The book goes into a lot of analysis to explain what the tuetonic race is the greatest race the world has ever been give and has merged into many other races at the same time also. Being a Nazi in 1926 was just not the same than being a Nazi in 1938, 1942 or 1944. The Europe the Romans had ambitioned was saved by a racial messiah: the Germanic tribes which, by invading the Empire, preserved the continent and its civilization. The Teutonic warrior is therefore celebrated by Chamberlains book with the same resonating fury as Wagners operas: Ohne ihn ging der Tag des Indoeuropers zu Ende. They settled down in Greece and Rome, enjoying the benefits of cultural photosynthesis, thanks to the sun and mild climate of the Mediterranean. The self-taught student had found his philosophical stone and was ready to share his revelation, to the public. Enqute sur la gense de lhistoire de lart, Paris, PUF, Perspectives Germaniques, 2000. Chamberlain devotes some 500 pagesnearly half the bookto that period, providing his reader with ample material on Rome, Greece and the Jews as well as on another sacrosanct trinity: Athens, Rome and Jerusalem. While the Greeks had given Europe a soul, the Romans were busy shaping the body: the, , the legions. Among them were Houston Stewart Chamberlain and many members of what historians later called the Bayreuther Kreis, an informal circle of members and friends of the Wagner family, including Cosima Wagner, the wife of the Master, and Ludwig Schemann. By way of mixture and integration, the Romans changed and gave birth to a breed of mongrels, giving out the Roman citizenship (civitas romana) to every free man on earth. Indeed, I would also describe you as the opposite of a politician, in the commonly accepted sense of the word, for the essence of all politics is membership of a party, whereas with you all parties disappear, consumed by the heat of your love for the fatherland. The immigration of strangers to the race was recurrently presented as the invasion of microbes and viruses into a healthy and sound body. Having learned, from a very young age, at least two foreign languages, he almost wrote better in French and in German than he did in English. For many people in the 19, : many Christian racists of the period could not bear the idea of their Messiah being a Jew. Not a Jew, by all means! If only those elites would come to that same awareness, they would crush any opposition and rule the world for good. Please, do not mention this painstaking compiler, good enough to write mediocre encyclopaedias named Plinius, Chamberlain has nothing but contempt for Plinius, who might have been less of a mediocre, , as he puts it, than he was himself. From his anthropological research, . In this monumental piece of work, he tried to answer the following questions: what made (t)his period the most remarkable one in history? This meant rewriting, mimicking and sometimes even plagiarizing parts of Hegels Lectures on the Philosophy of History, which, since it had been posthumously published in 1837, had become mandatory homework for those who wanted an easy introduction to the work of the great philosopher. This is one of the better clichs of the German historiography of the second half of the 19th century: only the Nordic king, Alexander of Macedonia, managed to unify Greece and put an end to endless campaigns by creating an Empire, like King Wilhelm of Prussia who succeeded in 1871 in unifying the different German tribes and states into a mighty Empire.8 Fortunately, the Greeks were great artists, like the Germans themselves. I, chap. Houston Stewart Chamberlain was an English-born German writer who formulated the most important theory of Teutonic superiority in pre-Hitlerian German thought. 19Although he did not agree with everything he had written in the Foundations, Hitler knew how to value such honour. Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship; Contact; Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship . Weindling, Paul, Epidemics and Genocide in Eastern Europe, 1890-1945, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003. Ein Beitrag zur historischen Methodenkritik, in Archiv fr Kulturgeschichte, 64, 1972, pp. ). And Chamberlain would not be the last to perform such a, under the Third Reich; for instance, an official Protestant church pledged to the Nazi party, . 1.7 Houston Stewart Chamberlain and the Race Struggle of Western History Like Theodor Fritsch, Houston Stewart Chamberlain represents an important link between 14Contrary to what is being taught by those who are too lazy to think and by flagrant historical lies, the Germanic invasions did not destroy the Empire but saved it from its fatal jewification and degeneration. It is no wonder that an Englishman like Chamberlain became part of the Wagner Circle for Britons were considered to be members of the Aryan race like any other German(ic) man. Historians must therefore make the effort to understand that, for Chamberlains coevals, his book was important in that it provided an answer, at the time, to important questions and, to a larger extent, tried to give a meaning to history. HomeIssues11Antique Bodies in Nineteenth CentPart I: Utopian BodiesTraining the Body: The Antique ModelFrom Humanism to Nazism: Antiquit Darwiniste social et raciste convaincu, Houston Stewart Chamberlain sest constitu une vaste culture dautodidacte. This race of heroes which carried out a Herculean task by creating the, was defeated by hybrid weaklings from Asia minor, Greeks and Jews who infiltrated the Empire and the most inner circles of imperial power, thus becoming the juridicial counsellors of the throne. Chamberlain chose to revisit this holy triangle through the vlkisch perspective. Houston Stewart Chamberlain b. It would be the official creed of the Deutsche Christen under the Third Reich; for instance, an official Protestant church pledged to the Nazi party20. Greece has always gravitated around Asia, till Rome dragged it away, to the West. Nearly as significant and important was the fact that, thanks to the Roman conquest, the Greeks finally turned their back to the East, in other words to Asia: Without Rome, undoubtedly, Europe would have been a mere perpetuation of the Asian chaos. Results for 'Houston+Stewart+Chamberlain' 11 found. His writing promoted German ethnonationalism , antisemitism , and scientific racism ; and he has been described as a "racialist writer". . Houston Stewart Chamberlain Full . He resented Chamberlain for not being aware of that scourge. I want to cry out, I want to weep. Outside the rain patters! They then engaged with the Romans: Carthage was a Jewish kingdom and Hannibal himself was some sort of a fighting rabbi! Hitler, Adolf, private talk from Oct. 21st, 1941, Fhrerhauptquartier, quoted in Hitler, Adolf, Den Jesus knnen Sie nicht zum Arier machen, das ist Unsinn. Houston Stewart Chamberlain a fost un scriitor, sociolog i filosof englez; autor de cri despre filosofie politic. This idea was borrowed by Chamberlain from many racist historians and theoreticians of the time. 13 As a true Wagnerian, Chamberlain needed heroes and saviours. 325-363. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005. , New York, Columbia University Press, 1981. , Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1960. , London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1962. , Munich, Franz Eher Verlag, Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1926. , Wien, Zrich, New York, Europa Verlag, 1940. Oktober 1923, quoted in. He was, for the Germans, the thinker who popularized Gobineaus ideas on the social Darwinists, providing the German bourgeoisie with a sense of its mission: am deutschen wesen soll die welt genesenthe German essence must heal the world. Auswirkungen der Entjudaisierung Christi im 19. und. Updates? 6But what was to be said about Rome? 8 Demandt, Alexander, Politische Aspekte im Alexanderbild der Neuzeit. Indeed, I would also describe you as the opposite of a politician, in the commonly accepted sense of the word, for the essence of all politics is membership of a party, whereas with you all parties disappear, consumed by the heat of your love for the fatherland.26. Chamberlain criticized them for their lack of political sense: The Greeks have always been, and are still today, unfaithful, unpatriotic, self-centred7. This lie, which poisons both the life of the individual and of society, this lie, which will drag us sooner or later into utter barbarism, for it will, as a . 22 Den Jesus knnen Sie nicht zum Arier machen, das ist Unsinn. Der Fanatiker will berreden, Sie wollen berzeugen, nur berzeugen, und darum gelingt es Ihnen auch; ja, ich mchte Sie ebenfalls fr das Gegenteil eines Politikers dieses Wort im landlufigen Sinne aufgefat erklren, denn die Asche aller Politik ist die Parteiangehrigkeit, whrend bei Ihnen alle Parteien verschwinden, aufgezehrt von der Glut der Vaterlandsliebe. Chamberlain compiles here a collection of the most trivial commonplaces which anyone could have easily uttered, if only to appear literate at the table of a. in Germany or of a first baronet in England. Sie haben Gewaltiges zu leisten vor sich, aber trotz Ihrer Willenskraft halte ich Sie nicht fr einen Gewaltmenschen. Meuchelmrderisch hatte sich der asiatische und afrikanische Knecht bis zum Thron des rmischen Imperiums hinaufgeschlichen, inzwischen der syrische Bastard sich des Gesetzeswerkes bemchtigte, der Jude die Bibliothek zu Alexandria benutzte, um hellenische Philosophie dem mosaischen Gesetze anzupassen (). with the celestial intelligence and inspiration of the Greeks. Thanks to this book, and because he was someone who mattered in Bayreuth, Chamberlain later became a very important mediator in the formulation of the Nazi ideology, before he died in 1927. Sample translated sentence: . But his several tracts written during World War I are interesting in their own right as documents of German nationalist . This beautiful race (in every regard) was dominant in Germany and Austria, but also within the elites of the British Empire and of the United States of America; it extended to the French elites as well, but only partly. This attempt at completing the Nazi evangelium was not crowned with success: Hitler, who considered Mein Kampf as sufficiently self-explanatory, despised Rosenbergs reflections which Goering himself went as far as to call a mere philosophical burp. As they wanted to destroy anything that was not Jewish, they fought against the Greeks. 1.7 Houston Stewart Chamberlain and the Race Struggle of Western History Like Theodor Fritsch, Houston Stewart Chamberlain represents an important link between the vlkisch anti-Semitism of the late 19th century and the ideology of Hitler and the Nazi party. More importantly, they would prevent any further decadence and avoid mixing with inferior races, like the Jews or other crossbreds. Silent nature awakes to the consciousness of itself, . Relying on Sanskrit being part of the Indo-Aryan, and thereby part of the Indo-European, family of languages, from which he supposes a common ancestry, he deems Europeans can benefit greatly from a study of the Vedic texts, the latter . 4Thanks to this book, and because he was someone who mattered in Bayreuth, Chamberlain later became a very important mediator in the formulation of the Nazi ideology, before he died in 1927. Houston Stewart Chamberlain (September 9, 1855 - January 9, 1927) was an English author of books on political philosophy, natural science. Now I believe I understand that it is precisely this that characterizes and defines your being: the true awakener is at the same time the bestower of peace25. Chamberlain scorned this racial chaos of the late Roman Empire, which destroyed any racial and national principle16this chaos of peoples of the decadent Roman Empire being a capital sin against nature17. Bayreuth Friedhof Grab Chamberlain 30.03.07 DSC05063.jpg 1,536 2,048; 1.37 MB. Houston Stewart Chamberlain (September 9, 1855 - January 9, 1927) was a British-born naturalized German natural scientist, and author of popular scientific and political philosophy books (includes those on Richard Wagner, Immanuel Kant and Johann Wolfgang Goethe) as well as proponent of a nationalist and pan-Germanic antisemitism. Englishman Houston Stewart Chamberlain, however, who crystallized the ideas for use in German nationalism. is to serve the Germanic race". 10Apart from being a compendium of all the cultural clichs of the time, Chamberlains Foundations is a form of prolonged indictment against the Jews, depicted as a race full of hatred, longing for might and vengeance. 14 Ohne Rom, das ist sicher, wre Europa eine blosse Fortsetzung des asiatischen Chaos geblieben. ), British-born Germanophile political philosopher, whose advocacy of the racial and cultural superiority of the so-called Aryan element in European culture influenced pan-German and German nationalist thought, particularly Adolf Hitler's National Socialist movement. In 1899 he published Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, 2 vol., 1911), a broad but biased analysis of European culture, in which he claimed that the Western Aryan peoples have been responsible for the greatness and creativity of Europe, and that the Jewish influence has been primarily negative. This would be taught in the ideological courses every member of the party (among which, members of the SS) had to take. Later, the Wagner family would welcome another subject of the British Empire: Winifred Williams. Jahrhunderts, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005. His writing promoted German ethnonationalism, antisemitism, and scientific racism; and he has been described as a "racialist writer". Chamberlain is unique, however, in the fact that he is the only author surveyed in . This race of heroes which carried out a Herculean task by creating the Imperium was defeated by hybrid weaklings from Asia minor, Greeks and Jews who infiltrated the Empire and the most inner circles of imperial power, thus becoming the juridicial counsellors of the throne. Trailblazer, pioneer! ), with an introduction by Lord REDESDALE, G.C.V.O., . 2 Schemann, Ludwig, Die Rasse in den GeisteswissenschaftenBand II: Hauptepochen und Hauptvlker der Geschichte in ihrer Stellung zur Rasse, Munich, Lehmanns Verlag, 1930, 419p. 3 Puschner, Uwe, Die vlkische Bewegung im wilhelminischen Kaiserreich. Rome was destroyed by the Jews because it had not protected the purity of its race and because it was never able to lead a proper racial war: a total war of annihilation. The edict of Caracalla in 212 was the beginning of the end: the Romans were to die of a slow death, all victims of this blood disease, after having mixed their blood with Arabs, Africans and Jews. Auswirkungen der Entjudaisierung Christi im 19. und zu Beginn des 20.
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