Hang in there Brother. One of their doctors lied and stated that he had examined me and found no problems related to Agent Orange. They were very proud and I took there advice knowing in advance that every Marine is a rifleman. I have applied several times for benefits associated with bladder cancer and prostate cancer that I canttaccontracted in Korea in 1968 -69. has never reviewed my case as of June 2021. I have one of the birth defects listed other than spinabifida.Is there no hope for compensation for the children of Male Vietnam Vets? Contact a VSO officer. Key word is ( could cause ) which means the government can not proof that agent orange can not contribute to COPD and other respiratory diseases. We were supposed to die off and father time is working overtime isnt it. I have had cancer and other illness but still got denied 3 days before Christmas. Daniel Clark Berg. Will every case be reopened? Those who had served at one of the military bases in Thailand listed in the below URL and the locations at those bases identified, and experiencing any of the ailments considered possibly caused by Agent Orange (including prostate cancer) may now be eligible for VA treatment and compensation. If you have filed a claim with the VBA since your diagnosis in 2010, the VA SHOULD be contacting you. I agree with every word you wrote. I am trying to find out more about other vets exposed to Agent Orange who have been diagnosed with Scleroderma. I am burdened with hypothyroidism, cyclothymia, type II diabetes, Major depressive disorder, very high anxiety issues, chronic degenerative joint disease and a few other medical issues. It seems we are not getting any help from the very people whose jobs it is to help us. I was exposes to the toxic water, ( when I say exposed, I mean drinking, cooking and bathing in it) and developed hypothyroidism in my mid 40s. My father battled a round of prostate cancer and 10 years later Leukemia which is what killed him Both caused by agent orange. When my husband died in 2010, he couldnt even find the paperwork to apply for a grave marker. Chisholm said he and like-minded attorneys representing veterans who served in Thailand are winning these cases one at a time, but with detailed evidence, detailed arguments, detailed affidavits. Please switch auto forms mode to off. Who has those, certainly not the individual service person. What about those who served pass August 31 1971? He worked on a base heavy with agent orange. If your location and time frame is on the list and you were previously denied disability based on herbicide exposure compensation, you can file a supplemental claim. Saw VSO last month. In 2009 I had colon cancer surgery. Pass this info to everyone who was exposed to chemicals from Vietnam. and later contacted them by sending all the paperwork THAILAND & AGENT ORANGE: Agent Orange & Other Herbicides: Resources "Vietnam-era Veterans whose service involved duty on or near the perimeters of military bases in Thailand anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 may have been exposed to herbicides and may qualify for VA benefits."--quoted from the VA website: . Doctor told me heart ( VA has me on meds, surgery in 2002) not in AO conditions. A VSO will get you Do it ASAP as Im sure many will be doing the same,, GOOD LUCK!!! I dont know dates ir anything and sadly my mother passed a few months back and I have no other family to ask. Hard of hearing!! to leave the ship and make his way home to his wife and daughter. Centerville resident McHenry died in July 2021 at the age of 74. Iserved during the v nam war. from 9/67 to 5/68, we had 2 helicopter Squadrons home Based on our ship. What about bases here in the states that stored or disposed of barrels of Agent Orange, like Camp Pendleton? The VA is merely following whats in the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and Public Law when handing down ratings decisions. Try to have ALL documents needed for the claim and include docs from research papers on UNDIAGNOSED ILLNESSES IN THE GULF as well as docs on presumptive Diseases from GWI(gulf war illnesses). But he sought (and seeks) compensation for pain and suffering. VA Mantra, Deny, Deny, Deny Until The Veteran Dies. This should be examined by the V.A. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. No One in my family ever had hypothyroidism [Graves] so when the VA took my Thyroid from me, [and chained me to 14 medications a day for the remainder of my life] in December 1997, it was a shock to everyone in my family!!! Husband had sinus and respitory issues for years. Google Okinawa and Agent Orange. My husband was covered with the stuff in Vietnam and has multiple medical issues that he has been suffering since his late 40s. VA do the right thing. My husband was in Korea 1973-1974 he was in the 37thArtillery 6th Battalion Camp Essayons.Will any new VA expand benefits help him? He has heart problems, diabetes, neuropathy. Multiple Myeloma Does the theater include Guam and other stockpile locations in the South Pacific? Trying to add timeframes is like saying one person can have same contamination but we dont care because it was before a war period. My husband was a patient at the Temple VA for decades. I have had nightmares about the smell of shlt. I have his claims on file in my home. Funny thing is the chemical being sprayed one could actually see with no problems. I have no idea if there is any support for children of Vietnam vets, but I hope there is. I came into contact with Agent Orange when footage was burned off in the northern parts of the island. In I was told they received it to late and no further action Pay them. I later found that they were reimbursed by my private medical insurance. My claim for benefits for Agent Orange related Prostate cancer was approved in 2017. For the last 24 years, I have been trying to tell the VA that my Hypothyroidism [Graves Disease] is a result of my two years in daNam: Vung Tau, Lai Khe, TDYs to parts unknown, and lastly Saigon. We have a wonderful VA home in Sulphur Oklahoma. My dad served proudly and for only to receive nothing in return from the VA. No burial benefits, no flag, just nothing!!!!! What about glioblastoma brain? Sent in all the medical records most of which were already on his profile. I believe its a 2 part test for eligibility. Dipping our canteens in the rice paddies using our towel to filter out the lumps. Military Times reported that 50,000 U.S. troops were deployed to Thailand alone at the height of operations, but it isn't clear how many later deployed to Vietnam and are already eligible for presumptive benefits status. The Secretary recently concluded the first iteration of a newly formed internal VA process to review scientific evidence to support rulemaking, resulting in the recommendation to consider creation of new presumptions of service connection for respiratory conditions based on VAs evaluation of a National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine report and other evidence. Operation Ranch Hand exposed millions of people in Southeast Asia and at least 500,000 American troops to the chemical. The work was nasty, many chemicals, oils, fiberglass, the duct work in the avionics bay located in the nose was trashed. Contact a veterans service organization ASAP. We have been fighting a long battle with no success! is not going to do anything unless forced tothen they will make a big deal about it,make sure everyone knows,then after a year maybe 2 they will start to reduce benefits, I have recurring bladder cancer, since 2005 it has come back several times, and also several times with precancerous cells that has to be lasered out,went from 100% reduced to 60% because the V.A. If you set foot on a land mass (in Vietnam), youre entitled to a presumption that you have been exposed to herbicides, Rhode Island attorney Robert Chisholm said in an interview. In fact my brother in law had to wait on the ship until well after dark, like a sneak thief, I will however continue to fight until I take my last breath! But proving it isnt always possible, others say. 45 years to get in the VA! I have been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. Just two two simple yes-or-no questions: Do you have the condition (in my case prostate cancer)? Migrant woman dies after U.S. Coast Guard stops vessel carrying 54. Its AO, and also particulate matter exposure in SWA.]. His primary care doctor believes this was a result of exposure to Agent Orange but a VSO has submitted a claim on my behalf for him. March 3 (UPI) -- A Haitian migrant was found unresponsive aboard a U.S. Coast Guard cutter and pronounced dead after the Coast Guard stopped a vessel carrying 54 migrants off the coast of Florida. Check in with the VFW or American Legion and they can guide you thru the process. Ive spent the last 40+ years unable to do any physical work because I cannot bend over or do anything physically stressful. Thats our job., Its still essentially a case-by-case basis, Chisholm said. Then the following week I get a letter saying I missed my appt. Gave me shock treatments and sent me on my way. Worst of all I now find out the bubblers we consumed water from in our hangers were polluted. Many of I served in Vietnam 1970-71. Is someone here have the truth? Unfortunately, not all VA reps are equal. https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/locations/tests-storage/index.asp. Unfortunately we didnt learn anything with the AO exposure. I would rather have died instantly on the battlefield with glory than suffer daily this slow death from Parkinsons developed from the toxic exposure from water at Camp Lejeune. I have no family history of Diabetes, Polycythemia Vera or Carcinoid Cancer, so I think the VA is wrong. One Veteran is same as the next, if they were contaminated and prove it, they should get help. Domingo L Buenafuente. The process seems so slanted as if to prevent the possibility that higher-ranking people bear the burden of responsibility. I know Agent Orange was the cause of his death and many of his buddies he served with that died around the same time as he did 25 years ago! kapm. Not one time has anyone at the VA offered to help me with claims or appeals for any of these issues. i get the burn pits for these folks 100% 2/9th Marines were station at Pohang Korea training with the ROK Marines August 1975 for 30 days we had burn pits also we stood guard no more than 20 away with black smoke in the air debris burning and going on your utilities plastics/human waste/metal/unspent rds u guarded for hrs our hooches were only 100 away and u got the smoke as u slept also why are these not considered burn pits is it to let the older Marines die off so u go with the younger Marines first and these younger Marines sure deserve all they get but like agent orange with the 3 new aliments all these years later let the folks die first then include us why is the va not including all of us big black billows of smoke u sniff in when u stood guard/slept but for some odd ass reason we are not included peace.
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