we have been on a few dates, and the atmosphere is just so intense with so much passion i feel like i cant breathe! Scorpio Man & Virgo Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex & More RGht now we are kinda giving each others space. Virgo. Sex for this man is an . AI mean I understood his situation with his uncle L. L. But he got a car to use to visit me instead. I met a scorpio guy few months back.we hit it off amazingly. Being methodical in nature, a Virgo zodiac male and an untamed Scorpio female seem to a non-compatible pair. This is a good pair, Im with a virgo girl and im a scorpio we loving it. Virgo Woman Scorpio Man Compatibility: 23 Vital Insights - Destiny Awakens Extroverted Evolving (willing to consider there is growth available and seeks to find truth and compassion towards others in all situations). every word defines my relationship. Scorpio man Virgo woman compatibility may be mysterious to the rest of us, but it seems to make sense to them. Well, needless-to-say she didnt contact me, so I didnt contact her. I couldnt get rid of him! even the guy above FAILED MISERABLY to see that his Virgo female moving on was HIS fault, after his MOM died (sorry for that, but dont punish others!) They have many common personality traits and can complement each other. While paired together, a Scorpio man and Scorpio woman lack the mismatch that often leads to boredom with other signs and compatibility comes easily. A Scorpio man's ability to become cold and withdrawn in a fight is at odds with a Virgo woman's preference to hash things out. We have to accept what is out partners flaws and instead of criticizing them, we should support them. The Taurus man and the Virgo woman make the perfect romantic pair. I pray your Scorpio is not like that and I wish you all the best. If youre a perfectionist yourself, it will be a little easier. Even an unlikely outing or setting could spark a romantic mood. If he says he has a girl and hes not leaving herhes not leaving her. We are so in love it feels like a dream I often wonder how i got so lucky to be with a man like him although there are some things that we need to work on in our relationship I know he loves me so much and i as well. In short thats why I HATE this Scorpio. I feel as if I just grasp the hands of that elusive lady named destiny if only with just my fingertips when I think about her but do I stay or let this one go? Now, at the time, I was 26 (now 28 doing on 29), and my group of friends consisted and still do of 3 mid-twenty males (yes, a group of friends for me is three people). Its been 2 years now. maybe for revenge hahaha funny scorp u got to love them once u understand their full of ego and emotions!> not a very smart combination but one a VIRGO WOMAN can handle!. He works at the warehouse and I work as an associate.. Weh dated once and we fell in love right then and there.. (Scorpios will cling to you no matter what! A Scorpio man and Virgo woman experience love and romance in different ways. They learn a lot from being in each other's presence, and often they communicate with each other without the need for words. She can sometimes be very critical of him who never appreciates it; in fact it creates differences between them. Scorpio Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility - Luvze The Virgo woman im with already had a man when i started talking to her and was still with him after we had sex. Virgo has to admit they are not perfect else she will believe its just scorpio lying to manipulate her . im a virgo woman and scorpios are the only sign that can handle me i knw them like da back of my hand..the good thing about them is only the sex if u a virgo u know scorpios bring out ur sexual side..they really take u there if u know wat i mean but the bad part is they lie cheat and manipulate they love to play mind games and somehow i always end up falln for them and end up gettn my heart broke like how im feeln right now over onei currently broke it off wit da scorpio man i was just dating he play to many mind games and i still manage to fall in love wit him ugh i wish love came with a receipt or refund cus all he gave me was false advertisement like all scorpio do on the surface is wat exactly wat they want u to see til u really start to see there true colors ..he wasnt anything like i thought he was so WORD ADVICE TO ALL VIRGO WOMEN STAY FAR AWAY FROM SCORPIO MAN!!! Sumbdy tell bloody scorps dat virgos r nobodys fool.He ws nt a giver,but want everythng.In 2 yrs, he gave me just 1 red rose when we met first time.He used 2 sleep arund evry single women he met. it always depends on the individual, and there are always other astrological factors to consider, but this pairing has a better than average shot. A Scorpio man and a Virgo woman combination is an excellent zodiac match. @VeryVirgo911 I feel the same exact wayits really amazingweve been together for about 6 months. Wow.. From the start we both were in serious relationships with other people however now both of us have broken up and single for roughly 7 months. Then all of a sudden she has to move a few hours away and I dont get to visit for about another 2 months (mind you I hate phone talk and that didnt lead on to anything but giggling and chatting), called her up said i was in town got to visit her a couple of times but there was no talk of an us I had to leave the 2nd time because of the landlord so my luck had run short she asked if i wanted to go swimmin the next day sweet this is my chance! we ended up headin home early. Virgo & Scorpio. Scorpio Man And Virgo Woman Compatibility In Love & Relationships Im Scorpio woman but I like a Virgo man but he has his girlfriend. @jackieoFucking true. The Scorpio in me was seeing the truth about the virgo female but the truth scares virgos. Im not leaving, well work it out- I love you I know you love me It is like calming and soothing that small child who cant comprehend anything but anger in that moment, the words however, help us calm down and re-ignite the love in us to serve and protect, let go of the selfishness and be there for our lover! Virgo Woman Scorpio Man - A Challenging Intuitive Match We finally sorted this out and through soooo much patience and coaching I finally got her on some steady ground. (I walked in on an old g/f in bed with another man- lets not discuss what happened but there wasnt a single gift I gave her left in the country. Save. Another Scorpio is best friends with my Aries ex. I think some where its also a virgos faults too. We have been casusl friends for about nine years, and I have never looked at him in any other way. 1. You will be left standing along wondering what the HELL happen? He is not the typical man; his love goes much deeper for the people he loves including his family, friends and the lady of his life. It is lik my relationship has veen talked here. And, when I hold him, and he holds me, between all his other commitments, there is peace and he can rest, and we are in a place all of our own. but still my heart aches for her sometimes I see bad dreams, I immediately call her and she also responds properly saying Main theek hun(I am okay). only to find out he is engaged and when I asked him about us, he never responded. I am a Virgo woman and have been with my Scorpio for almost 13 months. With a partner who won't attempt to guilt them into rushing things, building trust and respect is a . It has been 4 months now and he hasnt replyed to my letter asking him is it over? Few days back, we broke up after which i said pretty bad things to him and he just said that i am the reason of all this. His shit dont smell like roses!!! There are times when a man needs to focus on nothing to rebuild his testosterone so he can then spend it on the next thing he needs to focus on. Ooh yea i forgot. the following week we met up (by chance I thought- only to find out it was orchestrated)and true to my virgo roots I was aloof and distant. For three months, there not a single call from him, just a few messages here and there. Dont try to change scorpio. But ours lasted for 6 years. Advice dont tell a Virgo anything private. Henry, I just got out of a relationship with a Virgo women who is supposed to be a lesbian. But im not going to give up on all Virgos because of her. Then almost 2 months is coming he told me we should not make love that often so he would miss me. The dark sides of us are easily kept at bay in the following ways We only know we can trust ourselves, we back into a corner and scheme a way out of being trapped by someone we are hurt by. Both have to make some changes in order for the love to flow freely in the bedroom and feel the ultimate satisfaction of physical intimacy. Beautiful relationship. Virgo woman and prefers to be a gemini man, sex on the gemini woman love. Scorpio has a way of always justifying their wrongs as menial and making your issues with them seem unimportant and that pisses a Virgo off cuz we take our views very seriously especially when we constantly express whats bothering us. No one understands why were together, but somehow in the midst of all our fuckeries, we just work. Virgo woman and Scorpio man have great communication, but without her knowing, the Scorpio holds things back and keep to him in his ever lying depth. I try to be, but as any Scorpio being truthful about themselves will tell you we have a lot of emotions bubbling around inside, many of which are hard to pinpoint which means next to impossible to understand. Virgo 's ruling planet is Mars, the planet of wisdom and communication. Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, and Chemistry Definitely lucked out this time around . He said the he loves me and i was falling for him hard. Are A Virgo Man & Scorpio Woman Compatible? Here's The Deal - Elite Daily Scorpio man and Virgo woman? Experience with this and thoughts? He is like jekyl and hydehe can seems distant at times..We are not married and he just found out he has a 20 year old daughterI think sometimes hes with me until he finds someone betterI feel I am a wonderful women who any man would love but cant imagine my life without him and i dont want to because we share wonderful moments as well. Then there is the erotic side of the Scorpio man who needs to release his lust and passion in the bedroom. Hes a family man and a hardworking man which I love; he really does complete me because I can be mean and critical at times (Im a perfectionist and I drive myself crazy at times lol). The Virgo and Pisces compatibility is 50/50; it can be either heaven or hell. He stopped putting effort in our relationship, i was the one who contacted him all the time, then he said that he is sorry that he was not able to give time to me. he ended up making a fool of himself and trying all ridiculous things to get my attention. Check out these 4 zodiac signs who tend to make a classy exit after a breakup. Its been a week and I still have made no attempts to contact in respect of giving her the space I know she desperately wants. We will make you experience romance of magnitudes that some signs are incapable of.Honestly, I feel like Virgos are indecisive,insensitive at times and a bit prudish in bed but with time yoll eventualy open up.I love how intellectual virgos are and how they communicate. if he is talking to your friend though, there probably isnt much hope. I think the main reason is communication. Very unexpectedly, we were reintroduced and, honestly, Ive never looked back. Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility in 2022. . The Scorpio man is a sensual being who wants to experience a complete union with his partner in bed. He is a very loving and loyal guy, going to such lengths as to ride his bike hours to come see. Hi Virgo woman PLEASE run when you see a Scorpio male. Virgo needs full disclosure and honesty once trust is established, and that can be a challenge for Scorpio. Hes hard to deal with. See, a lot of us Scorpios dont make the connection that the constant emotional flux within and our stoic exterior means were not in control. So bear with me here.. , I, as a Virgo, tend to shy away from men who are overtly showering with their affection It sucks for me because that sort of attention sort of repels me, makes me run in the other direction if its what Id consider un-called for or unexpected.. Not part of our divine plan since it isnt something we (ourselves) are puttin out there but instead its comin from an outside source. They move too fast for my tastethinking that its love or whatever when I show the slightest bit of interest. This meant that when I fell in love, I fell in love with my entire being; because I believe she (the love interest) deserved that respect. I didnt intend for that to happen, in fact that was the last thing I wanted, but it happened. Both Scorpio Nd virgo have plenty of positive traits. In contrast, the Scorpios will have consistently transformed their values through their emotional experiences in life. All you Scorpios out theredont be afraid to open up and love your Virgos. You are both feeling worried about finances and contracts, perhaps from some unresolved . Virgo and Taurus. he is all of what has been said above, the good & the bad. huh? I find this article to be very accurate. The thing is, this girl is 75% into women. Im glad you got something out of it. I tried having her virgo stop having such a negative out look on her Virgo past. Your Match: Scorpio Man and Virgo Woman Love Compatibility And i loved it all. You will lose them instantly because we love with no limit and hard. Rich woman looking for older man & younger woman. Virgos are intelligent and sharp. We can be tender hearts too, even if we dont show it. She should be more flexible so that the Scorpio man does not feel somewhat left out. I let her know upfront that it was I who used to give her blank calls occasionally. Scorpios PLEASE take your time with these virgo women and let them know you are in a relationship or seeing someone before you start talking to them, a virgo woman will appreciate this.. She loves the competition anyways. Virgo to Capricorn: Zodiac Signs Who Tend to Make a Classy Exit After She was absolutely in love with me. He can effortlessly explore a situation and can be pretty critical regarding it, if needed. They like to have their cake and eat it too.. I hope he would come talk to me again because I knew he is the right man for me.. BDW age doesnt matter too because Im 27 and he is 24. Something he said to me when I took the step and made the choice to be with him entirely, was if you love something, let it go, and if it comes back thats how youll know Judith's insights on the scorpio man and the dating a reasonable sign. So, I lost a mother, and a best friend. Ive had a therapist for 7 years whom I talk to every week, to evolve myself as a man. I was raised by a single mom and was taught to love and respect women from an early age. He said he doesnt feel the same, but I know that he is lying/hiding his true feelings because of little tidbits he has given me. She has much respect for him. II felt as if I was spanked in the face.. That was in the middle of the night theres no way for me to walk out and go home.. I am a virgo woman who was with a Scorpio man. Virgo man, Scorpio woman: Marriage and family life. This is a woman whose intentions and inner states are often misunderstood. He helps her to understand that everyone has imperfections and one needs to love one another with those imperfections, and not for what other wants someone to become. I've dealt with a Scorpio man and Scorpio woman (masculine of center). But He showered me with gifts and says He loved me and asked me to marry him! They're considered one of the best, if not the best men for a Virgo female. @ Anthony: Let Virgo girl know you exist, contact her through text or email first. But, I do have a Scorpio rising, which might help me a bit as I navigate this man. I digress; I find so much in my life uncertain now. I personally have never been physically or mentally abusive and never even thought to be, i dont think that is a Scorpio trait, i think that is just how the man was raised or just how he is. Meh. Baby, something has gone south and youre very hurt, this is making things awkward, please work through it. However he does have some typical scorpio traits. He goes to any length to keep the ones he loves safe and sound. As an earth sign, Taurus is grounded and generally laid back. Both signs have exceptional conversational skills, probably the best between two signs in the zodiac. I love him, I know he loves me. A Virgo woman will quickly establish a firm grip on the . You were smart to put your foot down, because its what Scorpios need in order to understand the people theyre dealing with. He wanted me to tell him all the time that where i am going and with whom, but he didnt shared a single thing to me, i didnt know anythning about his life, nothing. Scorpio man and Virgo woman can make a great match because there are many hidden similarities in how these two signs approach to love and romance. Of all the Water signs, she is the one that represents the . he will talk bad about you then, when u dump himbut whenever people are not looking he will beg for you to take him back!. Virgo and Scorpio can make a balanced and loving couple. That killed my trust, it is one of the few people on this earth to this day that I still dont have any issue with her passing life on and never talking to her again. I scorpio male say the past is the past leave it there leave it alone and just grow from it move on. It hasnt been a year since her passing, so the scar is very fresh and it hurts even as I type this out. But control is never really something we or anyone else ever have. Its take it or leave it with them. The mental abuse has stayed even to this day not ( just not as bad & easily managable) The physical abuse started after 2nd child @ 4 mnths of age..Physical Abuse started 2 yrs & 4 mnths & 4 days after weddingchoking, punching, slapping,pulling my long hair & throwing me on the concreteSCORPIOS ARE DANGEROUS he has ALWAYS threstend to kill me still I have people who know if I come up missing it is MY HUSBAND tell cops !!! Are Scorpio man and Virgo woman compatible? : r/Scorpio - reddit what defense do we have but LOVE, & even that GETS OLD! What i dont understand is that if there is any problem, then why instead o sharing it with me, he kept silent??? be true to your hearts. & no flaws to ponder on But like anyone else we are not perfect. Amen. Such situations can create long term troubles as well if they do not communicate and resolve the issues. On the other hand, the world famous depth of Scorpio man troubles her as this gives her the feeling of dissatisfaction and uninvolved in her own mans life. I see that now. He just so happened to be a Scorpio. oh well, you got what u deserved. Ive got one word for him honey: NEEEEEEEXT!!!! 1. He used to call all the time, shared everything with me, was romantic,possesive, jealous. So now we are in a good space. She has my back and calls me on my $hit. They want you to LEAVE so they dont feel bad. you know what im a virgo woman and i have talked to a scorpio male for like a year and a couple months we are not together but i do like him alot but he has a girlfriend the reason we are not together is because he play to many head games he dont share his feelings at all with me theres no reason to be with him because if he cheating on his girl that he says he love with me then he would cheat on me and im not going down like that my thing is i just cant let him go we stopped talking for like 3 months but that didnt work cause he came right back to me so i could never be in a relationship with a scorpio because they are all the same smh!!!!!