Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. They have shown themselves to be as tenacious and determined in defence as they are courageous in attack. Available from World Wide Web: Day 8 (Thursday)is theLand of Nod,a cross country tab covering approximately 8-miles, including loops around the Land of nod a setof four very steep hills at a fast pace. All P Company courses are attended by volunteers from across the UK military who aspire to join the airborne forces. It differs only slightly from the Regular Armys Test Week the main differences being one less event (endurance march), extra time allocated to the 10-miler (10 minutes), the steeplechase (1 minutes) and the two-miler (1 minute). If an individual is unable to cope with the stress (physical and mental) of the course, after remedial work and a period to demonstrate improvement, the individual will be subject to RTU (returned to unit) procedure. P Company is the only recognised route for Regular and Reserve members of the UK military to become airborne soldiers. The Log Race, P Coy, ITC Catterick, March 2013. PCAU has a long-established relationship with the RAFs No.1 Parachute Training School, providing support for students of all ranks, and also RAF Instructors to enable courses to be conducted smoothly; this allows both students and instructors to concentrate fully on the main objective of producing trained military parachutists for operations. How Long is Parachute Regiment Training? Available from World Wide Web: Therefore we have created the Minimalist Equipment Cycle the only equipment needed is access to dumbbells or kettlebells. However, not all officers and other ranks will be eligible for subsequent service with airborne units, as jobs with these units are subject to career employment group (CEG) criteria and requirements of the Service. The Paraswas a BBC1TV documentary series about the BritishArmys Parachute Regiment training regimen. (2013) Wings Wrangle Ruffles More Feathers. It differs only slightly from the regular test week; the main differences being one less event (endurance march) extra time allocated to the 10 miler (10 minutes), the steeplechase (1 minutes 30 seconds) and the 2 miler (1 minute). In February 1942, C Company 2nd Parachute Battalion, under Major John Frost, carried out the highly successful parachute raid to capture a vital part of a German radar installation at Bruneval in northern France. We knew there was a better way to prepare than generic or anecdotal advice therefore The Parachute Regiment Preparation Cycle was designed. Its soldiers are trained to be resilient, disciplined, versatile, aggressive in battle and self-reliant. The P Coy programme takes students beyond their own appetite for challenge, testing their physical and mental robustness, and in doing so assess their commitment and suitability to serve with Airborne Forces. However we have a comprehensive list on our facebook community Stoic Conditioning Training Community (SCTC). Available from World Wide Web: It takes around three seconds for the parachute canopy to fully deploy and the low-level parachute descends at a rate of 21 feet per second. In the afternoon there is Battle PT, an introduction to the assault course and some casualty carries. In India the 50th Indian Parachute Brigade was formed. Having worked with many candidates a reoccurring theme was lack of programming knowledge. Many members are not on email so if you can please pass on this information to them by telephone or by printing it and posting it through their door. Soldiers journey to P Company begins, February 2017. Verbal briefings are provided to training and regimental units which are designed to inform airborne aspirants about service with airborne forces. During Test Week, candidates are expected to run, march and carry dead weights over 1-20 miles on undulating terrain (a total of 41 miles). baby carries, piggy backs,firemans carrys, leopard crawling and races in teams). Visit of recruits from ITC Catterick, Airborne Assault Duxford, May 2015. An insight into recruits taking on. Regular Parachute Regiment Recruits and All-Arms officers/soldiers undertake the same basic tests. On 08 July 2016, the MOD announced that all Ground Close Combat Roles (RAC, Infantry, Royal Marines and the RAF Regiment) would be opened to women by 2018 (British Army, 2016). However, you will always benefit from strength and conditioning training. [Accessed: 08 September, 2014]. The Test Week undertaken by recruits is identical to the one undertaken in Phase 3 of the AAPPS. Strength and conditioning is absolute key alongside the cardio! JSP 754 Tri-Service Regulations for Pay and Charges (latest edition). Perspective shots from 60ft up on the Trainasium, Catterick, May 2013. Corfield, A. Located within the ITC Catterick is: For more information about an infantrymens initial combined Phase 1 and 2 training and the Combat Infantrymans Course view: British Army Phase 1 Initial Training, Part Five. As part of this call, Churchill expressed a wish for a Corps of at least 5,000 parachute troops who he stated should be suitably organised and equipped. Failure to meet the appropriate standard for any event will result in failure and candidates being subject to RTU (return to unit). Group photo of part of the ITC PARA Catterick training staff, Intro Exercise 2, 2010. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Available from World Wide Web: P Company delivers a condensed 4-day PPS course tailored to the requirements of the 4th Battalion, The Parachute Regiment (4 PARA) and other Reserve airborne units. Available from World Wide Web: [Accessed: 08 August, 2016]. The accident occurred Feb. 19. Ernst was performing a high-altitude, low-opening jump, or HALO, at an airfield in Marana, Arizona, just outside Tucson. The exercise also supports other units continuation training in support of SPAG, including 148 Commando Forward Observation Battery Royal Artillery and the Fleet Dive Unit. The All Arms Pre-Parachute Selection (AAPPS) course is different to the Combat Infantrymans Course (Para) (CIC (Para)) that Regular Army Parachute Regiment recruits must pass. In 2011 the BBC aired the five episode documentary series Regimental Stories which featured the Parachute Regiment in episode two. Mounted on Pegasus, with spear in hand, Bellerophon rode into the air, swooped down upon the monster and destroyed it. Circuit training, running, swimming and a series of loaded marches increasing in distance are performed to aid physical development and develop course and team spirit. Fitness is the easiest part. Soldier (2014) P Company Revenge. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Landing and emergency drills for all situations that may arise during a descent. The Parachute Regiment Trg Company on Instagram: "827 Oudna Pl are currently in week 4 of training. 16 Air Assault Brigades core role is to provide the Air Assault Task Force (AATF) and as such is the British Armys rapid reaction force. Each descent is a progression from the last, starting from 1,000ft with equipment to a final descent from 600ft with full equipment, at night. December 2013, pp.54. Field Marshal The Viscount Montgomery (ParaData, 2014): What manner of men are these who wear the maroon red beret? January 2013, pp.51. This resulted in overtraining and a higher risk of injury. This is a 9-day intensive course for officer cadets from the 19 University Officer Training Corps. Specialist parachute courses are also conducted for both UKSF and Field Army/Royal Navy Fleet Units to train personnel in the skills of Static Line Square parachuting and Military Free Fall parachuting. 3. As directed, deliver the required collective training for all Force Elements assigned to the brigade and increase and enhance the deployability of soldiers within the brigade. Lindsell, J. Soldier: Magazine of the British Army. [Accessed: 08 September, 2014]. Candidates should also refer to the relevant DIN as published by the Sponsor Branch (The Parachute Regiment). The build-up phase lasts two and a half weeks (Tuesday to Tuesday) and consists of two concurrently delivered training packages: During week 2 aspirants will conduct Exercise Pegasus Dagger which consists of (not necessarily in this order): Snakes Pass which is an 11-mile run, then a navigation exercise in the afternoon which is approximately 20 miles, followed by the exercise phase which consists of a 5-mile stretcher race through the night wearing webbing and personal weapon. Typically, personnel will have to successfully complete this course in order to be put forward for the All Arms Pre-Parachute Selection course. Clapson, J. The Basic Parachute Course is four weeks long for regular troops. 1st Battalion (Regular Army): forms the core of the Special Forces Support Group and is based at MOD St Athan, South Wales; 2nd Battalion (Regular Army): parachute infantry component of 16 Air Assault Brigade based in Colchester Garrison; 3rd Battalion (Regular Army): as 2nd Battalion; and. The CIC (Para) takes civilians and converts them into Parachute Regiment personnel. (2014) Women Deserve to Earn Wings. Phase 1 is 30 weeks in total and it takes place at Catterick. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The initial training of the recruits of the Parachute Regiment is done at Parachute Regimental Training Center in Bengaluru. All serving Officers and soldiers who wish to join an Airborne unit must attend the All Arms Pre-Parachute Selection (AAPPS). 16 Medical Regiment Royal Army Medical Corps: 144 Parachute Medical Squadron: is the only Army Reserve medical unit with a parachute capability (has detachments in London, Glasgow, Cardiff and Nottingham). I understand that RAF personnel (other than No.2 Squadron) can still attend P Company. First transmitted in 1983. The common standards, both in the training and selection of prospective airborne soldiers, form a key part of The Parachute Regiment and 16 Air Assault Brigades ethos and culture. Based in Colchester, Essex, the brigade HQ is formed from both Army and RAF personnel enabling it to integrate Air and Land operations. The Regular Forces course (lasting up to three weeks); and. This distinctive head dress was officially introduced in 1942, at the direction of General Browning, and the Pegasus symbol (Section 1.2) became the emblem of British Airborne Forces. Test week starts on a Wednesday morning and will finish the following Tuesday. RN (Royal Navy) (2014) Royal Navy Submarine Service: Your Career Guide. Parachute Regiment recruits attempt Test Week at week 21 of their Combined Infantry Course (CIC). The decision is yours to make, however the UKSF cycle is mentally and physically challenging without the drive of attending selection this programme will test your motivation to train. The CIC (Para) is immediately followed by theArmy ReservePPS Test Week. Parachute Regiment recruits attempt Test Week at week 21 of their Combined Infantry Course (CIC). 1000 ft exit, single stick, no container, day; 1000 ft exit, single stick, container, day; 800 ft exit, single stick, container, day; 800 ft exit, single stick, container, night; 800 ft exit, simultaneous stick, container, day; 700 ft exit, simultaneous stick, container, night; and. Available from World Wide Web: Parachute Training As soon as you have passed P Company and earned your red beret, the priority is to get you parachute trained. Our Locations 2nd Battalion the Parachute Regiment Merville Barracks, Colchester 01206 817083 3rd Battalion the Parachute Regiment British Army (2016) Ground Close Combat Roles Open To Women. Day 9 (Friday)is the Paras 10, avery fast paced 10-mile tab to be completed in under 2 hours. I suppose it could boil down to: is pre-parachute training just another form of training or something more? Army Reserve Combat Infantrymans Course (Para) (typically two per year). The officers, both proponents of airborne forces, suggested that instead of berating Corfield for expressing his opinion the said individuals should back their corner with a reasoned argument. Major Paul Mort, HRH The Prince of Wales with The Regimental Colonel and Lt Col Radbourne, 10 September 2015. The AAPPS course, outlined here, lasts three and a half weeks and is delivered in three distinct phases: Screening is held on the first Monday of the course. 7th Parachute Regiment Royal Horse Artillery, including: 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment (formerly 23 Engineer Regiment (Air Assault)), including: 9 Parachute Squadron Royal Engineers (Combat Engineering Squadron), 51 Parachute Squadron Royal Engineers (Combat Engineering Squadron). As a result they have that infectious optimism and that offensive eagerness which comes from physical well being. [Accessed: 19 February, 2020]. Hilton, F. (1983) The Paras. parachute regiment training week by week. Test week for potential Parachute Regiment recruits is theweek to see if they have got what it takes to join the Para's. Recruits will be expected to run, march and carry dead weights over 1-20 miles on undulating terrain. Para (Special Forces), also known as Para SF, is a group of special forces battalions of the Parachute Regiment in the Indian Army.These units specialize in various roles including counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, unconventional warfare, special reconnaissance, counter-insurgency and direct action.. They are firstly all volunteers, and are then toughened by hard physical training. Pinnington, A. 16 Air Assault Brigade was formed on 01 September 1999 from two pre-existing formations, 5 Airborne Brigade and 24 Airmobile Brigade. News of Lt Hands attempt of, and subsequent withdrawal from, P Company provoked some lively (and frequently poisonous) discussions on the forum ARRSE (2005). The Airborne Shop is the official shop ofSupport Our Paras (The Parachute Regiment Charity RCN1131977). Day 12 (Wednesday)is the 10-miler, the final test which is a pass or fail. Defence cuts gradually reduced the reserve formations to a parachute brigade and then a single reserve battalion. Lowe, D. (2013) Time to Remove the Maroon Beret? The Gunner: The Regimental Magazine of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. SIMULATION* Final day scenarios for candidates on their enhanced first aid course for wind turbines at OPS Wind / OPS Training / Offshore Painting Liked by David Patrick. Section Four provides an outline of the course proper (the information most people are after) which looks at the various tests that must be successfully completed during, as well as at the end of, the course. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 10 underarm heaves to the bar. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. "My God, did I go with the wrong impression," Mark said. Day 3 (Thursday)is the first run, an introduction to Speedplay, which is a fast six or seven miles consisting of a mixture of runaways and hill rep work/pain stations. P Company is commanded by a Major (OF-3) from the Parachute Regiment who is aided by a number of Parachute Regiment personnel (and a Para-trained RAPTCI) who deliver the training. We provide information, advice, and guidance (IAG) on a wide range of military, health, and fitness-related topics. Available from World Wide Web: No 1054, Volume CVIII, Summer 2003, pp.44. A great week with SRMC 55, a big group of smart, funny, talented and engaged learners who, in line with #SRMCtribe tradition, smashed it. British Army (2018)Airborne engineer squadron returns to the ranks. Junior Soldiers tabbing at Catterick, May 2013. Soldier: Magazine of the British Army. Most visitors rapidly gain an insight into the demand for high standards of fitness required by paratroopers when invited to don complete Jumping Order with parachutes, heavy-weapons load and full-issue kit. After 11 weeks only 20 of the 41 recruits remain to take it. P Company is open to male and female officers and other ranks of the UK, except for No.2 Squadron RAF Regiment who undertake the RAF Pre-Parachute Selection course. Parachute Regiment Test Week: The Trainasium Test week for potential Parachute Regiment recruits is theweek to see if they have got what it takes to join the Para's. Recruits will be expected to run, march and carry dead weights over 1-20 miles on undulating terrain. 201 Battery 100 Regiment (V) Royal Artillery (works in support of 7 Para RHA). Students who fail to reach the required standard during each phase have to repeat that descent. Available from World Wide Web: Ultimately, in my opinion, the discussion should be about what pre-parachute and parachute training delivers by way of a soldiers ethos and contribution to military effectiveness. Did you know? Junior Soldiers undertake the Trainasium at Catterick, May 2013. Parachute Regiment recruits attempt Test Week at week 21 of their Combined Infantry Course (CIC). Some of the movements we programme have no true substitution. 600 ft exit, simultaneous stick,container, day (qualifier). UKSF Selection Aptitude preparation CYCLE. This is followed by a Battle PT session in the afternoon. Around 35-45 percent of recruits get rejected in the basic course of this training. SHORT COURSE: A FOUR day course for current or prior service . The maroon beret has since been adopted by parachute troops all over the world. The brigades core role is to provide the Airborne Task Force (ABTF), the British Armys rapid reaction force, which is ready to deploy anywhere in the world at short notice to conduct the full spectrum of military operations, from non-combatant evacuation operations to warfighting. the combining form for plasma minus the clotting proteins is parachute regiment training week by week luxury apartment hotels paris. By the end of 1940, No. The CIC is immediately followed by TA Pre-Parachute Selection test week. What is the Occupational Physical Assessment Test (OPAT)? [Accessed: 02 September, 2014]. Cheers. Permanent Staff, Infantry Training Centre, Catterick, December 1995. What is the Prognosis for Piriformis Syndrome? Steeplechase, P Coy, ITC Catterick, March 2013. Courses are always heavily oversubscribed and the PCAU does not routinely accept bids from individuals. At the same time Corporal Beth Boyden (of the Royal Army Medical Corps) writing in Soldier (magazine of the British Army) (2014, p.63) stated it really bothers me that there are no female soldiers wearing parachute wings. The exercise culminates with TA Pre-Parachute Selection test week. [Accessed: 02 September, 2014]. On Monday 18 April 2005 the BBC News (2005a) reported that the 5ft 3in, 23 year old Lieutenant Jenny Hands, a Troop Commander with 13 Air Assault Regiment Royal Logistics Corps, was going to attempt P Company and potentially become the first woman to earn the coveted maroon beret. 10-miles in 1 hours 50 minutes. Finally the TA Combat Infantryman Course delivers a 12 day Combat Infantryman Course (CIC) to recruits from the 4th Battalion The Parachute Regiment (4 PARA). For serving members of the Regular Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines and RAF there is no upper age limit for applying for P Company, subject to the medical and fitness criteria. (2013) Para Proposal Perplexes Personnel. Aircraft drills to enable students to properly exit a C130 Hercules aircraft; and. Passing Out photograph of 583 Platoon, December 1993. Theyre elite for a reason. Day 10 (Monday) andDay 11 (Tuesday)consist of introductionsto the log and the stretcher, which playa key part in test week. Performance indicators are included on our UKSF, Royal Marines and Parachute Regiment programmes. Day 9 (Friday) is active recovery consisting of swimming and stretch sessions. Members of No.2 Squadron are required to pass the arduous RAF Pre-Parachute Selection (RAFPPS) course in order to attend a military parachuting course at RAF Brize Norton. Ripley, T. (2014) UK Air Assault Brigade Draws Down. February 2013, pp.57. 604 Platoon on the ranges, Infantry Training Centre, Catterick, 1995. US Army Officer Recruitment & Selection Overview, US Navy Officer Recruitment & Selection Overview, US Marine Corps Officer Recruitment & Selection Overview, US Air Force Officer Recruitment & Selection Overview, US Coast Guard Officer Recruitment & Selection Overview, An Overview of the US Army Drill Sergeant, US Army Enlisted Soldier Initial Entry Training (IET), US Army Warrant Officer Selection & Training, US Marine Corps Recruit (Phase 1) Training, An Overview of the US Marine Corps Drill Instructor, US Marine Corps Officer Candidates School (OCS), US Navy Phase 1 Basic Military Training, aka US Navy Boot Camp, US Navy Direct Commission Officer Indoctrination Course (DCOIC), US Navy Limited Duty Officer/Chief Warrant Officer (LDO/CWO) Programme, US Navy Seaman to Admiral 21 (STA-21) Programme, Australian Defence Force Recruitment & Selection Overview, Australian Army Phase 1: Initial Military Training, Royal Australian Navy Sailor & Officer Initial Training, Canadian Armed Forces 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299 Signal Squadron (Special Communications), Australian Special Operations Command (SOCOMD), Australian Special Operations Engineer Regiment (SOER), Australian Special Operations Logistics Squadron (SOLS), 171st Aviation Squadron, 6th Aviation Regiment, Australian Defence Force School of Special Operations, Australian Defence Force Parachuting School, Royal Australian Navy Clearance Diving Teams, No 4 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, Defence Special Operations Training and Education Centre, US JSOC: Joint Special Operations Command, NAVSPECWARCOM: US Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC), US Naval Special Warfare Operator, aka US Navy SEAL, Selection & Training, US Naval Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman (SWCC) Selection & Training, USASOC: US Army Special Operations Command, US Army Special Forces (aka Green Berets) Selection & Training, US Army Ranger School Selection & Training Course, US Army Ranger Assessment & Selection Programme (RASP), AFSOC: US Air Force Special Operations Command, US Air Force Special Tactics Officer Selection & Training, US Air Force Combat Rescue Officer (CRO) Selection & Training, US Air Force Special Operations Weather Team Officer (SOWT-O) Selection & Training, US Air Force Combat Controllers (CCT) Selection & Training, US Air Force Pararescue Jumper (PJ) Selection & Training, US Air Force Special Operations Weather Team Enlisted (SOWT-E) Selection & Training, US Air Force Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Selection & Training, US Air Force SERE Specialist Selection & Training, US Air Force Battlefield Airmen Fitness Assessment (BAFA), US Air Force Special Reconnaissance (SR) Selection & Training, US Air Force Special Warfare Recruitment & Training Units & Organisations, US Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) (post-2019), MARSOC: United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command, US Marine Corps Critical Skills Operator (CSO) & Special Operations Officer (SOO) Selection & Training, US Marine Corps Special Operations Capabilities Specialist (SOCS) Selection & Training, US Marine Corps Reconnaissance Selection & Training, TSOC: US Theatre Special Operations Commands, JSOC: US Joint Special Operations University, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D, aka Delta Force), CANSOFCOM: Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CSOFC), Joint Task Force Two (JTF 2) Selection & Training, Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR) Selection & Training, 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron (SOAS), Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit (CJIRU) Selection & Training, Canadian Special Operations Training Centre (CSOTC), Canadian Patrol Pathfinder (PPF) Course Selection & Training, Canadian Advanced Reconnaissance Patrolman (ARP) Selection & Training, Canadian Basic Parachute Course Selection & Training, Canadian Search & Rescue Technician (SAR Tech) Selection & Training, Overview of German Elite & Special Forces, German Army Special Forces Command, Kommando Spezialkrfte (KSK), German Army Special Forces Command (Kommando Spezialkrfte) Selection & Training, German Navy Special Forces Command, Kommando Spezialkrfte der Marine (KSM), German Navy Special Forces Command (Kommando Spezialkrfte der Marine, KSM) Selection & Training, Bundeswehr Commando Course (Einzelkmpferlehrgang), GSG 9 (Border Guard Group 9 or Grenzschutzgruppe 9), GSG 9 (Border Guard Group 9 or Grenzschutzgruppe 9) Selection & Training, French Army Special Forces Command (COM FST), French Air Force Special Operations Command, French Special Forces Selection & Training, An Overview of Indian Elite & Special Forces, Indian Army Special Operations Forces Parachute (Airborne) & Parachute (Special Forces), Indian Air Force Special Operations Forces Garud Commando Force, Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (CoBRA), Indias Force One (Maharashtra State Police), An Overview of Chinese Elite & Special Forces, PLA Rocket Force Special Operations Forces, Peoples Armed Police (PAP) Special Operations Forces, Irish Army Ranger Wing (ARW) Selection & Training, An Overview of Philippine Elite & Special Forces, Armed Forces of the Philippines Special Operations Command (AFPSOCOM), Philippine Special Forces Regiment (Airborne) (SFR-A), Philippine First Scout Ranger Regiment (FSSR), Philippine Naval Special Warfare Group (NSWG), Philippine Marine Special Operations Group (MARSOG), Philippine 710th Special Operations Wing (710 SPOW), Armed Forces of the Philippines Joint Special Operations Group (AFP-JSOG), Philippine Army Civil Affairs Group (CAG), Philippine Presidential Security Group (PSG), Philippine National Police Special Action Force (PNP-SAF), Philippine National Police Maritime Group (PNP-MG), Philippine Coast Guard Special Operations Force (CGSOF), How to Encourage Professionalism in Your Instructors, An Overview of the (Military) Staff Officer, French to English Phrases: A Military Perspective, Stars & Generals: An Outline of the Highest Military Ranks, Stars & Generals Part Two: One-Star General Officer Ranks, Stars & Generals Part Three: Two-Star General Officer Ranks, Stars & Generals Part Four: Three-Star General Officer Ranks, Stars & Generals Part Five: Four-Star General Officer Ranks, Stars & Generals Part Six: Five-Star General Officer Ranks, Stars & Generals Part Seven: Six-Star General Officer Ranks, Stars & Generals Part Eight: Seven-Star General Officer Ranks, Stars & Generals Part Nine: Miscellaneous, Stars & Generals Appendix A: Military Units, Stars & Generals Appendix B: Officers & Early High Command, Stars & Generals Appendix C: Other Titles for General Officers, Stars & Generals Appendix D: Field Officers, UK Defence Operational Shooting Competitions, An Overview of the UKs Military Corrective Training Centre (MCTC), UK Military Orders, Decorations, Medals, & Commendations: Part 01, UK Military Orders, Decorations, Medals, & Commendations: Part 02, UK Military Orders, Decorations, Medals, & Commendations: Part 03, UK Military Orders, Decorations, Medals, & Commendations: Part 04, UK Military Orders, Decorations, Medals, & Commendations: Part 05, UK Military Orders, Decorations, Medals, & Commendations: Part 06, UK Military Orders, Decorations, Medals, & Commendations: Part 07, UK Military Orders, Decorations, Medals, & Commendations: Part 08, UK Military Orders, Decorations, Medals, & Commendations: Part 09, An Overview of UK Service Cadet Organisations: Part One, An Overview of UK Service Cadet Organisations: Part Two, An Overview of UK Service Cadet Organisations: Part Three, An Overview of UK Service Cadet Organisations: Part Four, An Overview of UK Service Cadet Organisations: Part Five, Flexible Service in the British Armed Forces,,, 148 Commando Forward Observation Battery Royal Artillery,, DCI (RN) 273 Wear of Parachutist Badge (1991-11-29), DCI (RN) 131 Reinstatement of Parachutist Badge (2003-11-14),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,