When the Lord wants to accomplish something He will use whomever He chooses. 16So David said to him, Your blood is on your own head, for your own mouth has testified against you, saying, I have killed the Lords anointed. . May you all be blessed abundantly in the Mighty Name of Our Risen King Jesus. Have you thought about how ridiculous it sounds that the enemy (Pharaoh), takes the slave out of prison and puts him in charge of his kingdom?? However, you can prophesy and have the gift of prophecy as an anointing or gift and not be a prophet. Give me a heart of patience so that I may wait for your perfect timing. The reading described me and blessed me. So here you have it, the physical manifestation of the anointing and mantle on his life, which is proof that while they may have stolen the physical mantle, spiritually nothing changed! (1 Kings 4:29-34), 2. This is for everyone and not just a select few; however, only a few ever put themselves on the altar. I felt this was important to share as a foundation before we talk about specific anointings. All of Solomons wealth came from people giving things to him, freely. What are they used for? It is a process, but oh so worth it. of the Messiah, Messianic prince We are entering the season when the Josephs will arise. Your explanations have been quite clear and enlightening. Anointing, Mantles & Spiritual Systems - YouTube A complete manifestation of the Spirit of God. Isaiah 10:27. I came across this site by accident or rather by divine direction. He has the power to make decisions that he couldnt make as a civilian. Who anointed David? While he inherited some what he amassed was on his own because of the wisdom God gave him. I had no idea what she was talking about. Also notable about Davids mighty men is their loyalty to their King, some were armour bearers too, so I would be thinking about excellence in serving God-given leadership as well. Let the Jehu Anointing and Mantle Arise! And it can be in the 7 mountains of society: I do believe there is a place for it in religion but I think we will primarily see this working in the other 6 more. I believe this is a picture of his 2nd mantle which was a promotion from the first mantle which his brothers took. The Lord said to Elijah, "Go and anoint, as prophet in your place, Elijah.". So Rehoboam instead of listening to the people and lightening the load of the work he decides to become even worse than his father and make it harder. None of these women were walking with God. Sometimes people dont know when they have enough and they just keep going after more and more and more. So, he wasnt really bragging. I shall be looking into more of them to receive further insight in Gods Word. I took a safe Haven back to my hometown church. Mantles and Anointings have a progression. How to Receive the Mantle God Has Destined for You - Enliven Publishing 7Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. Youre right, its more than money or mantles or gifts. Its burning away, cutting away the world, to be vessels of HIS glory, But were STILL human! This is not just a singer, it is deliverance minister using song. He had a greater appreciation for what he received and knew how to walk with the Lord to maintain it. Psalm 45:7. Even if there are other singers around with better voices she is always asked to sing. But I dont like how Christians needs private jets and sell stuff on TV like its our seed money. Thank you for the uplifting word. Do we have to sit under someone and learn from them to receive a mantle? Everything that I have written here is a really good springboard for you to read the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomons Mantle is a very rare thing in the body of Christ. David was a man of war. Now this all serves as a lesson to us that chasing money and fame is futile. 'Prophetic Prayer' Claims God Has Given Donald Trump 'Anointing for Those with the Joseph anointing/mantle are generally very good at their jobs. You know, there are many singers in our churches but not many anointed singers. Notice, he never told the Pharaoh that he was innocent. David didnt become King immediately after being anointed by Samuel to be King because he wasnt ready. She hasnt grown into it yet. The character and glory of God is developed in us by an intimate relationship with God called the anointing. Hmmm The Queen doesnt have to die to pass her mantle. It represented his appointment as a Prophet of God. Why is that?, They are very good at their job and thrive in their roles bringing much profit to the owner. Be strong, and do the work.. It was more than the gift of wisdom. Prophetic word for December 2018 Tevet 5779, The Hebraic Calendar First Fruits Blessing Prayers, pleading the blood of jesus prayer points, Mantles and Anointings Part 3 Solomons Anointing, In The Power of His Might: Spiritual Warfare Strategies Volume I, Prophetic Word Pay attention to the Boys, Coronavirus COVID-19 Prayers and Bible Verses, Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse, A Prayer for Physical Healing against various diseases and illnesses, Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority, Prophetic Word February 2023 -Sauls Armor. Thats all I have for you. 3. He will anoint whomever He wants to accomplish a particular purpose. Consider that one of the reasons David did not kill King Saul when he had a few occasion to do so was he knew Saul was still the King. Joseph right out the gate starts exhibiting the Seven Spirits of God. It brings me to tears. 32As for having two similar dreams, it means that these events have been decreed by God, and he will soon make them happen (The Spirit of Understanding). Well, this is a very big store and as I am going aisle to aisle shopping I noticed there was really not a lot of people theremaybe 5 people. With the mantle it is in position of authority and you can operate with no anointing. The current state of the United States of America presidency is a perfect example. Serve them online. We know that King Saul was wearing the mantle of King. It is really divine to be here. It made me to reflect on my life so far and has made me to understand most of the warfare that I have experienced. But then Potiphars wife approached Joseph, wanting to seduce him. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure" (1 John 3:2-3). If you dont have natural children you are a mentor to someone else and they may reap from the work you did. Also, a careful look at the book of Ecclesiastes after the insight you shared, helps us to see the essence of a Mans TIME here on earth. Who knows? Same rule applies with marketplace ministry. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. He wants to show you how he is redeeming those trials, even the failures, and how He is using them for His purposes. She still needs to learn, train, serve , position herself so that when the time comes she can step into the role. How to Receive the Mantle God Has Destined for You, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Enliven Blog - Prophetic Teaching by Helen Calder. The people destined for those anointings usually look the opposite of it until they get delivered. You dont sit under the producer because that is not where you are now. Then people started falling out of their seats unto the floor and demons proceeded to scream and come out of them. I think for the same reason, his mantle. At the end of the day its more than just gifts, anointings or mantles. The character and glory of God is developed in us by an intimate relationship with God called the anointing. Now, if someone who is anointed by God with no mantle holds a conference and doesnt obey and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, what do you think is going to happen? A mantle is a symbolic representation of the anointing. God's promise is that, as His divine children, we will be like the glorified Jesus Christ! However, evil has gained positions of power without being anointed for such a position. So start paying attention because there is something on you as well which you may not even realize is there. God uses those in oversight and authority to recognize and establish us in that calling at the right time. People are malnourished and need meat and potatoes. Which means, that is exactly why God left him there for an additional 2 years. Others were wiggling in their seats getting delivered from demons. Thank you for this teaching. Most people expect you will do to them what they did to you, but you wont! Then the next time I go in I paid attention and it happened again. If you read the entire story from start to finish it is hard not to see it. Pretty cool how 3 Marys were at Jesus side and appeared to them first. Hmmmm. The Anointing & Mantles - Part 1 - Firestorm Ministries, International So you see there is something to this God save the Queen. It is best to wear the one that is God assigned, anointed and appointed. It was a story like all the other stories in the Bible. More grace and blessings to the ministryp.s: Im sorry that my comment was quite long (this is the first time its happening, i didnt want to stop the flow). Find them online, follow their teachings, go to their church or conferences. So David had to get rid of the enemies and fight his way through to the top. He only said it because they needed it, We do not need to advertise ourselves in the marketplace. Store it away, and guard it so there will be food in the cities. The statement everyone in authority has been put there by GOD is erroneous and misleading. You have to use wisdom to get wealth. And the ministry God has for you will be above and beyond anything you could ever have dreamed. I pray this helped you to understand the mantles and anointings more. We become so completely surrendered because the only one that can get us out of it is God. The Mantle and Anointing of Stephen: Serving with Excellence - Revised I like shopping in Big Lots and there is this one cashier that really doesnt like working. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? So there is a time of process that we all have to go through from the moment God starts moving us into our role and purpose. Now, it says that he left his coat as he fled. of Cyrus I know, it sounds crazy but I witnessed it with my own eyes. It had the colors of the rainbow. If we have everything exactly the way we want it would we carry out the purposes of God? The story ends in Genesis 50 with Joseph saying that he wants his bones brought back to the land of promise when God comes to rescue and deliver His people. Ive known for some time that I have a financial mantle but I never really thought of the difference between Josephs and Solomons. Do you know those wealthy people who say they have no intentions of leaving their wealth to their children, instead they will give it to charity? Then I told her that she has the mantle. So, you will change from mantle to mantle until you get to the final position. In Part 1, there is a foundational teaching on mantles and anointings. Because they dont have a mantle. But the Revelations was almost to me real and connects to Daniel and John so I do think I have more than one gift. He willfully sinned against the Lord (Deuteronomy 7:3). Do you know how many wars Solomon fought? You can see the other projects he got involved with in 2 Chronicles 8. While she doesnt wear this garment everyday when she is out in public everyone knows she has the mantle of authority. Position me so that I will be in place when it is time. Joseph ended well and I think it was because of what he had to go through in his life. Shhhh. Coming back to the laziness, Im sure he may have thought it would be so much easier to make his enemies family members instead of going to war with them. But, I never linked the story of Joseph to myself. (1 Kings 19:19). This is a plot from the enemy. I told these dreams to the magicians, but no one could tell me what they mean.. As the other prophets watched, he took up his mantle and struck Jordon Here was Davids response to that, 2 Samuel 1:14-16 (NKJV) 14So David said to him, How was it you were not afraid to put forth your hand to destroy the Lords anointed? 15Then David called one of the young men and said, Go near, and execute him! And he struck him so that he died. 2Kings 2:1-25, "(1) The time had come for the LORD to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind. So David fought about 9 battles, thats not counting all the running he had to do from Saul or even Goliath. He supported him in a menial way and learned at his feet. They are operating under the authority of the mantle and not the anointing. You cant steal someones mantle. winks* Thanks for your understanding. I saw a video on my feed and the title says LOL got to the end of this where you said to pray for something. Lol. I believe Solomon had a lot of FREEDOM & TIME at His disposal, and this is why He could easily set himself up to study, desire, and get involved in loads of stuffs, pleasure, activities, bcuz He wanted to figure out the essence of Life. Generally, no one can explain how they got the position but everyone will agree they deserve it. Im not God- I believe in the Trinity. That role, that job, that ministry opportunitywhy was it taken from me? I believe every single one of us was born to wear some level of anointing and mantle. I have been richly blessed and strengthened in my spiritual journey to be in Gods presence. He was the favorite (favor) of his father and as a result his brothers were jealous and envious of him. Romans 5:3-5 New Living Translation (NLT). Because they understand that where they are now is not where they will end up. 3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Before he took up Elijahs mantle, Elisha was first a worker in his fathers fields. Deep level of Intimacy with the Lord. You can imagine how I got here? 19But then I saw seven sick-looking cows, scrawny and thin, come up after them. Did Rehoboam really need more money? For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. Welcome to our Encounter Conference!This morning is going to be filled with glory and power!Make sure to share this broadcast!Chapters:00:00 What happens whe. You can have Joseph's Mantle and Solomon's Anointing at times, you need to read about the difference between Mantles and Anointing to understand these are not the same thing. Blessings in the Name of the Lord Jesus! 20These thin, scrawny cows ate the seven fat cows. Wow! This post is a blessing! In this post I will talk about the Joseph anointing. Then I see a light come out of heaven and go through one side of the prism. Now how about we say God save the President..or Prime Ministeror Governor of my state, The Hebrew word is Mashiyach and it means, anointed, anointed one Elijah's Mantle, Elisha's Anointing. One of them always says to me when I approach dont you start with me now I know what he means because there is a line of people the minute he starts serving me. This is a free school and you can find it here https://glorytogloryschool.com Blessings. We should have both. I have been praying to the Lord for Clarity on his mission message and mandate for me and the marketplace and the kingdom and in the world and this article spoke directly to my spirit it gave me confirmation on things that God has said to me has shown me that I have written down the story of Joseph was the mantle that I felt months ago when my Apostle asked me what was God crowning my year with thank you for writing this article I thank God for giving you the words for this article they would definitely for my Divine place I thank you so much. In addition, she introduces words such as 'thrower' [mentor] and 'catcher' [mentee], showing how a mantle anointing is passed, received, and executed. Saul was requested by the people and allowed by GOD and not everyone ascends to authority that way. Forgetting the purpose and assignment. Is there not a famine of the word in the land now? Ive lived everywhere from Samoa, Tucson, Cali, Tenn, and now Hawaii. It is a timely information. Even though David was anointed to be king and he later got the mantle of the king, he still didnt build the temple because that was not his assignment. God still honored what he did even though he was walking in disobedience. We also know that David was also anointed King before King Saul died. God is going to raise up the Josephs across the 7 mountains of society. 22In my dream I also saw seven heads of grain, full and beautiful, growing on a single stalk. There is a reason Joseph actually went from the prison to the palace within the hour. Your actions and the fruit is what says you are saved. "Anointing" (The Process of God's Anointing His Servant Elisha) I Kings 19:19-21 "Next Level" Leaders Are: Serving . The coat of many colors his father gave him indicated favor, as well as his position as overseer to his brothers. You can actually function and operate in an anointing and not have a mantle. This is what the Sovereign of the UK wears and when she passes that mantle it will go to the next person (we think Prince Charles) and he will begin to wear it. There is a lady that I know and the first time I heard her signing the Lord gave me a prophetic word for her. Most people are in great battles tearing down generational curses and doing spiritual warfare. I thought to myself. I read the prayers also. Dr. You cant short change the process. Dear blessed MOP team, People Give to You. Most dont say pink they use indigo. . I guess Im going to have to work now, I asked her what she was talking about so she proceeded to tell me that the store had not been busy all morning and she was enjoying the peace and quite. Actually i already had a gift it is only that i recognize it now and he placed the robe on me because i reset my bloodline and broke generation curses like david who fought many battles. Mantles and Anointings Part 2-The Joseph Anointing - Missionaries Of Prayer He never told the Pharaoh that he was falsely accused like he did when he was in prison. The best thing for you to do is ask God to reveal to you what your mantle is. In 1 Samuel 15 we see that the Lord took King Sauls anointing and gave it to David in 1 Samuel 16.