Of course, we empathize with their losses, but sympathy wears thin when someone is screaming in your face. We dont do that on here and never have. One stepson, age 21 with the same first and last names. Anyhow on YT one of the titles says former cheerleader. Not that thats necessarily relevant to the case, just that one of your pics above makes more sense now lol. The Evansdale crime was committed on 7-13-12, and the Delphi crime was committed on 2-13-17. Knives. We believe him. 3 The case for Mr. X is as solid as ever. An asterisk means the information is proven via LE information leaked to us. I have not been able to determine that from all of these postings. You had mentioned in one of your blogs not being sure what he did for a living. I will say that Libbys birth mother has also dealt with her loss by turning rageful. This whole case just reeks of something stinky every which way you turn. FSG has been someone that I cannot let go of either. Deals with gruesome matters concerning the brutal sex murders of four female minors - mostly about two young teenage girls aged 13 and 14 but also a bit about related murders of two little girls aged 8 and 10. A sheet with a smiley face on it at the crime scene, possibly hung from a tree. LE actually believes BG was 49-50 years old when he committed the crime. There was posing. I think he may have had over 1,000 photos/videos on his drives or possibly more. They always came home. This would explain how he could control two teens from running away as well as using a fake gun and badge. Thanks Dee. Kline - who is heavy-set and pasty-faced - used an image of a ripped and muscular young man to trick underage girls into speaking to him. Thank you for stopping by the site. Several LE officials have said that Abby had a phone, whether with her or not is not known. But that too could have been either misleading or true. What? Great to see you back on the case! It was dusty and disheveled. We are not sure of Mr. Xs current job, but we think he might be selling wooden signs that he makes by himself and sells. Indiana Packers workboots go up to knee-high, and they are waterproof. Deer kits have five knives, so we assume this one does too. He cant even drive a car! Even if somehow she didnt know about some surrounding neighbors, couldnt LE just show her (or FSG or the bickering couple in the park etc,) a pic of Mr. X and get verification that way? The girls bodies were discovered on his property - just1,400 from his house - and it was revealed over the summer that his alibi for the day of the murder did not line up. Occupation: Handicrafter making wooden signs. These idiot cops. Kline is being held in jail after being arrested on separate child porn charges in 2020. Also, there is debate, but if you look at the scanner recording of the day when the bodies were found, the local PD says "keep them away" in response to a statement re: bystanders + FBI; resulting in debate about whether local pd was trying to keep FBI away and why. Delphi, Indiana, police have been notoriously tight-lipped about the killings of 14-year-old Libby German and 13-year-old Abby Williams since the first news conference after the girls were found dead in February 2017. Photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, and film. Indiana State Police's analysis of Allen's gun "determined the unspent round located within two feet" of one of the victims "had been cycled through Richard M. Allen's Sig Sauer Model P226," the probable cause affidavit said. So Id just as soon stop looking at him as a suspect. For five years, the murders of 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German have hung over Delphi, ghosts that couldn't be put to rest. Almost zero. They were folded on her chest. They act like Im sort of deranged psychopathic maniac whos a danger to women and children. Get real. If I were on the jury, the only thing I would care about was whether the state had proved that Mr. X committed this crime. Instead of telling me to "look up" this or that, and hinting , somewhat, at theories,why not just state the theory . Throughout their investigation, an important piece of evidence discovered on Germans phone has aided in their search. I read through it early on, saw interesting stuff and then later came back and tried to find the interesting stuff but got lost. Staging- by definition means they were placed/posed pre or post mortem a certain way. However, we presently lack evidence that Mr. X worked at Indiana Packers. Ok how on Earth do they know that BG shot 43 seconds of audio unless that rumor about sending the crime film to the phones is true? I appreciate your style about not being afraid to put out things others wouldnt dare & or might even get accosted over doing soThose idiots are WEAK& most of them are hypocritesSome of the new YouTubers even, they first bitch about the same thing, then they start a channel, and the next thing you know, their moderators are hacking/choking& putting that ass in the corner for hours before allowing u to crawl back in, all bruised, & compliantNot for me. If so, why? They also think you get that way from your upbringing, especially with your father. I find your blog very interesting. Today is the day.. The theory is that he was in on these murders for mercenary reasons, such as a malign desire to purchase Ron Logans land. If it's real, it's very sad, but it's likely people grasping at straws. He will crack soon. it would have been nice to track the boot prints around the cemetery to the crime scene to the river but I would assume all that evidence is gone. This March marks the 30 th anniversary of the murder of 21 year-old Penn State student, Dana Bailey. We also do not know why out of all of the places to search, he happened to pick the exact location where the girls were killed. Others close to the victims, who I will not name, have channeled their grief into rage and lashing out at everyone around them. (Images via the FBI). Wouldnt 13-14 year old girls be past dolls and stuffed animals? Logan identifying him also speaks volumes considering how close they were all Kirts life, But Ed Bounds makes a really terrific point about why Logan was allowed to get out of jail & do his time at homeBasically saying thats incredibly rare but for the reason even more rare (horses need a better attendee? Why would we do that? The male model whose photos were used has been identified and is not a person of interest in the case, investigators said. I thought there was more to this blog. . So, again, my understanding was, FBI agent was visiting family locally; assisted in search as volunteer; when it became apparent that something more serious/sinister could have happened after the girls were not located by dark, the FBI was requested by local pd and the locally visiting FBI agent facilitated the request. It turns out that BGs shoes are dead perfect matches for Indiana Packers workboots. I have no idea either way, but its just something that has bothered me because I dont see him being brought up nearly as much as some others who have had little to no connection to this case. I saw the local Delphi News footage from the week of the murders where they interview Ron Logan while they are actually searching his property. The girl survived, and Chadwell is currently serving a 90-year sentence for the attack. Abby may have been naked below the waist. Were their clothes found with the bodies at the crime scene? I strongly believe them to be fake. In a press conference on Monday, the state police took the first step towards providing justice to the brutally killed juveniles. Also its very hot here and all I feel like doing is sleeping all the time. During a search of Allen's home on Oct. 13, 2022, officers found knives and guns, including a "Sig Sauer, Model P226, .40-caliber pistol," the probable cause affidavit said. I tend to suspect the latter of the two rather than the former. About eight days after the murders, this man shoots and kills his 16 year old live-in girlfriend while allegedly cleaning his firearm. He prefers whiskey, its his drink of choice and hes off without it. I still have the pic. Despite mention of a gun, it's not clear if Abby or Libby died from gunshot wounds. I never knew what evidence anyone had against this guy except, He kills chicks! Classy. Big KAK getting hungry and Dad is no longer speaking to him. Relationship with younger daughter: Excellent, she is very fond of him. The Monon High Bridge trail attracts hunters, fishers, campers and kids hiking or just taking photos of the popular spot. Where his truck was parked was a five minute walk to the crime scene. They have also suggested that the crime scene was odd in nature. Resident of Delphi in 1984-85 at minimum. Ron Logan: Enough already. Allen was arrested on Friday in connection to the murders - the first big break in the case. The release of the search warrant comes several months after Indiana State Police announced that they were investigating a fake online profile called anthony_shots in connection to the case. Germans sister Kelsey tweeted early Friday: Just know how grateful I am to all of you. No comments for now, any questions please refer to the Carroll County Prosecutors Office. He was living in the Evansdale area at the time. Pay minimum of $20 for lifetime membership to our group. By that I mean that he probably has offended many times but being transient affords one the luxury of not getting caught. Keep in mind that we are not claiming that anything listed below as Unverified is true, although some it has a good chance of being true. The FBI has released a description for the suspect, which is that he is a white male between 5'6" and 5'8" tall. Mr. Lindsay, I dont know if the bridge was within eyeshot of the spot where the girls were found. It's crazy some of the stuff people will make up for attention. The only crime on Mr. Xs record is an expunged conviction for statutory rape from 1984 in Indiana when he 18 and the girl was 14. But they used experts to clean it up with fancy software and groups of experts got together to try to figure out what was being said. There may never be an arrest in this case. His home was searched and he was arrested shortly after the killings, but he was released and never charged. He has connections with current LE officers. David shot that down, and he then explained how what he saw differed from these images. Yes it is all speculation. Here are the main things that ALLEGEDLY (no proof guys, just what I received) stood out to me: 1) I got three names, of which, per your instruction, I will not provide here. We believe he staged the crime with these elaborate props either before or after the crime from this exact location. This is why you dont hear LE openly accusing people of committing serious crimes like homicide unless they have enough evidence to take them to trial. Residence at time of crime: Delphi, Indiana since 1984. Ive looked this man over and I cant think of anyone less likely to commit this crime. BG was dressed in clothes similar to what Ron wore, and he took the girls to Rons land and killed them there. She recorded them for a good six minutes and definitely longer. Im not sure about their clothes, but they definitely crossed that creek all right. We now have a better time frame for Mr. Xs truck being parked at the cemetery. I live in Pennsylvania and have been interested in this case since the time it happened. Im not stupid. They also acknowledge that SSA, or same sex attraction is a logical process for a lot of men. In an Oct. 13, 2022, interview, Allen told police he saw juvenile girls on the trails east of Freedom Bridge and said he went onto the Monon High Bridge, near where the girls were killed. Cause of death of one girl was a deep cut to the throat. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Indiana Cold Cases is similar and so is True Crime Jesus. The knife in the log was located near the girls right shoulder. It would have to be a day or two before people would think to look. There are 244 comments there. There is evidence that may have worked at a Tyson packing plant in Logansport in 2011-2012. They say they want to prevent false confessions. So when LE said the younger sketch is the one who committed the crime, they were correct! Were they are waiting for God Himself to come bring the keys? Investigators also believed photographs or videos were likely shot of the grotesque set-up to 'memorialize' the crime scene. See video. Theres no evidence that either man has been to the bridge even one time! Cop: Come on, man, we know you did it. Put the competing theory to the logic test. Busy location with a diner nearby. Or wet sneaker. First, a pitch for support for this website and our sleuthing group: Our private group is clearly the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Internet by far and has been since it was founded four years ago in 2017. Because of the nature of the victims wounds, it is nearly certain the perpetrator of the crime would have gotten blood on his person/clothing.. With less than 3,000 residents, Delphi is a town where everyone knows one another, and the murders have greatly affected many locals. My background is nowhere near close to any qualifications for this. What do you all think?" Amazingly, Libby German took a video of a man walking behind her and Abby Williams on the bridge, who is believed to be the killer. Calling off the search the night the girls went missing was a really, really bad choice. Have you been in contact with her at all? He detailed other information about the crime scene, and the differences in the girls' apparent injuries. Of course, there are trolls saying that the information Ive given is info thats already known. Killer May Have 'Moved and Staged' Delphi Murder Victims' Bodies and Done Something to 'Memorialize the Crime Scene': Warrants. It was stated that Libby was nude. Libbys phone did not record him for 43 seconds. A large amount of blood was lost by the victims at the crime scene, an agent wrote in the warrant. Plenty of time to get numbers, etc. Hmm . These are simply unverified rumors. Mr Kline was charged with 30 felonies in 2020 over the case. Oh, one more thing, Jim. R/LibbyandAbby is awful, but its a lot better than r/DelphiMurders. If the DA does not think he has enough evidence in a homicide case to win in court, they wont take it to trial. This girl was refusing to get an abortion that he wanted her to get. That looks suspicious as Hell. Allen's wife confirmed to police that he owns a blue Carhartt jacket, the document said. Of course we don't know how the bodies were found and if they were posed or staged, we only know that the crime scene was unbelievable disturbing and horrible. I noticed your nice comment on my YouTube page, thank you so much for your reply! No, LK is the real deal. The investigators do believe that the suspect either lives or works in Delphi, Ind. He lives in an ivory colored mobile looking home within the country. They have enough suggestive evidence to make them think he did it, but if you look a the nature of their actual evidence, its awfully thin. The motive is apparently lust murder motivated by sexual sadism combined with psychopathy, the classic formulation almost all serial killers have. The shocking new details about the murders that have rocked the community of Delphi, Indiana, for more than five years came to light in a search warrant obtained by podcast The Murder Sheet and shared with The Independent. Via LE Source A, LE has a main suspect in the Delphi Murders, Mr. X, and the case is focused on him. Im actually a rather shy, introverted, cautious, and extremely polite person who is terrified of making people mad, getting called creepy, offending people, etc. Search warrants obtained by a podcast and a local television station are shedding new . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15568704. While we see a giant plush bear, thats too weird, so we will defer to the search party lady and agree with her statement. 2) There was a shot that was deliberately fired into the creek in an attempt to scare Libby, whom was attempting to evade Mr. Also if Kegans not involved, then neither is the father. He had been there that morning too. People are saying that we have a copy of the gag order that was issued on the towing of the truck at the CPS building. The investigation continued, and Kline was arrested in 2020 on charges unrelated to the Delphi murders. For more information, please see our The probable cause affidavit did reveal that clothes belonging to the girls were found in a creek south of where their bodies were discovered. Got it? Please check out my YouTube channel, MsPsychic Sleuth. There is no way he would come back later to stage anything because he wouldnt know how safe it was or how many law enforcement would be around. He is wearing a deer kit, which contains five different types of knives. Not everyone was tied lipped, there were some rumors and messages on sm. Im thinking theres around 10 more people, in addition to the four youve mentioned, that are involved with a retaliation/revenge motive. Give it a rest, everyone. The man has never been identified. And I cant wait to see what they get from RL about Mr. X. Thats because they havent been told shit. A chilling picture shows the daughter of the man arrested in connection to the Delphi bridge murders posing in the same spot where the teenage victims were last seen alive. Alex Oliveira For Dailymail.Com What it does do, however, is make LE appear to be slightly less incompetent for calling off that search if Abby and Libby were confirmed to have been deceased before the search even started. He took an undocumented deer trail and evaded the encountering of any individual upon his departure. Alan, a 50-year-old married father of two children and a CVS technician, was taken into custody Friday and charged with two counts of manslaughter for the mysterious murders in Delphi. For information on these documents, see the special section below where their nature and provenance is explained. However, shouldnt that same exact principle/logic apply to Mr. X? Well, hes the right age anyway. After all, there was nothing they could have done anyway. It's interesting to look at anyway.
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