . By itself this is simply Hebrew poetic parallelism. Horses were instruments of war (cf. As the Savior rode down the road toward the capital city, two throngs of people converged upon him a massive crowd coming out of the city; another group following him (Mt. From Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem until his crucifixion, Passion Week takes up nearly one-third of the canonical gospels. To anoint a most holy place. Mk 11:1-10; Lk 19:29-38; Jn 12:12-19). When this prophecy was ultimately fulfilled in Jesus's entry into Jerusalem, He was surrounded with shouts of praise and rejoicing. Taking your faith journey one step at a time. Christ's Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem. 32 So those who were sent went away and found it just as he had told them. . But we also notice his a-triumphal entry when we observe how Jesus fulfills the messianic prophecy of a humble coming as foretold by Zechariah ( Zech 9:9 . As the Lord entered the city, the multitudes exclaimed: This is the prophet, Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee (Mt. Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. And this took place to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet saying, "Say to the daughter of Zion, 'Behold, your King is coming to you, humble and mounted on the donkey on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.'" [Matthew 21:4-5] . 2023 Fortify Your Faith Foundation. Chapter 102. Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem. Fulfillment not only applied to Jesus then but, even more importantly, in his future role when he will reign as King. Are you in need of someone to agree with you before God? Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" Such is the beautiful character of our Savior and King. Some paved the road with their garments; others with layers of leaves, at least some of which were from palm trees (Jn. 3 And if anyone says to you, 'Why are you doing this?' say, 'The Lord . queensland figure skating. 19:39). which prophet prophesied the triumphant entry to jerusalem. This was prophesied some 500 years before Jesus actually entered Jerusalem and this is a quotation from . No matter which faith group you follow or what you want to call it, the gate of the triumphant entry describes the very nature of God. Here is the timeless hymn, All Glory, Laud and Honor,. It also remains as an indication of their belief of where the Messiah (who is yet to come) will re-enter the city on Yom Kippur. One of the most significant reasons for recognizing Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem on that day, we also know as Palm Sunday, is because itcoincides withancient prophecies concerning the Messiah. 23:5). As J.G. sinastria di coppia karmica calcolo; quincy homeless shelter; plastic bags for cleaning oven racks; claudia procula death; farm jobs in vermont with housing Zechariah 9:9 speaks of the Messiah coming to Jerusalem on an "ass, and on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.". Would many of them later change their sentiment? Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! He came to us in gentleness and humility, in love and kindness. In Ezekiel 10:18-19, the prophet sees the glory of the Lord leave the temple through "the entrance of the east gate of the Lord's house"; the glory then moves east of the city to the Mount of Olives (Ezekiel 11:23). In despair, they lamented that it appeared that the world is gone after him (Jn. Most generally, when kings rode on horses, it indicated war. The headlines might have read, Hundreds hail Nazarene prophet as King, with the subheading, Words of the prophets fulfilled according to many.. Its just a way to get into the city, right? Jesus instructs two of his disciples: (Zechariah 9:9). religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Is There a Problem with the Synoptic Gospels? (Note the restoration of the Feast of Booths when the Lord reigns: Hosanna! The gate has remained sealed ever since. 21:5; John 12:15), Behold, your salvation comes; behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him.. 21:3; 1 Samuel 6:7). God foretold to the day when Messiah would present Himself to Israel as their Messiah-King. In Zechariah 9:9, the prophet speaks of a future king presenting himself to Jerusalem while riding on a humble donkey. The Real Meaning of When Two or Three are Gathered in the Bible, The Difference Between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven, The Part Where God Says Its Okay to Eat Bacon. In the fulfillment of the prophecy, Jesus made the triumphal entry on the first day of the week and many people . 5:21; Heb. Only one animal is meant. Interestingly, the use of palm tree fronds used by Israel to celebrate theFeast of Booths (a.k.a., Feast of Tabernacles)was a sign of rejoicing over Gods shelter of the Israelites during their forty years of wandering in thewilderness. Therefore, there are exactly 69 Weeks of Years (173,880 days) between the decree of King Artaxerxes in 445 B.C to rebuild Jerusalem to Palm Sunday, April 6, 32 A.D.!! 53:8, as found in Acts 8:33; see also Phil. For brevitys sake, we will produce only Matthews record. What Do the 8 Beatitudes in the Bible Mean? Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Jesus' entry into Jerusalem is triumphant, victorious . 9 The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! "Hosanna in the highest heaven! 10 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, Who is this? 11 The crowds answered, This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee., 28 And when he had said these things, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King ( Matthew 21:1-11) 1 As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. He came to serveasKing and, in turn,weserve him as the King of our lives. Journey to the Jordan: The Israelites Historical Hike to the Promised Land Part Four, Journey to the Jordan: The Israelites Historical Hike to the Promised Land Part Three, Journey to the Jordan: The Israelites Historical Hike to the Promised Land Part Two, Journey to the Jordan: A Study of the Israelites Historical Hike to the Promised Land Part One. But Christ retorted: I tell you that, if these [people] should hold their peace, the stones will cry out (Lk. It would be of considerable value if the student would consult a work such as the one by William Stevens and Ernest Burton, A Harmony of the Gospels (New York: Scribners Sons, 1932), as an aid in seeing each of the Gospel accounts, with their complementary elements, side-by-side. 21:5; John 12:15), Behold, your salvation comes; behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him. This prophecy not only points to Jesusfirst entry into Jerusalem, but beyond to a future time when he comes again to bring the reward of eternal life toall ofthe faithful:InRevelation 22:12 Jesus says, Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to render to every man according to what he has done.. The fact that Jesus chose the East Gate to make His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday is significant enough. Jeremiah 29:11 NLT. The headlines might have read, "Hundreds hail Nazarene prophet as King," with the subheading, "Words of the prophets 'fulfilled' according to many.". Jesus, the Son of God and long-awaited "Messiah," had arrived just as prophesied by the Prophet Zachariah over 500 hundred years earlier, (Zach 9:9), and was openly . Psa. DLBC Old Yaba Location, Lagos HQ 12th February 2018 STUDY 41 - CHRIST'S TRIUMPHANT ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM John 12:12-19; Mark 15:9,10; Acts 13:45; 17:4-6; 1 Corinthians 3:3; Galatians 5:19-21; James 3:14-16; 1 Peter 2:1 This very short and significant passage on the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, John 12:12-15, was . Some Jewish coins from the first century had palm leaf engravings with the accompanying inscription, the redemption of Zion. Note the palm symbolism that is portrayed in the book of Revelation (7:9). Deane, Zechariah, The Pulpit Commentary, Spence & Exell, Eds., Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, p. 92). 1. 24:26). This prophecy not only points to Jesusfirst entry into Jerusalem, but beyond to a future time when he comes again to bring the reward of eternal life toall ofthe faithful: The palm branches they used to honor Jesus, and to voice their to praise God, [So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him. (John 12:13)]. Fresco. Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Salem Media Group. Noted apologist Paul Copan confronts false, imbalanced teaching that is confusing and misleading many Christians by taking some of the most difficult Old Testament challenges and placing them in their larger historical and theological contexts. Jesus the humble servant, (Matt. 21:1-11; cf. The Triumphal Entry. not everyone was happy about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. (Note the restoration of the Feast of Booths when the Lord reigns:Zechariah 14:16-21, cp. Various clips from different movies depicting Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey as prophesied by the prophet Zechariah in 500 BC. Yet there will indeed come a time when Jesus will return in power and glory to reign over the earth. The History and Madness of King Herods Family, 11 Hebrew Words for Praise Every Christian Should Know, How Evil Began and What Christians Can Do About It, Ancient Mithra Worship and How It Mimics Christianity, How to Respond to Persecution Like Daniel, Why Jesus Tells Us to Righteously Judge Dogs and Swine. It must not be opened; no one may enter through it. Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. This prophecy was fulfilled in Matthew 21:1-11 when Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem and it was triumphant because he had done so without bloodshed on the side of the people. of Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the LORD; We have blessed you from the house of the LORD., are part of the Messianic prophecies fulfilled by Jesus including his rejection by his own people. Jesus Last Weekend: Remembering Palm Sunday. The prophet Zechariah prophesied that this would be the site where God's kingship would be revealed in the last days (Zec 14:4-9). (2) The OT prophet described the Messiah as just. He was to be righteous in life, and just in his dealings with man (cf. The devastation would be terrible indeed, but deserved entirely because they knew not the time of their visitation (Lk. Read the full scripture of this Bible story below and find related articles, videos, and audio sermons for more Bible study resources. Jesus was crucified on that Friday, Nisan 14 (April 3) of A.D. 33, on the day of "the preparation" of the Passover (Jn 19:31). Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Called into ministry before his birth, the priest and prophet Jeremiah soon became known as "the weeping prophet.". Then, they could overpower Romes dominance over them for good. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." 12:19). Blessed is he who comes. All rights reserved. Not that he needed to be saved from sin, because he never committed any sin (2 Cor. What is called The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem then, is merely a small snapshot compared to The Triumphal Entry when he enters Jerusalem the next time (through the Eastern Gate which he shall open: Ezekiel 44:1-3; Psalm 24:7-10) to sit on the throne of his father, David (Luke 1:31-33), ruling over all nations of the world (Zechariah 14:4, 9-11, 16-21). "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass" (Zech. 4:4), and die when his hour is come (see Jn. Second, in the ancient Biblical world, a leader rode on a horse if he was coming in war and a donkey to signify peace. What Suleiman didnt know was that he was fulfilling another prophecy found in Ezekiel 44:1-2 in which the Lord says, This gate is to remain shut. How to Spot False Teachers By Their Form of Godliness. In the first verse of Matthew's recounting of the entrance into Jerusalem, we hear that Jesus and the disciples were in Bethpage. Rev. He had plenty of reasons to weep during his forty years of ministry. 21:9; Mk. Instead, they would cry, Crucify him; crucify him, and let his blood be upon us and our offspring. As a result, divine judgment would engulf them with a fury unparalleled in all history (Mt. 7 They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. Heres why. 31 If anyone asks you, 'Why are you untying it?' Why Jesus Leaves the 99 Sheep to Find You. But, immediately after Jesus' triumphal . And so, they cried out accordingly, "Hosanna! O that it had; and yet would! Its incredible how it ties back in to Jesus. They would be questioned by the animals owners (plural Lk. you shall say this: 'The Lord has need of it.'" 11 And he entered Jerusalem and went into the temple. 11:9). The very peace they sought would be taken from them and, in its place, would come their enemies, the Roman armies actually Gods armies (cf. 11:1-11; Lk. You have successfully joined Steppes of Faith. 19:11-12). 24:21). Hosanna is an expression of praise with the prayer, Save us, we pray! A prayer of praise is extendedfor Jesus, Israels Savior and Deliverer who comes in the name of the LORD God Almighty. THE following morning, Sunday, Nisan 9, Jesus leaves Bethany with his disciples and heads over the Mount of Olives toward Jerusalem. The Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem marks the high point of his earthly ministry. Contemporary, Prophecy of the Triumphal Entry Zechariah 9:9, Adult Discipleship Opportunities - General, Adult Discipleship Opportunities - Seniors, Adult Discipleship Opportunities - Young Adult. And the crowds that went before him, and that followed, cried out, saying, Hosanna [save now!] Read Zechariah 9:9, looking for a reason why the Jews of Jerusalem would have rejoiced during Jesus Christ's triumphal entry. The prophecy under consideration reads as follows: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, your king coming unto you; he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon a donkey, even upon a colt, the foal of a donkey (Zech 9:9). Jesus, the Prince of peace entered Jerusalem on a donkey which symbolized peace. Every NT student knows that a part of Christs humiliation was that of material deprivation (Lk. What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple? It was the one He could see from the Mount of Olives where He prayed, and on a clear, sunny day He could see directly into the Temple. to the son of David: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. And when he was come into Jerusalem, the entire city was stirred, saying, Who is this? And the crowds said, This is the prophet, Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee (Mt. Mt 21:1-11 (NASB95) When they had approached Jerusalem and had come to Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, "Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you . Critics outside the church often accuse the Old Testament God of genocide, racism, ethnic cleansing, and violence. Untie them and bring them to me. While this verse from Zechariah 9:9 applies to the first triumphal entry of Messiah Jesus, the verses that follow suddenly jump ahead to include his next triumphal entrythat is, when he establishes his power and authority over all the nations to forge peace during his 1,000 year reign as King (Revelation 20:4-6). 9:6), and his achievements are not by means of bloody conquests (Jn. (b) His mission was in the name of, i.e., by the authority of God himself. After a moment of standing there, the angels reassure the disciples that Jesus will return to the earth the same way He was taken. The Jewish disciples doubtless were expressing the hope that Jesus would be the one to lead them to victory over their oppressor (Rome). Jesus had spent many months traveling through the . 39 And some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples." This weekend we will celebrate Palm Sunday. 11:29; Luke 22:27; Philippians 2:5-11) who rode upon a lowly beast of burden, did not come to call the self-righteous but humble sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32). 7:10; 11:7,11). The donkey represents the character of his kingdom. It is likely also the gate He exited through to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane the night of His arrest (Matthew 26:30,36), and the one He passed through 40 days after His resurrection when the disciples accompanied Him to the Mount of Olives before His last ascension into Heaven (Acts 1:9-12). Zech. which prophet prophesied the triumphant entry to jerusalem 29 Jun Posted at 20:22h in disney monologues, 2 minutes by what happened to the other winter soldiers le bossu de notre dame paroles infernal Likes [4] As the Messiah, Jesus offers us mercy and eternal life (John 3:16). - John 12:12-13. The prophet Zechariah was among the 50,000 or so Jews who returned in the first wave of Hebrews released from Babylonian captivity in 536 B.C. The Beauty and Promise of the New Jerusalem, The Day of the Great White Throne Judgment, The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Day of the Lord. Though it is formally called the East Gate, it is also known as the Golden Gate, the Gate of Eternal Life, the Mercy Gate, and sometimes the Beautiful Gate. This prophecy is actually the context of one the most misquoted verses today, Jerimiah 29:11. . Interset Research and Solution; which prophet prophesied the triumphant entry to jerusalem Mk. But imagine the kind of rejoicing there truly willbe when Jesus gloriously returns from heaven to save and exalt Israel, gather his Church, and bring peace to all the nations! Both Matthew and John contend that this incident was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. 7:30; 8:20; 12:23; 17:1). The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem 21 As Jesus and his disciples approached Jerusalem, they came to Bethphage at the Mount of Olives. Such glorious praise dovetails with the rejoicing to which I previously referred. Whats even better is that He continues to offer mercy and salvation to us until He comes again. All content appearing on this site is owned and maintained by the Fortify Your Faith Foundation, a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. So decide now to give your loyalty to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. 22:7). Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff. Untie it and bring it. 2:24, etc.). The story of the triumphal entry is one of the few incidents in the life of Jesus which appears in all four Gospel accounts ( Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-40; John 12:12-19 ). Zechariah 9:9; Mark 11:1-11 Psalm Sunday, March 16, 2008 As we approach one of the most celebrated holy days in our culture; there were two events leading up to that day, one is called Psalm Sunday where believers/Christians worldwide pay respects to Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem riding on an untamed donkey and the crowd shouting "Hosanna in the highest." PALM SUNDAY. Too often, churches today skip talking about Palm Sunday and move straight to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden - Bible Story, The Ten Commandments - Bible Verses and Importance Today, Parable of the Prodigal Son - Bible Story, The Resurrection of Jesus - Bible Story and Prophecy. The book of Ezekiel contains sections that some believe to be allusions to the Lord Jesus Christ.The triumphant entry into the temple is shown in Ezekiel 43:2 and Matthew 21:1-11 as the Lord's splendor entering the building.When Ezekiel 44:2 commands that the gate be permanently closed because the Lord has entered it, it is interpreted as a . When Jesus Christ rode in triumph into Jerusalem, He fulfilled a prophecy given by the prophet Zechariah hundreds of years earlier. And when they drew near to Jerusalem, and came unto Bethphage, to the mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying unto them, Go into the village that is just ahead of you, and straightway you shall find a donkey tied, and a colt with her: untie them, and bring them to me. This prophecy of the Messiah, Gods anointed king, riding into Jerusalem on a donkey was fulfilled when Jesus entered Jerusalem in the last week of his life the week we refer to as Holy Week. The people were expecting that Jesus would expel the Roman army that was occupying the city and establish an earthly kingdom. 21:11). 1:1). Consider these Old Testament prophecies of his triumphal entry whichare quoted in the Four Gospels (from the English Standard Version, ESV): Matthew 21:4. Abstract. Submit your prayer requests here! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! The sun is shining, the crowd is massive, majestic music is playing, palm leaves are waving everywhere, and the people are repeatedly shouting, Hosanna! Nor did they realize what more and greater things were still down the road for Israel, along with the whole world, more than 2,000 years into the future (Matthew 25:37-39; Revelation 1:7). Deciphering the Mysteries of the First Christmas, The Differences Between the New Testament Gospels, The Parable of the Laborers: Being First and Last, 11 of the Most Misinterpreted Bible Verses You Probably Quote (Part 2), 10 of the Most Misinterpreted Bible Verses You Probably Quote (Part 1), How We Know the Law of the Lord is Perfect, What the Bible Says About Speaking in Tongues, Why God Allows Evil to Exist in the World, Why We Need a Blood Sacrifice for Our Sin, Why Saul Hated Christians: A Brief Look at Pauls History, Why Christians Need to Read the Old Testament, 3 Heartbreaking Moments in Jesus Final Hours, The Parable of the Unjust Steward Explained, Is Jesus Kingdom Physical or Spiritual? Their response was to be, The Lord has need of them. Immediately permission would be granted. When Nehemiah built the gates of Jesus time, he gave each of thema name: Currently, there are only eight gates to the Old City of Jerusalem remaining and only seven of them are in use. 9:9; Matt. Consider the following important points in the prophecy. Jesus triumphal entry to the city of Jerusalem was a carefully orchestrated messianic act. . Nor did they realize what more and greater things were still down the road for Israel, along with the whole world, more than 2,000 years into the future. Part Two, The Science of Crucifixion: Was the Cross Necessary? 12:13). Interestingly, the use of palm tree fronds used by Israel to celebrate theFeast of Booths (a.k.a., Feast of Tabernacles)was a sign of rejoicing over Gods shelter of the Israelites during their forty years of wandering in thewilderness(Leviticus 23:40; Nehemiah 8:15-18). 19:33) as to what they were doing.