But Brigham died before she had the opportunity to speak with him. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. He went to the room where the Committee of Removal was meeting and told them to wind up affairs and be off to save their lives. Albert Rockwood and his family left Far West with another family on January 10. In jail in Richmond were Parley P. Pratt, Norman Shearer, Darwin Chase, Luman Gibbs, Morris Phelps, and King Follett. Some sneaked southward to the Missouri River and took boat passage to St. During the exodus, Truman Angells wife Elizabeth, already ill, took a cold upon cold and was expected to die. Find out how to attend either in person or virtually: The winners of the Church History Museums 12th International Art Competition have been announced, and the artwork is breathtaking. . [85] William Cahoon, Autobiography, in Susan Easton Black, QuincyA City of Refuge, 73, n. 34. They say father was a fallen prophet. Their hospitality stemmed more from pity than anything else. Emma served as a scribe during his first efforts to translate the Book of Mormon. Mormon Church Admits Founder Joseph Smith Had Up To 40 Wives : The Two-Way : NPR. When it entered his stomach he went to the door and threw it off. The story of how the word of wisdom came to be is commonly told by the church and fairly simple (see this video), Emma was tired of cleaning up the tobacco after the School of the Prophets met together in her house. Emma died in Nauvoo on April 30, 1879, at age 75. It's not. But the way Emmas story is carefully sculpted reveals as much about gender expectations and religious norms in our own era as it did when Brigham Young declared her mormona non grata. Mercy should be the watchwordnot blood, not extermination, not misery.. 40 Wives You might also enjoy Emma Smith: My Storyor Emma and Lucy. "Emma seemed to wax and wane in her acceptance of the practice," Delewski said. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". In the meantime, Emma assumed that because these men represented the Twelve they acted on direct orders from Brigham. John, tall and strong, had fought off Missourians trying to block Mormons from voting. As they moved on they found camp fires and tent poles already struck nearly all the way after this, apparently provided by the Committee of Removal. At least one man escaped west to Fort Leavenworth. After a long time, Mother Smith said, We succeeded . [28] Greene, Expulsion of the Saints from Missouri, 8. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. . By primitive Missouri roads, the distance from Far West to Quincy was about 180 miles. He also owned and rented out ten or twelve small houses he had built. On January 16, the imprisoned First Presidency sent instructions to Heber C. Kimball and Brigham Young that said, Inasmuch as we are in prison, . Within three weeks, the press got wind of the authors ecclesiastical silencing and began to report about itthereby tripling sales of the book. They threatened to send the committee to hell jumping and put daylight through them. The men gathered up what they could and hastily fled from Far West within the hour. Saddleback Church doubles down on support for female pastors, Mormonisms slow shift away from demonizing working mothers, Faith leaders urge Biden to sign executive order for reparations study by Juneteenth, For many congregations, wiping out medical debt has become a popular calling, More Jesus, less touching: 14 changes to the Mormon temple endowment ceremony, Real Housewife Heather Gay pens a juicy ex-Mormon memoir, How to stay Mormon after a faith crisis (if staying is what you want), Copyright 2020, Religion News Service. Print. The Mormon church has said for the first time that its founder Joseph Smith had up to 40 wives. May 1831 New York branches arrive in Ohio. When I reflect on how I found the gospel, I realize that my familys experiences informed two important pieces of my testimony. They had a reasonably good relationship despite these challenges. The exodus from Missouri generated a rich store of documents and records. When one was unable to find employment, she hired Jane Manning herself. As was common in their day, the early Saints sang the printed lyrics to familiar tunes. Her refined childhood and girlhood was not designed to give her the skills she needed in adulthood, and yet she managed nearly everything thrown at her. and P.M. refer to at the beginning of each hymn? Were most of her songs from her Methodist tradition, or did she draw more broadly? In 1888 a Lyman Wight cabin was the only building standing in Ahman, and by 1970 it was totally gone.[124]. To understand her, we have to place her in her own setting and time, not in our own. The Thomases complied. During November and December, Joseph C. Kingsbury and Caroline, his wife of two years, lived in a little cabin with meager provisions. He remained her companion until her death on 30 April 1879 at the age of 75 in Nauvoo. They took what scanty provisions we could muster. They walked and slept under the sky. LDS Church History in Ohio and Missouri Timeline | Historic Sites Mormon Takeover of the West and Why - stolenhistory.net When Elizabeth died in childbirth, young Elizabeth Agnes was leftwith her stepfather and, soon after, a new stepmother. While at LDS Living, she particularly enjoyed diving into the past and writing articles about little-known Church history stories or the Salt Lake Temple, though she wrote about a variety of topics. Julia: Some say that there were other reasons. FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Joseph Smith Papers project explains that Emmas work laid a foundation for the continued role of music in Latter-day Saint worship. Emma contributed in creating a distinct identity for the church because this hymnbooks lyrics emphasize key tenets of the religion.. These were the top four reasons for leaving the LDS Church: "I studied church history and lost my belief" (39% primary factor, 81% moderate to strong factor); "I lost faith in Joseph Smith" (39% primary, 84% mod-strong); "I ceased to believe in the church's doctrine/theology" (38% primary, 87% mod-strong); When her son became an adult and headed up the Reorganized Church, as it was then known, she joined. On the Joseph Smith Papers website, readers can turn through the original hymnbook page by page. The city cemeterys tombstones marking where some two hundred Saints are buried are long gone, and the site has become farmland. In 1984, Linda wrote, with Valeen Tippetts Avery, Mormon Enigma:Emma Hale Smith, which has stood for nearly three decades as the definitive biography of Emma. 801-422-6975. President Sidney Rigdon, Bishop Edward Partridge, and a few others felt the Saints could avoid problems like the ones they had in Missouri by spreading out rather than gathering together into Latter-day Saint communities. He had even dislocated his jaw while vomiting once before; and five weeks after the 1843 dinner episode, he was sick again, vomiting more violently than ever. These include the petitions for redress, prison letters, other correspondence, diaries, autobiographies and memoirs, pamphlets, newspaper articles, and a mass of official Missouri government records. [36] With Joseph Smiths approval, leaders in Far West decided to sell Church properties in Jackson County to help raise money for the exodus. [29] Smith, History of the Church, 3:249. A later First Presidency report about the exodus noted that women and children marked their footsteps on the frozen ground with blood, it being the dead of winter.[54] Was this an exaggeration? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Emma certainly made errors in judgment, as do we all. Turley, Richard E., and Brittany A. Chapman. It was enough to make the heart ache to see the children, sick with colds, and crying around their mothers for food, whilst their parents were destitute of the means of making them comfortable.[21], Northwest Missouri winters can be harsh. Emma raised her as her own daughter, and Elizabeth Agnes eventually married Emma's biological son, Alexander Hale Smith. One Latter-day Saint and two Missourians were killed. She finally gained a sense of stability and a place to raise her children when she moved into the Mansion House in Nauvoo. the support materials for the Joseph Smith manual. [72] Roberts, Comprehensive History, 2:3. By age 40, Emma had lost her husband, her mother and father, her father-in-law, three brothers-in-law and five children. They numbered twelve families with more than sixty souls, having surnames of Knight, DeMille, Peck, Slade, Culver, and Stringham. [55] Martha and the children reached the Quincy side and waited, sitting at night on their bed, wrapped in bed clothes and shivering in the cold wind until Daniel arrived. . [75] Wandle Mace Autobiography, typescript, 3132, Perry Special Collections. When the Mormons left for Utah, she elected to remain behind. He was not, however, a member of her familys faith and in fact, had received a vision at age fourteen telling him not to join any existing church because none were completely right. Why? [122] James Galligher Petition in Johnson, Mormon Redress Petitions, 218. (Emma's schism church.) Emma had 11 children (two were the adopted Murdock twins), and six children died in infancy. The Mormon Reinvention of Emma Smith - Religion News Service At times, deep snows rubbed their wagon hubs during the journey. Emma's brothers and sisters were all named after family members, either on her mother's side or her father's. Despite her parents disapproval, she eventually eloped. Far West had a population by then of about five thousand Saints, and another five thousand lived in at least nineteen other Latter-day Saint communities in Caldwell County. [38] Larry C. Porter, Brigham Young and the Twelve in Quincy: A Return to the Eye of the Missouri Storm, 26 April 1839, in A City of Refuge: Quincy, Illinois, ed. Emma did, from time to time, offer approval of specific marriages. They averaged ten miles per day. Smith's wives were believed to be between the ages of 20 and 40 at the time they were "sealed" or married to him. Joseph Knight Jr., for one, claimed $200 for a mill burned down, $50 for a house burned, $50 for 3 acres of land and 50 peach trees, $25 for hay and corn, $475 for losses of land and town properties, and $150 for expenses for moving twice. [100], In the morning of April 22, Dimick Huntington, at Emma Smiths request, went down to the rivers edge to inquire about news from the west, and spotted the Prophet. The five Apostles who were presentBrigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, John E. Page, and John Taylorordained Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith as Apostles and two men who had just been liberated from the Richmond prison, Darwin Chase and Norman Shearer, as Seventies. Why did Emma Smith opt to stay in Nauvoo? - Deseret News [5] Gentry, Latter-day Saints in Northern Missouri, 32527; Alexander L. Baugh, A Call to Arms: The 1838 Mormon Defense of Northern Missouri (PhD diss., Brigham Young University, 1996), 34047. On Nov. 4th, astoundingly, Richard McCarty obtained a warrant for the arrest of the men who had caught him in the act of looting the Gilbert store, charging them with assault and false imprisonment. Many found refuge not only in Quincy but throughout Adams County and all over western Illinois. Its an improvement that shes discussed at all. As a youth she learned to canoe on the Susquehanna River and became accomplished with horses. Young put on board some of his goods into the wagon carrying the Knights, and both families resumed their journeys. All the same, she continued to have a testimony of his role as a prophet and she carried out her duties faithfully. Emma Hale Smith - Biography - Joseph Smith Papers He referred to a handmade chart that showed the homes Emma Smith had during her 17-year marriage to Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith. Sidney Rigdon had been released in January. [112] A Proclamation to the Saints Scattered AbroadGreeting, Times and Seasons, January 15, 1841, 6. Joseph Smith in Northern Missouri, 1838 - Religious Studies Center With other refugees, she and six children ages two through nine accompanied their small wagon, pulled by a blind horse. Hi Nathan, thanks for your interest in Emma Smiths hymnbook! Many people have focused almost entirely on the decisions she made in the last years of Joseph Smiths life and after his death, and sometimes those events trouble Mormons and please non-Mormons. Don Carlos [her son], with his family and the remainder of his baggage, was crowded into a buggy, and went in the same company with us. They encountered continuous rains and had to travel through mud. Some of Emma's friends, as well as many members of the Smith family, alienated themselves from Young's followers. Shortly after Joseph's brother, William, was born in 1811, the Smiths moved to the small community of West Lebanon, New Hampshire. had not heard anything from me during this time, neither dare I write to [them].[68], At a March 17 meeting, Saints in Quincy heard a letter read from the Committee of Removal in Far West asking for teams & money for the removing of fifty families of poor Saints from far west to Quincy.[69] On March 29 the committee in Quincy wrote to their counterparts in Far West sympathizing with their extreme labor and travail to move out the last poor Saints. This book contains copies of the individual and group petitions and provides excellent explanations about each of the petition drives and how the petitions were used by the Church to seek redress for its members. After inspections, the Church agreed to buy twenty thousand acres of land at Commerce, Illinois, and across the river in Lee County, Iowa. Emma Smith, first Relief Society President and wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, had many incredible and difficult experiences in her life. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Joseph Smith. Later, while reading the book History of the Prophet Joseph Smith by His Mother, I found Lucy Mack Smiths tribute to Emma: I have never seen a woman in my life, who would endure every species of fatigue and hardship, from month to month, and from year to year, with that unflinching courage, zeal, and patience, which . A Comfort unto My Servant, Joseph. Women of faith in the latter days. If they choose to remain, we must be content. Triggered by Missouri governor Lilburn Boggss October 1838 extermination order against them, some ten thousand Saints engaged in a mass exodus, many going to Quincy, Illinois. Richard Bushman writes of the poisoning accusation: Through the late fall and winter of 1843 and 1844, Joseph and Emma's relationship broke down only once. William E. McLellin - Mormonism, The Mormon Church, Beliefs, & Religion Why did Emma Smith leave the LDS Church? - YouTube [124] Berrett and Parkin, Sacred Places: Missouri, 329, 402, 411. She was able to utilize the properties she owned to support her family, but with difficulty, particularly since she was left to cover Josephs many debts. Five of her children survived to adulthood: Julia, Joseph III, Freddie, Alexander and David Hyrum. At Adam-ondi-Ahman, Saints in October 1838 were building about 150 log houses, but most of them were not finished by the time the Saints left. [118] Dean R. Zimmerman, I Knew the Prophets: An Analysis of the Letters of Benjamin F. Johnson to George F. Gibbs Reporting Doctrinal Views of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young (Bountiful, UT: Horizon, 1976), 1011. Did Emma Smith leave the LDS Church? A storehouse of historical documents and records. . It notes, Many of them crossed into Illinois at Quincy and were made welcome by the people here. In recent years, several related commemoration events have taken place in Quincy.[113]. [18], Far West was ill equipped to become a refugee center for Saints displaced by Missouri militia. . One of her grandchildren, Emma Belle Smith Kennedy, wrote: "Her eyes were brown and sad. Joseph Smith, Jr. was born on 23 December 1805, in Sharon, Vermont. She also learned how to cook and be a good host when her parents ran a boarding house. I hope this helps too! [16] Baugh, A Call to Arms, 395; Reed Peck Manuscript, 29. Uncertain which policy to push, the conference voted against accepting the land offer (Journal History, February 1, 1839). The hymnbook she created included familiar favorites from other denominations and hymns newly written specifically for the Latter-day Saints.