Almost impossible to get into unless you know a ton of girls in the chapter, are beautiful, and from an affluent neighborhood. Pi Beta Phi at Arkansas is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what is posted on here. Chi O and Zeta both run with PKT and Fiji a bit. DG has been steadily dropping. Rather than judging women before you even meet them, why not talk to them and see if it is right for you? ), the general scheme seems to have been to put the big unde. hey!! It is probably true that it depends on the chapter, but most of your impressions are pretty accurate. Zeta did have a great year but you guys are not rushing against PKT. You seem very accurate in your general portrayals of the different sororities. Pi Beta Phi is known as Pi Bitchy Phi and is the recognitized,as far and above,'The Top' sorority on my huge Greek-led campus. My friend got asked how much her dress cost when she was pledging. Signedproud member of DDD. Pi Phi/ Theta Alpha Phi girls are generally thought of as partiers who like to drink and have a good time. I agree with a Samantha, that the author seems to be harshest on Pi Beta Phi and fawns over the Kappas. Its hard to generalize about a sororitys reputation nationwide; there are many differences from campus to campus. ADPi: Dont know much about them either besides for their philanthropy they make pancakes.I don't predict them changing anytime soon. Overall Theta competes with Pi Phi and Kappa (less with Kappa in the past couple of years with their suspension for hazing and having to snap bid like twenty five girls a few years back). Some sororities are more social than others, hosting parties and events while others are more low-key. Shame on you. The biggest sororities have hundreds of chapters across the U.S. and abroadthe oldest have been around since the 1850s. The national organization stresses Christian ideals. Chapters are generally considered to be well-organized. Sorry. This stereotype is, of course, hotly disputed by the Zetas themselves. AXO: party girls who could be big 6 but got cut due to lack of connections, unluckiness, or bad reputation. The reputation of each sorority is DIFFERENT at every sorority you go to. Chi-O: A lot of girls seemed to prefer Chi-O to Pi Phi and Kappa. (Hang w/ Tri Delt, some Zeta, and some PKT + Sig Ep, KA, and some Fiji) -Drop- They're smart in that way.They use their elevated social status to close the court doors. Recruitment may officially start in August, but the active members of the sororities have been behind the scenes recruiting since the winter and some incoming freshmen have been recruitment targets for years. plan on rushing and MEET THE GIRLS. Dont have to be pretty to get in. They will still be in your house rushing for you next year instead of rushing for Alpha Phi. Looks can come and go, boyfriends change but sisterhood is a lifetime. This is the most ignorant post I've ever read. When they put on this show of being social, they can become unclassy and sloppy. They got lots of girls who made it through two rounds of at least one of PKT but then got dropped. I never knew anything about this stuff, and your take on their reputations was a lot more interesting than reading a wikipedia of their history. Some would consider Kappa top house at UT. F off with this. These [] Tri Delta does not. Sorry. If you pledge a sorority and then aren't sure it's right for you, make your decision before the initiation process. With national chapters having hundreds of thousands of members you can't possibly categorize all of them into a few nasty words. Beware, some of my info may be out of date. Also, they're extremely confident girls, and they really do not care what others think about them. Girls that drop rather than be in these houses are making a big mistake. Each chapter differs from each campus, and obviously you didnt take that into consideration. Very beautiful girls and their house is the best IMO. I'm so glad that i read all the comments before leaving this page. If you want the basics (i.e. (Hang w/ Pi Phi and Kappa + SAE (Texas Rho) and some Fiji) Not to mention the hipster/edgy type. They just want to have fun. Overall Theta competes with Pi Phi and Kappa (less with Kappa in the past couple of years with their suspension for hazing and having to snap bid like twenty five girls a few years back). Most girls are pretty and nice, probably one of the more classier sororities. Very beautiful physical house and girls. Zeta She did not have anyone in any houses pulling for her as our high school is very lowly represented at UT. Houses that think all they have to do is take quota and that will keep them comfortably above AXiD will be wondering how they ended up on bottom. Most of the girls who were debutantes with me were Pi Phis. Phi Mu is very popular at LSU, but NOT at Arkansas and they even lost their chapter at UA bc they couldn't maintain their numbers. I agree that you have to look at each campus to determine the "worth" of a sorority. Yes Zeta did well. I am happy to say I still have close friends from college 20 years later, sans a sorority. I think Delta Delta Delta is right on. I never felt compelled to join myself, but you are right, those that do good charity work should be admired. dg is in NO WAY on the same level as achio, they have been going down for years and this years PC proved that. Just saying what is the truth now. Its obvious that the woman who wrote this didn't like this group because she (or he) mentioned about a hundred times how "Fake" or "Plastic" , etc. Obviously it varies from university to university and chapter to chapter. Why is it that every other day we get some insecure big 6 girl coming in and posting a thread like this to reaffirm the outdated social hierarchy theyre so desperate to maintain. :). They can be really snobby to girls on the first day. Article seems slanted. Pi Beta Phi girls ("Pi Phis) are considered by most to be top-tier but also have a reputation as fake and superficial. Rush at UT/Sorority Reputations - The University of Texas at Austin To stereotype any organization and the members a part of these organizations is belittling of what these organization were founded on. Lissa Clason from Fayetteville, NC on October 17, 2014: Delta Gamma became infamous a while back due to an angry, profanity-filled email by a member of the University of Maryland chapter. Even with some of the negative comments (which are expected and should be from every house), I have to say that this is pretty spot on for Texas schools, Bama, and Ole miss (theta exception for rebels). DZ members take pride in their deep involvement in campus Greek life. Alpha Chi Omega: Used to be almost in the top six. "They will always be bottom" is what everyone said about APhi 15-18 years ago when they were literally stuck in a hole that was lower than AXiD! OK, honestly, they were all beautiful blondes, great bodies, looked alike, and were a tad snobby, but not mean or fake. Not a scene I would ever want to be involved in. Again all the "rude" terms that I just associated with each house to not describe the individuals of a house, but terms like these come about when certain houses act together in poor ways. One thing I have noticed recently at a lot of campuses, is that kappa kappa gamma getting a reputation of being druggies. Usually gives a few COBs. Sorry. Connections not necessary but people usually have them. Im proud of my sorority. Lots of pretty girls and girls who are good at pretending their pretty. You have nothing to loose, and you'll never know if you could absolutely love it until you try it!! I think you are right on about all of them to a large degree. They are leaders. 72 sorority members live in the house, which features a 24-hour study room and . My fear is that rather than focusing on things you can control (conversation skills, brushing up your resume, getting recs in order, rush wardrobe, grooming) you are looking for something that quite frankly, you are going to have very little control over at all.


Go to, search for UT threads and READ the advice provided. Axo Thetas are hot and WILD. They are known for hazing and weak sisterhood. It'd be interesting to hear people's perceptions of these sororities. Having strong communication skills matter. Pi Phi is a good chapter. There are some sororities that are almost impossible to get in if you don't have a specific resume, as they have their list prepared ahead of recruitment. The women of the west are changing what it means to be part of a strong group of women who want to help change the world not just change an outfit. I can not believe that this is something that exists. They took a lot of girls Theta, Pi Phi, and Chi o all had at pref though so bet some people dont agree with you. Chi o- "bible beaters"- love The Lord, academics is important, Pi Phis (top)- love their Lilly and pearls with a dash of vodka, while Kappas (top) just love their vodka (and are usually the more 'brunette' house with rich girls), alpha phi - idgaf girls, very popular among the frats, easy DZ..nuff said, tri-delts (tri hards) usually pretty top - your camp counselor kinda gals, zetas (top) the on campus barbies, theta---jocks - so on with that. Don't judge! This years PC is cute and fun from what Ive seen so far. Anyone who goes here knows original post isnt accurate. Their PC18 is incredible. Those were the "big four" at my school. Usually need connections but if you are outgoing/pretty enough with a little bit of luck you can get in. Not good from everything i'm reading and I don't know how accurate it is. It's just a great place to meet friends that you will have for the rest of your life. Before you type:Remember, do not post names, initials, or any derogatory content. Classy and involved are not words typically used to describe Alpha Phi girls, but fun and popular are. Definitely party girls. That's the truth. Request for your school to be featured on GreekRank. Girls going through rush (and those rushing them) will decide where they fit in the best; the recruitment process is designed to try to ensure that good matches are made, and each PNM ultimately joins the house in which she will feel most comfortable. As for Chi O, yeah they were founded here, but they are the rudest girls. Pretty girls who are clearly having fun and enjoying life in their chapter. Tri Delt should take notes. The KD girls at my school aren't afraid of being a little odd and that's what makes them so approachable.


With that out of the way, SoccerGirlNYC had some pretty sage advise. Some sororities have a bigger reputation for drinking and partying than others. Some women are born knowing gold from gold-fill. This was really interesting to read. IMO they will surpass Kappa in the next few years and it will be PZT. Surely different schools will have different stereotypes for what each sorority is like based on the local population. Contrary to what the first poster said, I believe ADPi has been seeing the most improvement. Every chapter, every year is different. Delta Gamma: Ten years ago they were a lot stronger of a house than they are now. Focuses almost only on GPA.If they focused a little less on GPA and more on looks they would def go up. Alpha Gamma Delta. All these Panhellenic chapters have something to benefit their members and shouldn't be labeled by one person's opinion based off of numbers and observations. :). Nationally, every sorority has a philanthropy, so every single sorority does charity work. Kappa: Like Pi Phi and Theta, usually wealthy girls. An informal guide to the Big Six UT sororities. Audrey Selig from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on August 24, 2013: My sorority is not on this list, but I am aware of Pi Phi, KD, Chi Omega. this is so out of date it's pathetic. That thing that has changed the most is the KappaKappa Gammas are known for hazing. DGs tend to enjoy a level of respect among other sororities and fraternities. i don't have much info on sororities but i am a freshman in texas angels! Having stellar grade matter. I would love to see all the sororities listed and updated. Chi Os, as members are sometimes called, like cultivating a good girl image. Chi O id top tier there also. I'd say Chi O is more top tier and Pi Phi is universal top tier. The friendships in sororities are unlike anything else and I wouldn't trade them for anything. That Certain Look - Texas Monthly They are kind notorious for being, um, generous. (Hang w/ some AXO, some KD/DG + Delt, some Sigma Chi, some Kappa Sig) I am a proud ZTA, I do not wear heavy makeup, I do not act like a princess, this website is very wrong & this author needs to meet REAL ZTA and do more research, we are good people with empathy and love . Id say theyre all relatively equal now. Sorry, DG. Any answers you can provide will be helpful, biased or not.


Finally, which would you like to be a sister in (if you were into that type of thing)? Both have very attractive and fun girls. Y'all gave so many girls to them this year who would have loved to be DDD but you dropped them! Is a bottom tier. Circle around KD and ADPi. I went DG, (slu++y/partners) reputation but undeserved, except for 30-40%. Any young woman considering joining a sorority- take my advice. They are probably number three IMO. Sorry, ladies. Sure, there are a few nerdier girls in DG and KD and ADPi has some quiet girls but those are all great chapters as is AXD. Usually gives a few COBs. Lower Top Tier: Tri Delt Better than Theta for sure. You will find some houses that balance GPA, socials and charity work and some that dont do that so well. Most freshmen at all three of their pref nights went PKT. How hard is it to get recruited by a sorority at UT Austin? Those girls were dropped much earlier in the week. This is very interesting stuff. AXO gives COBs and spring bigs. Three or maybe four girls, I think. Attend a recruitment orientation session. I disagree on ADPi. Foh with this backwards, regressive, and insulting nonsense suggesting being pretty and good looking is the main thing that defines a sororitys worth, this isnt 1950 and youre no longer in high school. Well I'd just like to start off by saying, it is never too late to join a sorority! What Sorority Recruitment at the University of Texas is REALLY Like You asked about sorority recruitment at the UT, and we answered.or rather, we had our friend MacKenzie answer for us! 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. The best way to find out whether a sorority is right for you is to participate in recruitment activities and talk with current members. Most girls have a connection to get in here and usually have been told they will be a Pi Phi before rush week begins. Ask past and current members, and even people who rushed but did not join for whatever reason, about their opinion of a sorority. Agree with ^ And the real beauty of the system is that during the "rush" period, EVERYONE, is doing their best to impress. Because of this genetic characteristic, a Pi Phi is usually at home wearing gold . Your chapter sisters are the ones you need to mesh with. The consensus, if there is one, is that Chi Omega is respected but not necessarily exalted among sororities. Gamma Phi Beta completed this $12 million, 40,000-square-foot home in 2015. A top tier sorority can basically pick just who they want among pledges, while a low tier sorority takes the leftovers. I'm worried about my chapter. Impact of Greek Life on Leadership Development, Top 10 Most Famous Sororities And Fraternities. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. AXD may be bottom but they are great! Especially those that try to tell you what an organization of thousands of women across the entire US is like. Sweeping generalizations all around. They are known as the exclusive ones. You will find some houses that feel welcoming, some that dont and that all depends on you as a person. If you pledge to a sorority and then think it isnt for you, decide on joining before the initiation process. X Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. it's been a really rewarding experience and i've loved every second of it. I was pressured to go one way because I had friends who were already members of a certain house but I ended up joining a different one and I've never been happier. No one wants to say it because they have a strong tradition and are nice girls and don't really appear to be struggling for numbers or anything. Girls are as classy as they want to be, the letters on their chest does not effect that. Chi O This description may be related to two stereotypes about them: Unfortunately, this reputation has led most other sororities on some campuses to consider them lower-tier. Some consider them the quintessential sorority, in both a good and a bad way. It's different at all schools, but at my school were known as being the funnest sorority to party with and we have the best sisterhood. Pi Phis tend to be arrogant, and really don't care what people think of them, they seem to be above it all. Alpha Phi girls are considered laid-back and probably the least likely among major sororities to worry about their reputation. I'm a 00s alum from a house that used to sit very comfortably just beneath the Big 6. Garrett Mickley from Jupiter, Florida on July 13, 2011: That's very interesting. I have always been anti-sorority and wouldn't have been caught dead joining one myself--but I have changed my mind. Nice enough. Our sorority and fraternity community is home to around 60 social sororities and fraternities, each one a member of one of six governing councils, or the Affiliate Leadership Circle.