Kara Goldfarb is a writer living in New York City. They've got me! Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run Also called the Cleveland Torso Murderer, this madman was one of the most notorious serial killers in American history. Many of these have been explored as products of infrequent but natural phenomena. Experts at the Los Alamos National Laboratory doubted it was her, and the FBI was unable to offer conclusive evidence either way. Here are just some of the notable ones lost. Family and friends of the missing people, as well as the whole community, were on edge 24/7 thinking about who could be lurking around their community and praying on the innocent. The other was imprisoned and executed. In this article, we will try to shed some light on 15 of the most controversial societies that ever existed on our young planet. "Disappearances (Paranormal) The skeletal remains were found about 5 miles from where his car had been, in an area that had been searched at the time of his disappearance, and were so desiccated that it was Her body was discovered by a passing driver on State Road 61 near US 180. Forensic evidence suggests it was taken sometime after May of 1989. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. No charges were ever brought as a result of either image. There are many stories of mysterious disappearances with equally mysterious reappearances at a great distance, and some old and new examples are discussed elsewhere as incidents of teleportation. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. John White was supposed to sail to England and sail back to the island with supplies to start their new civilization, but when he came back, the only thing that greeted him was a tree with the word "croatoan" carved on it. The very first dynasty to ever rule over the entirety of China is the Xia dynasty. In the case of well known or important individuals in the history of politics and religion, kidnapping, secret imprisonment, or assassination may have been responsible for many disappearances. One of the more well-known mysterious disappearances associated with the area is that of 61-year-old Mel Melvin Nadel. The settlers were gone, believed to have been abducted, killed, or died while trying to sail back themselves. The Mysterious Death of Meriwether Lewis Captain Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition was only 35 when he died of gunshot wounds sustained along a perilous Tennessee trail called Natchez Trace. But the civilization started to take form around 3,300 BC, with the rise of the Mesopotamians. Strange Disappearances. Jennings Eight of Louisiana These were eightwomen whose bodies were found in swamps and canals around Jennings, Louisiana, between 2005 and 2009. After a short while, his parents heard him crying out, "Help! With a year-round population under 4,000 residents, the small community of Nome isn't known for being a major economic hub or a place that tourists flock to. Within the car itself were found all of her belongings, including her suitcase, purse, a working, fully charged cellphone, and all of her cash. Then read up on the case of Amy Lynn Bradley, who vanished from a cruise ship. When most of the traders shifted direction, it was believed that the Nabataean people also slowly abandoned Petra, leading to the civilization's demise. This civilization fine-tuned what the first people knew about farming, livestock, and art, and turned it into the first known civilization of humankind. The sophistication of these people, the advancements in their way of life, and the mysterious disappearance of their culture and their own little, or massive, world. In 1971, an 18 year old girl from California was visiting her Domo, New Mexico, relatives. The leading independent voice for aviation news and insight. This particular area is said to have more reported UFO sightings than anywhere else in The Last Frontier. One of these was based on the real-life story of David Lang, a farmer in Gallatin, Tennessee, who was said to have vanished in full view of five other people while crossing a field. Called the Black Dahlia because she loved to wear sheer black clothes, the young womans body was sliced in half at the waist, was entirely drained of blood, and posed in such a way that she appeared to be a mannequin. Their remnants and most of the evidence found were around south-central Mexico and along the Gulf of Mexico. Dogs were able to locate Mels footprints and scent trail, which led out to around 100 yards from the camp along a path until they just suddenly stopped. More theories revolve around hostile takeovers, them losing a war, rather than the other usual reasons for a society's decline. Encyclopedia.com. The Connecticut River Killer Between1978 and 1987, this serial killerfatally stabbed seven women along theNew Hampshire/Vermont border. One such rumor was that the facility existed to control the weather in Alaska while another rumor is that it was a Cold War weapon to control weather and communication in Russia. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976. He had died of exposure long before the polaroid had been developed. He had written many strange stories himself, including three about mysterious disappearances. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Queen's Ghost, Small Lake Monster, Space Caterpillar and More Mysterious News Briefly, A Haunted Book and the Most Haunted Bookshop There Is. Burlington, Vermont A civilization that started as early as 10,000 B.C., their extinction was believed to have followed the extinction of the mammoth, one of their main sources of food. As recently as 1939 a Chinese army of nearly three thousand troops disappeared overnight. In fact, the Nome, Alaska disappearances gained such worldwide attention that a Hollywood movie called 'The Fourth Kind' was even released in 2009. Being island people, the reasons for their disappearance are attributed to lack of resources and starvation. The Las Cruces bowling alley massacre Flickr/Christopher Octa On the morning of February 10th, 1990 a horrendous 2. ." The famous carved heads and some other relics were evidence of the civilization's early beginnings and proof of life in the area, but no proof ever supported the explanation of their disappearance. Although this place was once top-secret, the University of Alaska holds an open house once a year allowing visitors to check it out. ), the great mystic Apollonius of Tyana vanished from a crowded courtroom in Rome and reappeared the same afternoon at Puteoli, 100 miles away. Tara Calico had simply vanished. The Last Frontier is home to its very own Area 51. Lets take a closer look at the mystery of Nome, Alaska: While were on the topic of the Nome, Alaska disappearances, this other creepy small town in Alaskacould be right out of a horror movie. Tara Calico disappeared in Belen, New Mexico on September 20, 1988. John Doel was angered when he learned of Riveras claims. Hes weeded out cases of animal attacks or human predators, The Black Dahlia Elizabeth Short, an aspiring actress in California, was found murdered in the middle of a Los Angeles street in January 1947. Both the trail and the camp itself were pristine, with no sign at all of any kind of struggle or violence and no animal tracks anywhere in the vicinity. Is this all inter-dimensional portals, aliens, or is there perhaps something to the old Native tales? He was walking across a field towards them waving hello. His body was never found. Another possibility is that she was chased down the road and this is why she had continued along it until getting trapped, but the questions of who would have been chasing her or where she had then gone remain unanswered. After hisalleged eighth victim survived, the killings stopped. By an astonishing coincidence, another 11-year-old named Oliver, son of a Mr. Thomas, a farmer at Rhayader in Wales, also vanished while going to fetch water from a well on Christmas Eve 20 years later, in 1909. However, there have been a few instances in both ancient and modern history where whole armies have disappeared without trace. When Government Agencies Secretly Work in the Field of the Supernatural and the Occult, About That Time Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Supposedly Saw Aliens on the Moon. Some experts say there must have been some kind of social conflict that led to the civilization's demise. In the case of ordinary folk, many young people throughout history have quarreled with their parents and left home, sometimes dying in foreign wars, or, more likely today, on the streets, victims of crime, prostitution, or drugs. 170-245 C.E. When a search team was brought in, it was found that there were footprints from the missing woman circling around the car, but that none of them actually led off into the wilderness. He was never caught. As fascinating as its people, the Khmer, if not more fascinating, is the city of Angkor. This civilization flourished for about 2,000 years, leaving behind brick houses, walkways, shops, and other amazing archaeological finds. The books of Charles Fort meticulously list many accounts of objects or groups of objects that have appeared or disappeared suddenly, including insects, fish, blocks of ice, and unusual artifacts, some the subject of mysterious falls from the sky. The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Vanishings and High Strangeness at Africas Cursed Mountain. This was a story that is very well-known in modern day North Carolina. The Three Men Who Escaped Alcatraz Were Never Found. In 1990, Michael Henleys remains were discovered in New Mexicos Zuni Mountains, just seven miles from the campsite where he disappeared. Though officially shot by the FBI, John Dillinger, who was Public Enemy No. But explanations involving kidnapping balloonists or predatory eagles are too far-fetched to consider. Flickr - St. Philip, after baptizing the Ethiopian, was "caught away by the spirit" and "found at Azotus" (Acts 8:39). Retired cop David Paulides has tracked thousands of missing persons cases, centered in Americas national parks and forests. There were people with mysterious beginnings and even more mysterious disappearances, with very little or no evidence found. These were civilizations like the most notable Olmec and Mayan civilizations, evolved and adapted through the changing times. Wikimedia CommonsThe Oso Ridge area in New Mexicos Zuni Mountains, near where Michael Henley disappeared in April of 1988. The parents and four children escaped, but five children disappeared. After reading about Tara Calico, read about the unexplained disappearance of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon. When this cloud lifted soon afterward, the men had disappeared. Is it a UFO, alien abduction, serial killer, or simply human error? The polaroid gained national attention when it was shown on the television program Americas Most Wanted. One of the very first Chinese dynasties was established here, at around 2700 BC. One such place is located in the U.S. state of New Mexico, which at first glance looks like a land of rugged beauty and pristine wilderness but which under this veneer has a darker aspect, and is the the location of strangeness and vanishings that defy explanation and continue to remain unsolved to this day. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. That's right, an airplane is by far your best means of transportation to and from this small community. After the disappearance of the Indus Valley civilization, the Aryans were the civilization that flourished in India, migrating from 1,500 BC and creating a society that lasted up until 500 BC. https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/disappearances-paranormal, "Disappearances (Paranormal) It was assumed that if he was lost he would probably get through the ordeal, as the area was not particularly remote, with the city lights of Santa Fe glittering in the fairly near distance, he had been adequately dressed for the weather and terrain, and he was well-armed with a bow, hunting knife, and firearm, which had all gone missing with him. WebBelen, New Mexico, U.S. Calico disappeared near her home after embarking on a bike ride. Today, we know it as Crete, but about 3,000 BC to 1,000 BC, it was the land of the Minoan civilization. However, it seems that some of these weekend adventurers are destined to make this a one-way trip, swallowed by the area under often bizarre circumstances. The last true Mesoamerican empire was taken down by the Spaniards under the leadership of Hernan Cortes in 1521. 1 at the time, may have not been the man blasted down on July 22, 1934, outside Chicagos Biograph Theater. She had a tennis date with her boyfriend at 12:30 that she was determined to keep. On the morning of September 20, 1988, 19-year-old Tara Calico left her home in Valencia County, New Mexico, to go for her daily bike ride. She tried to get Tara to carry mace, but Tara refused. On the morning of September 20, 1988, 19-year-old Tara Calico left her home in Valencia County, New Mexico, to go for her daily bike ride. Are they the result of foul play, a serial killer, or people just wanting to disappear? Located inSan Miguel County, New Mexico, of the United States, the village of Pecos lies just outside of the city of Santa Fe, and lies right in the center of some of the most scenic terrain in the state. Her mother, Patty Doel, knew it well because the pair of them often traveled it together. Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. Their strange story was reported in an eyewitness account by Gen. Sir Ian Hamilton in a dispatch to Secretary-at-War Earl Kitchener. Fort cited the case of a New York woman around 1920 whose husband was in an insane asylum. The Riddle of Ambrose Bierce An editorialist, journalist, and short story writer, Bierce traveled to Mexico in 1913 to gain first-hand experience of the Mexican Revolution. So if you think you see a UFO, consider that it might just be a plane. Disappeared Into Thin Air In 1854, in Selma, Alabama, farmer Orion Williams simply vanished while walking across his property. In March of 2019, Time referred to the 2011 disappearance of Lauren Spierer as one of the most mysterious of all time. His body was never found. It was as if Mel Nadel had simply stepped off the face of the earth into oblivion. The Trypillian people, as they are known by the Romanians, were believed to have vanished due to drastic climate changes that made it impossible for their people to stay and survive. One of the strangest disappearances of modern history is surely that of the famous writer Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?). The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, or, Experiences some of the harshest winters in the world, Has limited ability to grow fresh produce, The Adults-Only Island In Alaska Where You Can Enjoy Some Much-Needed Peace And Quiet, This Enchanting And Historic Town In Alaska Is The Perfect Trip Destination, Denali Park Road To Mountain Vista Is Now Open Heres What You Need To Know, 4 Must-Visit Flea Markets In Alaska Where Youll Find Awesome Stuff, The Story Behind This Remote Town In Alaska Will Fascinate You, Step Inside The Creepy, Abandoned Town Of Port Chatham In Alaska, The One Winter Alaskans Will Never, Ever Forget, The Strange Town In Alaska Where Everyone Lives Under The Same Roof. There are so many twists and turns to it that you should definitely read this very thorough write-up in Smithsonian magazine about it (after you finish reading this list, of course). The boy had vanished forever. All evidence seemed to suggest that Emma had never left the immediate vicinity of her vehicle, yet she was not there. As you can surely imagine, the frozen wonderland and dark sky can take its toll on even the most seasoned sourdoughs. He didnt name the suspects but said they were two men teenagers at the time of the disappearance who were following Calico on her bike when some kind of accident happened. He said that there was no reason for the sheriff to publicly announce his suspicions if he couldnt arrest the suspects. The following day, with still no sign of Mel Nadel, a search was launched of the area, which grew in scope until it became one of the largest in New Mexico history, involving hundreds of people, all terrain vehicles, scent dogs, and aircraft, and some strange clues were found. Reprinted as The Complete Books of Charles Fort. The detachment guarding the bridge was in position and assured the colonel that no enemy forces had passed across the bridge, but the 2,988 men in the front line had all disappeared. And then there are these magnificent cultures and societies that left behind buildings and monuments of their once wealthy and powerful civilizations. said she, "you are darker than my husband." This led authorities to believe that she had somehow gotten confused and taken the wrong road, after which her car had gotten stuck in a rut, but it could not be ascertained just how she could have possibly mistaken the eroded, unforgiving terrain of the decrepit Devils Road for the immaculate paved lanes of Pecos Monastery Road. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Berlitz, Charles, and J. M. Valentine. Brent Swancer is an author and crypto expert living in Japan. Cooper Disappearing Into the Wilderness D.B. German town, and in the evening checked the horses of his carriage. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. These people hunted at first but then learned how to farm later on. 22 Feb. 2023 . If they had deserted en masse, it is strange that they were never heard of again. Missing Sodder Children in West Virginia Early Christmas morning, December 25, 1945, tragedy struck the Sodder family in Fayetteville, West Virginia, when their house went up in flames. The Pattersons, who lived in the 3000 block of Piedmont Drive, were last seen between March 5 and 6, 1957, according to El Paso police records. A society that periodically burns their old village to construct a new one on top of it, the Cucuteni-Trypillian people are a fascinating civilization. Two hundred years later, debate continues over whether the famous explorer committed suicide or was murdered. Bennington Triangle of Vermont Centered around Glastenbury Mountain in southwestVermont, this area has long been cursed according toNative American lore. Whittier has been called the weirdest in America and has only one way in and one way out of town. Litchfield, Connecticut By Heather Young. Their village is located about 500 miles from today's Egyptian capital, Cairo. The Minoans were believed to have been wiped out by a devastating volcanic eruption, or through starvation afterward, if some of them ever survived. Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology. The Earth's age is nothing compared to how many people have lived, flourished, and died on it. In fact, what seems to have gotten the most people talking about this isolated community is the mysterious disappearances of 24 people that happened between the 1960s and 2004. The reasoning was that a serial killer had to be involved due to the large number of people that had gone missing. But for ten months, Patty Doel and her husband John heard nothing. More Controversy on the Roswell Affair: An Alien Accident? The movie is in essence a conspiracy theory that centers around the reason for the missing people being alien abduction. Another theory was that he had been attacked and dragged off by some wild animal, but there was absolutely no evidence of this. On the fiftieth anniversary of the Gallipoli landings, former sapper Frederick Reichardt (who had been in the New Zealand Engineers) signed a statement in which he recalled the appearance of a strange, huge cloud about 800 feet long and 220 feet high, into which the illfated regiment marched. Ancient accounts of teleportation of human beings are more impressive than modern ones, insofar as limited means of transport would preclude conventional rapid transit as an explanation. Four years later, in 1975, he vanished from a Detroit-area restaurant. The girl in the picture had a discolored streak on her thigh, a scar just like the one Tara had gotten in a car accident when she was younger. The mystery of what happenedremains one of the most famous ghost ship stories in maritime history. Retrieved February 22, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/disappearances-paranormal. Fort, Charles. YouTubeA mysterious polaroid found in 1989 thats believed to show Tara Calico. Her case became highly publicized due to the graphic nature of the crime, and an exhaustive manhunt began, but the killer was never apprehended. His calling cards showed an address on Fifth Avenue. The Lost Girls. They flourished until 2,750 BC, learning all kinds of livelihood from farming to livestock. However, there are a number of cases that re-main intriguing mysteries. It is where Ethiopia is today, but in the 1st century AD, it was known as the Aksumite Empire. The victims all knew each other through the crack trade and prostitution. Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, January 2023. "Ah!" Patty and John waited and waited. They were stationed 16 miles south of Nanking and had orders to fight to the finish. The area was searched for months but The northwestern town of Nome, Alaska is located on the southern edge of the Seward Peninsula on Norton Sound. As she headed out the door, Tara jokingly told her mother that shed better come looking for her if Tara didnt show up by noon. In the case of Spiritualist mediums, the claimed phenomenon usually involves theories of dematerialization (rendering physical matter intangible) with rematerialization at a distance. Although she had planned to be at the monastery in the late afternoon or early evening Emma never arrived, and on September 6 Emmas car was located by a hunter abandoned along a stretch of Pecos County Service Road 63A, also locally known rather ominously as Camino Del Diablo, or "The Devils Road." Some historians do not accept the evidence for this mass dis-appearance, but there are other cases in more recent history. In the book Vanishings (1981), author Michael Harrison states that Fentz left his home in Florida in 1876 because his wife objected to his smoking in the house. Three years later, another Martin Guerre turned up, a soldier with a wooden leg who had served in the Flanders war. In the 1550s, in the French town of Artigues, Martin Guerre left his wife and young son one morning, walking in the direction of his father's farm. Oliver's father and others in the house went to look for the boy, carrying a lamp. Three centuries before the Khmer Empire fell, Angkor Wat fell to ruin due to various reasons, some of which were war and natural disasters. Made famous by Angelina Jolie's Lara Croft: Tomb Raider film, this city is a 402-acre monument, temple, and is the largest religious monument in the world. As early as 8,000 BC, these people already knew how to domesticate animals and some form of agriculture. Hauser, Kaspar (ca. Their reported rise took place in the Zagros Mountains by the Arabian Plateau. So much so that Universal Pictures hopped on filming a major motion picture about the Nome, Alaska disappearances, which was released in 2009. Today, Tara Calico has been missing for more than 30 years. The majority of the 200 year-round residents live under the same roof at the 14-story Begich Towers, which also contains municipal services like police and post office, a school, a store, a church, and a health center. There were also stones that point to the Nabta Playa people's knowledge of astronomy. Reports of such cases must be considered highly questionable, especially in light of the numerous verified cases of fraudulently produced apports. The boy's footprints in the snow ended abruptly. They suspected that the 19-year-old had run away from home a hypothesis her family vehemently denied, describing Tara as a cheerful girl brimming with enthusiasm. But in reality, Minoa is believed to have been one of the very first civilizations in Europe. Their disappearance cannot just be explained by drought or an increase in population. The regiment was composed of 250 soldiers and 16 officers. The victims had been killed by crushing blows to the skull. Are these disappearances the result of the rugged terrain of the area getting the better of some? Died February 12, 1789 Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). During the Gallipoli campaign in World War I, the British First-Fifth Norfolk Regiment under Col. Sir Horace Beauchamp pursued the enemy through forest territory and disappeared without a trace. This deranged person was never found. It took a year to identify all of the remains, and it was found that all of the women had connections to drugs and prostitution. The Khmer had one of the first successful military regimes in Asian history, fighting against the Chams and the Annamese. On the night of June 11 or early morning of June 12, inmates Clarence Anglin, John Anglin, and Frank Morris tucked paper-mch heads resembling their likenesses into their beds, broke out of the main prison building via an unused utility corridor, and departed Alcatraz Island aboard an improvised inflatable raft to an uncertain fate. The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. In mythology, Minoa was believed to be ruled by the Cretan Bull and its Minotaur offspring. Also See: The Fountain Murders: Sites Today. On April 6, 1986, Penny Cayedito arrived at her apartment in Gallup, New Mexico, after a hard days work. Halfway to the well, about 75 feet from the house, the boy's footprints in the snow ended abruptly, and there were no other tracks. Bathurst stopped for a meal at an inn in Perleberg, a small Four years later, in 1975, he vanished from a Detroit-area restaurant. He was seen by witnesses to walk around to the far side of the horses and then disappear. Today, Egypt is just like any other country in Asia, one that is rich in culture and history, but they were once the most advanced and the most successful civilization on the face of the Earth. A former California lawman has analyzed thousands of missing persons cases and has identified specific clusters where an inordinate number of people vanish under mysterious circumstances. Missing Ships Through the Decades There are dozens of missing and unexplained disappearances of American ships and boats where no evidence of the ship or crew has ever been found. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. The fiery Ethan Allen was one of, Disanto v. Pennsylvania 273 U.S. 34 (1927), Disabled Individuals and Regular Physical Exercise, https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/disappearances-paranormal. These people lived off of the trade business, making the Olmec the mother of cultural beginnings in Mesoamerica. When six-year-old Emily Evans vanishes from her familys home on a remote Minnesota Lake in 1935, it destroys her family. In June 1950 he appeared in Times Square, New York City, dressed in the formal wear of 1876shepherd's plaid trousers, button boots, Prince Albert coat, glossy "plug" hat. Anthonette Christine Cayedito was 9 when she went missing from Gallup, New Mexico, on April 6, 1986. WebDisappearances (Paranormal) History has recorded many instances of mysterious disappearances, sometimes with equally mysterious reappearances. By all accounts Mel was a happy family man and successful business man who did not owe money to anyone and had no known enemies. These people are called the Cahokia, they were a sophisticated and very intelligent group of people with skills that went over farming, irrigation, and agriculture. The standing hard evidence is the world-famous stone monuments called Moai found all over the island. Tara Calicos family reflects on her disappearance and the police response. There have also been many cases of genuine amnesia, or loss of memory, resulting in the victim's traveling far from home and reappearing without any clear recollection of what happened.
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