Many people do not live up to the values they espouse. The current plan is unsustainable. She has been a communications professional in health care for nearly two decades. In AAPS, we have a district where one elementary school has a 61% free and reduced lunch population, while another has an 11% frl population. It means that we properly screen and support learners that struggle or learn differently. Publication of candidate statements and opinions is solely in the interest of public service and should NOT be considered as an endorsement. Ann Arbor MI 48105 DEIA -I plan to analyze DEIA needs and implement sustainable interventions to ensure these needs are addressed. Mohammad has experience as a clinician, educator and researcher. 3. Prior to her election as Washtenaw County treasurer, McClary worked in the private sector as a stockbroker and investment advisor. A total of 84 students from Washtenaw County were among the more than 16,000 students nationwide selected as National Merit Scholarship semifinalists. Our staff needs to be compensated justly, as they provide the social emotional and mental health support that our babies need. Candidates for the Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education include: (top row, left to right) Barry Schumer, Jacinda Townsend Gides, Alex Wood, Paulette Metoyer, Jamila James, Leslie Wilkins and Andrew Spencer; (bottom row, left to right) Jeremy Lapham, Rima Mohammad, Kai Cortina, Susan Baskett, Lena Kauffman and Susan Ward Schmidt.Photos provided. Why/how did this happen? Should I be re-elected my goal is to continue the work already in progress. Based on the data, I plan to implement interventions and initiatives that can address these gaps and provide increased resources and support, such as dedicated time for teachers for development/training and extra tutoring for struggling students. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. He is a scientist trained in biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics who has been working in health care research and development to discover new medicines for patients. This will provide immediate results toward improving student achievement. However, technology is no cure-all and the board trustees need to be that oversight that ensures new programs and other changes in our schools are evidence-based, actually help our students in greatest need, and deliver results. Most importantly, a learning environment must be created that values each child and their needs. I believe that we are not preparing our children for adulthood and the world that is so different from the one we grew up in. Preparing AAPS students for a modern global workforce by engaging stakeholders to craft, high-quality, student-centered systems for AAPS. My goals are to address these key areas: 1. We cant say we care about equity if we also choose to create an unsafe environment for our most at-risk families and staff. One major priority that I have is around making sure that we have counselors, special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and specialized teaching consultants to make sure that all learners, elementary students in particular, are learning to their maximum potential, particularly in reading and writing. Think about these terms: puberty blockers, gender fluidity, minor attracted persons, institutional racism, equity (equal outcomes), equality (equal opportunities), diversity, redistribution of wealth, marginalized, and misinformation. Addressing the labor shortage which has been a national problem for a long time. Spelling and grammar were not corrected. Aug. 6, 1996: Defeats Pam Byrnes in the Democratic primary for Washtenaw County treasurer. Van Havermaat to win re-election to another two-year term on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners, representing District 9 in Ann Arbor. 1998 - 20079 years. I will advocate for high-quality research into the issues facing public education, and ensure that the voices of Michigans rank-and-file educators are part of any proposals to help our students succeed.Make Schools Community Centers Again. First, and most important, we must improve academic performance by Ann Arbor students. I want to make sure that ALL students, ALL families, and ALL communities are considered and consulted when policy decisions are made. The challenges facing Ann Arbor Public Schools are around issues surrounding diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism, transparency and community engagement, opportunity gaps, and learning and curriculum assessment. Creating long-term solutions to the childcare issues. She was in her early 20s at the time, and served in that part-time role through 1988. Locally, at the board of education level, our challenge is to build back confidence in our public schools, show that we can raise learning achievement for all students, provide wise oversight of public funds, and create the broad community support we will need when some of the current local bond funding the Ann Arbor Public Schools rely on comes to an end. I plan to analyze and address opportunity gaps in education to ensure consistency throughout the district. This was a consequence of each member of my family spending their entire work/school day in public schools. Public education should stick within budgetary limits. 467 Dhu Varren Rd, Ann Arbor, MI is the residential address for Paulette. McClary gets 91,178 votes (86.5%) compared to 14,235 votes (13.5%) for Cashman. Public school as an institution is under threat. In-person quality public school is simply essential and cant be compromised. Dr. Paulette M. Metoyer has 14 years of experience in internal medicine. I also have a goal of advocating for an updated curriculum that includes Social Emotional Learning as well as Restorative Justice . DATE? I want schools to stop pulling kids away from their parents influence. The general fund, the majority of which covers teacher salaries, has limited flexibility is rightly spent cautiously on District priorities. Re-establishing relationships with other key stakeholders in the community. 5. Nov. 4, 1986: Defeats Republican David J. School must be safe, and all our students deserve to feel like they belong, full stop. Also my lived experiences have shown me that systemic racism is still harming Ann Arbor students. I will accomplish this by being vocal about the needs of the most vulnerable and encouraging my fellow trustees to support my goals while engaging our Superintendent. How we choose to respond to this ongoing public health crisis is a clear representation of the districts commitment to equity (or lack thereof). As a board member I pushed to disarm the SROs in the Monroe County schools, and when the Indiana state legislature passed a bill allowing school districts to join social justice education with curricula, I very quickly wrote and passed our districts resolution to do so. This will also positively impact student achievement. Education. What should be done to improve student achievement in Ann Arbor? Paulette Metoyer ran for election for an at-large seat of the Ann Arbor Board of Education in Michigan. 4. School is the one place no matter your race, your socioeconomic background or where you come from, all of our children come. Students thrive when they are safe, healthy, free from harassment and can see themselves reflected in the curriculum. To be clear, this doesnt mean Im trying to speak on behalf of BIPOC families; I plan to intentionally listen to their voices, and bring their issues, opinions, and suggestions to the board. One day a week on virtual school especially disadvantages kids without adults at home during the day to assist them, kids with unreliable housing, and kids that need the support of the school community. I would also engage the educators, parents, the business community students, and everyone with a stake in public education to collectively determine a plan for funding and implementing the strategies from the Launch Michigan Framework (; the National Center of Educational Excellence and the Economy (; Detroit Disability Power (; Center for Disability Justice ( and the Therapist Neurodiversity Collaborative ( policy proposals including how to develop Effective Teachers, Principles, and Administrators are available at: Im an advocate for students of color, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, and students with special education needs. As a parent, she has volunteered in her childrens schools and served as a board member at their Montessori school before being elected as a trustee of the Monroe County Community School Corporation in Indiana. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). It will be important to measure the immediate and long term impacts of expenditures when prioritizing them in the budget. These problems reflect a changing and chaotic society. For example, students at Pathways get the old Chromebooks while students at Skyline get newer ones. Communication will be a major part of my service as I will make myself accessible to all stakeholders in our school districts learning community. There is clear empirical evidence that school closings were inefficient in stopping the community spread of the disease. Fostering community input and discussions at all levels. Nov. 4, 2008: Wins re-election for a fourth four-year term as Washtenaw County treasurer. I am surprised at how many people are eager to fight against keeping children safe, learning actual history, or reading diverse books because they personally find the safety plan or lessons uncomfortable. This will take many discussions and forgiveness. We need to look at our budget in a way that prioritizes the social emotional well being of student; that is the balance that our budget needs to meet the needs of our children. Once assessed, a teacher needs to develop an individualized learning plan. My family struggled and we have lived through tough financial, social and emotional struggles, including racism and poverty. Except where otherwise noted, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Im committed to reviewing current district policies and consulting with families to determine which policies are most helpful in supporting equity, and which ones are harmful. Her current four-year term runs through 2016. She had also run unopposed in the August Democratic primary. I believe that its never too late to go back and choose to do the right thing, even if that thing will be difficult, so I know I am up for the challenge. In order to achieve an equitable public-school system the district ought to implement a comprehensive DEI strategy with quantitative measures of equity. As the school board is changing so is the leadership at the University of Michigan and Ann Arbor City Council. Nov. 6, 2012: Wins re-election for a fifth four-year term as Washtenaw County treasurer, defeating Republican Marlene Chockley. We have an opportunity to used the $1Bn AAPS infrastructure bond to invest to invest in: improving building efficiency using LEED green standards; renewable energy sources like solar and geothermal; and to transition the transportation fleet to electric. She runs unopposed in the general election, and had also been unopposed in the Aug. 5, 2008 Democratic primary. Metoyer lost in the general election on November 8, 2022. He also serves as vice president of The University of Michigan Professional Nurses Council. The challenges that will face the Board of Education, then, are challenges of building the future while shoring up the present. Her age is 74. I am the only incumbent running for re-election. For a district that very vocally prides itself on equity, choosing to allow the federal program to expire with no backup plan, giving families only a few days notice that school would start without the meals theyd relied on for 2 years was a shocking choice. The first four goals are: 1) to hear from our community 2) Enhance our work on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility 3) Continue to enhance academic, social, emotional and mental health.