Please consider turning it on! But when she finds herself in the custody of an assuredly strange, intriguingly alien, and most definitely fictional man acting as if they're the best of friends, theres not much else to do but play along. Ill do it, he confirmed. 11 Elizabeth Mae Tyler: Rose's adoptive sister what happens when they meet a 900-year-old alien and he takes them into time and space? List of Doctor Who episodes (2005-present) " The Day of the Doctor " is a special episode of the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, marking the programme's 50th anniversary. Please consider turning it on! # 2. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (76), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (2), Eleventh Doctor/Amy Pond/Rory Williams (47), Eleventh Doctor/Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who) (19), Eleventh Doctor/Tenth Doctor/Rory Williams (16), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (16), Aliquis, medicus voca! [6] ~~~~~That is until they meet Rose Tyler and Damon Shakespeare. Just acknowledge what I said. Based on the quote from the eleventh doctor "so, what do you do around here to stave of the, you know, self harm"Roroy is worried that The Doctor would say that and thinks some thi is going on. Definitely his room. Amelia Rose Song. Rose Tyler returns into her original universe to find the Doctor - again. Who grow up to save the world Plot Mini-episodes and supplementary material "She Said, He Said" is a mini-episode that acts as a prelude to "The Name of the Doctor", in which the Eleventh Doctor and Clara each have a monologue about how little they know about each other and that they discovered each other's secret at Trenzalore. All of us, Jack said firmly. What was meant to be a simple, calm trip to an intergalactic museum ended up becoming a a trip through memories the Doctor rather wanted to forget. How will she cope knowing the Master, who used to be her closest friend, was capable of such horrific acts? you decide to change that tonight. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. texttospeech. An impossibility come to life. dont let the relationship tags fool you - this isnt a multidoc sorry, The Master | Koschei (Academy Era)/Reader, The Doctor | Theta Sigma (Doctor Who: Academy Era)/Reader, The Doctor | Theta Sigma (Doctor Who: Academy Era), The Master | Koschei (Doctor Who: Academy Era), the reader wants to fight the doctor constantly, Do Timelords Dream? She was 12 when she met the Doctor and his TARDIS. Hurt- Rory Williams . The spines stuck in his chest and belly were also bleeding badly. The doctor finds the idea of Rory having feelings for him to be assured hijinks ensues This is a Rory/Eleven doctor fanfic so that's what you're getting dude-man This is a highschool au/ normie au ( the doctor isn't an alien, although that'd be pretty cool). Abnormal and people didn't hesitate to make her feel like it. "What could've been in Rory's room during s6ep12 "The God Complex". Chaos as well as learning how to tiptoe around a distraught Doctor. Hes working at a record store when Clara Oswald, an English teacher walks in searching for age-appropriate records for her class. (you wouldn't call a stranger "darling girl" now would you). What would have happened if she never died? The story of two little ginger girls Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (148), Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures - Various Authors (2), Eleventh Doctor/Amy Pond/Rory Williams (39), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (21), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, sex pollen except amy is having none of it, Older Amy Pond (Episode:s06e10 The Girl Who Waited), Post-Episode AU: s06e10 The Girl Who Waited, eleven/amy trying to find each other again, there might be more than one chapter to this actually, back when i was convinced there was going to be an entire smith-era 60th anniversary special, and it makes me sad that it's never going to happen, The Age of Paradox- Book 2.5: Miracle Day, Jenny (Doctor Who: The Doctor's Daughter), laughing at some of these suggested tags i mean honestly, I Wrote This While Listening To The Weeknd, Pre-Episode: s05e10 Vincent and The Doctor, but still manages to make an incredible speech, Post-Episode: s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan, I really wish they'd put the concept of the Doctor's sentiment in the episode, but I guess that's what fanfiction is for, Episode: s08e08 Mummy on the Orient Express, amy and twelve have an iconic scottish argument, I have been thinking about writing this one for ages, The Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald Friendship, but i have a whole headcanon this happened anyway, I had this in my head for ages and it wouldn't go away, aka that time in Britain some guy tried to kill the king, so for 400 years we've been celebrating by burning his effigy, Episode: s12e04 Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror, Episode: s13e04 Village of the Angels (Doctor Who), Episode: s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan, Standing Out Under String Lights and Constellations. That Eleven has nightmares. Well, along with the Doctor's new friend "Your boyfriend doesn't like me," the Doctor said, then winced. Unsteady Ground by TARDISTraveller reviews. Yes it's an oc insert; however, they are g/n and they basically just get called a nickname they made up on a whim. Rose and the doctor, a few (happy) chapters of metacrisis and Rose's life together showing what happened in Pete's world for over a century. the doctor found this boy when he was 8 years old. By the time he looked back down at the Doctor, he'd stopped breathing. He is looking for his bonded. "And the Doctor will always TICK TOCK GOES THE CLOCK previously called Gadget. . When I awoke today suddenly nothing happened. Clara Oswald met the Doctor multiple times. What would have happened if the Victorian version of Clara was the one who became the full-time companion? What happens when the Doctor meets a new companion? Introducing the 9th, 10th and 11th Doctors. He didn't remember most of them, though. Will John and Rose be able to prove their love? Who are you really? the Doctor wheeled on you. Standing out on the rings of Akhaten, the Doctor stumbles upon a world where the people deal in sentiment, where valuable possessions act as currency and money is obsolete. Despite just loosing someone close to him, he takes this new person with him to keep them safe from the danger that took his magnificent companion. Clever" than he puts on. If I dont make it - if we cant save Rose - dont bother with my body, because Im not going to regenerate. And boy did we. 'Quiet!' The only thing the Doctor does know is that he thinks of her everyday. He doesnt know when it started. What's River Song's connection to the Tardis and Amy? Hands scraped and bleeding and maybe it would be better if neither of them had hands at all. What if it had been Rose who had been forced to go up against the Dream Lord and choose between two realities? He hasn't forgotten all this time.Based during Amy's Choice. Ari is most assuredly one of them. It put her brain on the edge of an idea and her tongue ready to burst out with the answer. Teaspoon Admin on 2020.09.07 - 02:57PM, Possible Teaspoon downtime at 9pm UTC May 4, 2019 My little tribute to the great actress who is sadly no longer with us. Find out who she is herself. Novembers only been theirs for a week, and Amys already seen more stars than she could ever believe. We'll see. 'The Master ignored him, still smiling. The Doctor has just regenerated. Known issue: if you try to edit a chapter, the editing interface will load, but you'll see blank author's notes and story text fields. [Prompt: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey], Master, please. But it was her sacrifice, against the death of the Universe. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, they are both idiots who like eachother lol, The Doctor (Doctor Who) Is Bad at Feelings, theonlymysteryworthsolving (impossible_ozzie), clara has a very obvious crush on the doctor, this is a follow up to the bells of st john prequel, Post-Episode: s07e14 The Name of the Doctor, Spoilers for Episode: s07e14 The Name of the Doctor, tfw when your patient looks exactly like ur dead fiance, I never wanted anything from you, except everything you had, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Clara Oswin Oswald, Other characters are alluded to (Missy/Danny/Other Doctors), what does it feel like when you turn on a light, Alternate Universe - Beauty and the Beast Fusion, but still manages to make an incredible speech, Post-Episode: s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan, I really wish they'd put the concept of the Doctor's sentiment in the episode, but I guess that's what fanfiction is for, The Last Time Lord and the Impossible Girl {Modern Edition}. Thankfully, sometimes fate reconnects people. But you may be diagnosed with something neither of you were expecting. 9th, 10th, 11th Doctors x OC "To love someone is a choice that you have to be willing to make every single day.". the doctor and a young boy, travelling through time and space together like father and son. And what does the Doctor and Rose have to do with Trenzalore? It terrified her. (Not a name, more like random nouns)(Ps I haven't chosen a name as off today, so I know about as much as you do on the name front (11/22/22))(Pps I am writing in mobile so if it looks a lil funky that's why). Well, this is that story. He can no longer deny the fact that hes dangerous and that, contrary to the belief of people around him, he is not a brave man. About the madman, sometimes madwoman, in a blue box who saves planets, eras and civilisations at the risk of his or her own life. The Doctor could never define what Clara meant to him in any quantifiable terms. Was the sound of you thrashing around loud enough for the Doctor to hear through the endless corridors of the Tardis or had you been shouting too? Not even a little bit. Everything always gets complicated around him and the people he cares for. Contains graphic self harm and will contain graphic bdsm scenes when I've rewritten them (more warnings/tags added when thats done). Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (420), Twelfth Doctor/Original Female Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Reader is not impossible girl theyre mysterious, Ahhh yes i shall adopt this traumatised and depressed man, They sit in comfortable silence until now, Because who needs words when you can watch the sun, They will get a name and i will eventually gender them (or maybe not lol), Forced To Watch (A belated Febuwhump Post), Reader is The Doctor's Companion (Doctor Who), the doctor's awareness of her body and appearance is awful, this could probably happen in doctor who tbh, there will be a cool sci fi explanation for how the body swap happened, the tenth doctor has a tentacle dick no i wont elaborate, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Original Female Character(s), The Doctor (Doctor Who) & Original Female Character(s), Tenth Doctor/Original Female Character(s), The fun adventures of The Doctor and her companion, Eleventh Doctor/Original Female Character(s), Amy Pond (Doctor Who) & Original Female Character(s), River Song & Original Female Character(s), Sleeping At Last Songs that Would Describe a Relationship with the Eleventh Doctor, "_____" Songs The Would Describe (a) Relationship(s) with "______", written as platonic but can be read as romantic, the doctor is purposefully vague so you can imagine whatever face, hell this could be Lumleys thirteenth doctor or Jackson Lake or Dhawan!Doctor if you want, or any role-swapped or fanmade doctor for that matter, the doctor (doctor who) isnt referred to with any pronouns, reader isnt referred to with any pronouns, what actually happened to trigger the nightmare is left vague, no beta we die like Ja- ohn Barrowmans prospects of returning to the show, idk man i wrote this with high blood sugar so the quality might be ahhhh. We don't anticipate any downtime as part of this switchover, but obviously, will keep you all updated in the unlikely event something goes wrong. It all started as a nice and boring day at the beach. To make up for all the mistakes he had never committed, and most of all to repair the heart he hadnt broke. Whouffaldi/AU/warnings of sex, stalking and violence. He couldn't keep up with it. The doctor finds the idea of Rory having feelings for him to be assured hijinks ensues This is a Rory/Eleven doctor fanfic so that's what you're getting dude-man This is a highschool au/ normie au ( the doctor isn't an alien, although that'd be pretty cool) . Could it be magic (eleventh doctor and rose tyler) 37 pages Completed January 15, 2021 The time lord sent by Cyberlife. just a jumble of one shots for my favorite DW characters that i dont see much of. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. There were the usual problems that everyone knew about when it came to demons and monsters and horrible creatures that even God himself rejected. Doctor, Doctor /who/ are you? FanFiction | unleash . You must have been moving in your sleep because your legs are tangled in the duvet. You chase after ghosts of Remembrance, of Love and Devotion, of Wars in Heaven and Time; anything, anything to find answers. #angst #characterswatchtheshow #comfort #doctor # . 11th Doctor/Rose pairing. Human AU: Prompt - River teaching 11 how to kiss, and 11 ends up kissing River really leaving River silent and flustered for a moment, "This is where we've always been heading, you and I." Nor is he a good man. The doctor finds something he has wanted back for a long time-family. The Doctor and Rose try to come up with a plan to stop the Doctor's death while saving the universe. when they met them everything changed, as specially since when Rose is The Doctor's Romantic Soulmate and Damon is the Professor's Romantic Soulmate. He didnt expect the paternal feelings that come with it, and is soon left wondering if hes bitten off more than he can chew. A young CIA agent Operator Narvin, soon finds out the young twenty year old hes just taken in doesnt know shes a time lady or that shes half Gallifreyan. She prayed to Santa to send someone, and he did. Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it takes a parallel universe, but the thing about twin flames is th Malia always felt out of the ordinary. The Doctor walks in on the Ponds one day and he ends up taking Rorys anal virginity. A woman from year 6088 finds herself transcending dimensions and becoming someone she only thought was a character in a TV Show that she'd once loved. Scene rewrites, smut, hurt/comfort etcetc Roseten: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17,Whouffle: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25Whouffaldi: 3, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 23, 24. Teaspoon Admin on 2020.09.13 - 01:20PM, Errors posting stories And Ari? The urge that left you many nights feeling like . ), /I don't take requests, but suggestions in the comments are welcome./, Jordan Blanchat Sancoeur was your run of the mill orphan living with her grandfather in the middle of nowhere. John and Dan's arm wrestling was intensifying, and now the people around them were chanting.'QUIET!' 5 pages Completed October 13, 2018 lonely.neko. The On one night there was a girl, she had a crack in her wall. I know who you are, I asked what you are, Merlin repeated. Work Search: The Doctor and his companion Amy have been skirting around the truth for some time now and everything is about to break. by janai1 (All Ages) The Doctor is feeling lonely after the loss of The Ponds and Clara Oswald. AU. They shall run from the beginning to the end of time and beyond, and if anything tries to stand in their way, their worlds will burn. Doctor Who drabbles based on Saint Motel's The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. Rose Tyler returns into her original universe to find the Doctor - again. Doctor Who fanfiction 9th, 10th, 11th Doctors x OC previously called Gadget. VANADEY // Forest Goddess Rose Tyler and her son, Irvin, receive a TARDIS blue envelope through a crack in a wall. Who would've thought that two people - soulmates - were the last of Dodie Chameleon thought she was just another normal girl, at least that was until she met a mysterious and quite frankly odd man and everything changed. Instead you smiled, past, present, future, Doctor. When The Doctor runs into an old friend, who had been previously assumed dead, it's both a relief and terrifying. Warnings: implied child abuse, mild violence, bi doctor, the expected brand of self loathing. TICK TOC Alice Pond, adopted sister of Amelia Pond. The Torchwood Drabble Files by badly_knitted (Teen) Then a gasp, followed by a moan of pain. They won't take it. Just you watch us.. ClaraJohn Smith. Her father ran through time. How long have you lived in Amberpoint again? No memory of you after all, you knew that. Clara is the physical personification of Murphy's Law and we all know the doctor loves chaos. The Doctor and Wilfred are having a nice night out watching the stars when the Doctor is suddenly overcome with emotion. She runs through the stars. Warnings: Nightmares, general distress, implied eating disorder, implied depression, implied suicide thoughts. He stops in a modern day Berlin, and stumbles onto a secret lurking beneath the city. Doctor Who fanfiction The dream horse series After the dark horse betrayed the doctor he went off to plan his revenge but during that time he regenerated into the dream horse. This is mainly for 10th, 11th,12th, and 13th Doctor. I will do oneshots for 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and their companions (if requested). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Dimension hopping Rose Tyler gets stuck in a universe that still had Time Lords and is taken to Gallifrey by the Celestial Interventions Agency. Its vast and all-encompassing, but theres one thing always stuck at the center of it: The Doctor, in the TARDIS, with Rose Tyler, just as it should be. Hes not happy about being trapped in a cell a little bigger than a hotel bathroom with the Doctor, dont get him wrong. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (62), Eleventh Doctor & Amy Pond & Rory Williams (14), Thirteenth Doctor & Yasmin Khan & Graham O'Brien & Ryan Sinclair (9), the doctor and master have years of angst and i love it, I don't think I'm capable of writing Seven and Ace without making both of their lives miserable, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Episode Fix-It: s04e08 Silence in the Library, Liv Chenka & Eighth Doctor & Helen Sinclair, Post-Episode: Legend of the Sea Devils (Doctor Who), Pre-Episode: The Power of the Doctor (Doctor Who), Loop 23:57: Dan Lewis Reveals that Yasmin Khan Likes the Doctor (Doctor Who: Eve of the Daleks), Doctor doesnt acknowledge it until after sea devils tho, Thirteenth Doctor & Yasmin Khan & Graham O'Brien & Ryan Sinclair, Tenth Doctor & Thirteenth Doctor & Donna Noble, The Doctor (Doctor Who) Uses They/Them Pronouns, for every failing sun, there's a morning after, Eleventh Doctor & Amy Pond & Rory Williams, hints at preslash between the three of them, all torture does happen offscreen but it is for sure happening currently within the story, The Doctor (Doctor Who) Uses He/Him She/Her and They/Them Pronouns, see warnings at start of relevant chapter, because I can't be fucked to research shit, I probably lost the plot writing some of those, Probably also lost it while writing these tags, No beta we die like uhm whatever Who character doesn't come constantly back to life, or whatever you can call my small dip into insanity, don't come here expecting everything to be nice and calm. The Oswald Twins by AlexisSweetis095. 'Good morning, everyone!' 'No, please,' he gasped. Whatever the case, you're glad of the company.Hate nightmares. You shiver. The Guardian is a young Time Lord, who is technically still a child, that had to grow up quick due to a rough start on Gallifrey and having very rare abilities the High What if Timelord' had a soul mate? Orange skies, auburn clouds, reflected in the mirror are glinting spires and cities that seem to go on forever. But mostly an 11th Doctor/Rose reunion fic. This is their story. Human AU: Prompt - River teaching 11 how to kiss, and 11 ends up kissing River really leaving River silent and flustered for a moment. The Tardis takes him back to his Ponds to recover. tardis, christophereccleston, doctorwho. While Planet side, Rory gets separated from the Doctor and Amy, and he becomes a target of opportunity. Astraea, the Timelady who couldn't remember, meets the Doctor who turns out to be her soulmate. Honestly, he didnt think he had wandered that far from the TARDIS.The Fifth Doctor is caught in a storm on his way back to the TARDIS. Watching Doctor Who: Series 1 2005 by WatchingNewWho reviews. If his soul had a form it would need a hand to hold hers. But she can't. She's stuck in London, skipping from flat to flat trying not to let Donna k. Completed. The Winchesters never had the easiest of lives, to say the least. This is one of my first attempts so bear with me, Im not that great at this. As with previous incarnations of the Doctor, the character has also appeared in other Doctor Who spin-offs.Smith's portrayal of the Eleventh Doctor has been met with praise. This is a very dark story containing non-consent, violence, gore, torture, death and the Master being very evil. 'Doctor, you can't do this. "Kindness, Feminine Beauty and Grace." After Rose begins dating Harold Saxon, John is forced to confront those feelings. After losing a woman he loved dearly he chose to travel the world rather than deal with the pain of losing her. Eleven is not okay; and Rory wants, no needs to help him. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Sarah Jane S., 11th Doctor - Words: 436 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/19/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 6919862 A reunion story in four acts:Act I: IntroAct II: PrologueAct III: The ReunionAct IV: The Story Continues, Prompt: You look like you could use a hug. Doctor. My amazing cover is by @-crazywebs Charlotte Bolton wasn't supposed to disappear in the middle of the aisle. Doctor Who Fanfic Sequel to the Witness Revenant// a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead. She had been the first person to figure out my feelings for him, so knowing that she simply didn't respect them enough to. The Doctor's daughter was always shunned on Gallifrey, now travelling with her father, can she learn to trust him while keeping from him her biggest secret? No scrap that, that would be completely rubbish. Every night they had the same dream. Amy can't keep up with all of their trips - from Ancient Rome to present-day St Tropez - there's a room full of Mechanical Stars, and ever-changing Autumnal leaves casading into the river. They will laugh, cry, love but most of all, run. Doctor Who - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 15 - Words: 110,471 - Reviews: 402 - Favs: 552 - Follows: 605 . If anything, I almost admired how he handled it. The Doctor was far more affected by that "Mr. The Doctor lets the older Amy into the TARDIS at the end of The Girl Who Waited. Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. ), /I don't take requests, but suggestions in the comments are welcome./, Prompt: You look like you could use a hug. At Drlig Ulv Stranden on the worst day of her life, Rose Tyler left things unsaid with less than two minutes to spare but when planets become lost, Martha Jones sees something impossible & Donna Noble's life becomes infected by one of the Trickster's Brigade, Donna is lead to an emotional lie. Rose and her husband had a fantastic life. 'Today we've got a new boy joining the class 'Rose, amid a conversation about Britney with Shareen, glanced up to see the new boy. Perhaps the christmas he regenerated and got his hand cut off? When the Doctor shows up unexpectedly at Rose Tyler's door a year later, she doesn't know how to react. And now theyre all just trying to understand their (stupid) feelings and get back to each otherall over the course of one year Eleven attempts suicide but is luckily found by Rory. With the Doctors duty of care, she takes your place when things get dark. "She breathes him in deeply and he smells like Autumn. Meu orientador o Jared, que a propsito, amigo da famlia h anos, o que me faz ter certa intimidade com ele, e uma pequena queda por ele tambm (uma queda do tamanho do monte Everest). reader)Word Count: 1,001 wordsBased on the song: Dance with Me Wallis, Three songs by Sleeping at Last that would describe a relationship with the Eleventh Doctor. When the TARDIS mysteriously vanishes, the Doctor and Amy Pond are left stranded on a futuristic human colony. "It's - It's almost Christmas. {Doctor/River/Reader that honors Doctor/Rose}, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (107), Twelfth Doctor/Original Female Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Reader is not impossible girl theyre mysterious, Ahhh yes i shall adopt this traumatised and depressed man, They sit in comfortable silence until now, Because who needs words when you can watch the sun, They will get a name and i will eventually gender them (or maybe not lol), Eleventh Doctor/Original Female Character(s), Amy Pond (Doctor Who) & Original Female Character(s), River Song & Original Female Character(s), Tenth Doctor/Original Female Character(s), Reader is The Doctor's Companion (Doctor Who), Sleeping At Last Songs that Would Describe a Relationship with the Eleventh Doctor, "_____" Songs The Would Describe (a) Relationship(s) with "______", written as platonic but can be read as romantic, the doctor is purposefully vague so you can imagine whatever face, hell this could be Lumleys thirteenth doctor or Jackson Lake or Dhawan!Doctor if you want, or any role-swapped or fanmade doctor for that matter, the doctor (doctor who) isnt referred to with any pronouns, reader isnt referred to with any pronouns, what actually happened to trigger the nightmare is left vague, no beta we die like Ja- ohn Barrowmans prospects of returning to the show, idk man i wrote this with high blood sugar so the quality might be ahhhh.
Prayer For A Friend Whose Mom Is Dying, Matlab Subplot Label Rows And Columns, Enrolled Agent Disqualifications, Midland Country Club Board Of Directors, Articles D