A significant punch-up is possible when using this team against WW. You can afford some punch-ups with them but with limitations. This team with the addition of Nick Fury is more than capable of beating Emarauders. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. SA can easily deal with Symbiotes regardless of power and they can easily beat Axemen in Offense (just avoid summoning). However, many players have wondered what the perfect counter is for the Young Avengers. Miles Morales controls the field with web blasts and electrical shocks. Gama is the best War team in general, but at the same time, you will need to have them strongly built up for this matchup. Welcome back to MSF Mondays! In Alliance War, Weapon X is the most justified counter for them, but in this case, you need to use Dark Hunters to heal with H4H. Magik and Phoenix can easily deal with this combo because they dont have an option to remove Storms debuffs and penetrate the Uncanny X-Men Barrier. Nonetheless countering them is easy and it can be done with teams that are not considered as first offensive options at the moment. MARVEL Strike Force - MSF.gg Kestrel will prevent Mister Sinister from cloning while summons from Maria Hill and Nick Fury will do the rest while attacking an enemy with Defense Down. In ourCosmic Crucible-best Defense Teamsarticle, I suggested what teams are justified to be put in CC Defense. He is a soldier reanimated with cybernetic technology. Taskmaster will create chaos on the enemy team with his ultimate. Marvel Strike Force: Introducing Echo and the Web-Warriors! Since my goal is to help MSF players as much as I can, Ive decided to do what you asked and divide content as you asked. Since we already mentioned them as a justified counter against Darkold/Dormhold, it may sound strange that MLF and company can be used against Weapon X in the opposite direction. We aren't a high tier war guild (plat 2) but will share this with my alliance. You will not have Stun prolonged, but hey there is your Dormammu to say a few things to YA. Keep in mind that you can experiment with other characters to counter the Young Avengers to better align with your playstyle. It is still early to accurately suggest which teams are justified to be used against Death Seed in WAR. Your main focus should be taking down Dormammu as soon as possible, after which you should prevail on pure strength. She hits hard enough to punch through reality itself. Heck, our Alliance has a lot of trouble even getting past some of the first nodes because of their difficulty. Well the idea is for them to be a full team of 5, so of course they arent good with only 4, Maybe X Force? It also looks like Young Avengers will be relegated to War Defense instead of including War attacks, thanks to the wording of Echos Special Ability. I think they can prevail over initial damage and debuffs from Underworld. You cannot expect a high punch-up but, in this matter, any punch-up is ok as long as you deal with Darkhold/Dormhold in a single battle. Those two teams are specialized in War, but they cant do much outside of it. Even improved Nobu is still almost harmless and can easily be replaced by Dormammu. As long as Thanos focus is high enough to flip buffs on Mercenaries you can afford almost any punch-up. The only thing you need to do is to save Dazzlers ultimate if Gambit is somehow Blinded by Kate Bishop. Do not hesitate to contact us and help us in our goal to make MSF easily playable for the entire community. When that happens, you can turn on the auto-combat. Plus more, like toys, the MCU, and Star Wars. X-Factor and Baron Zemo is another simple solution for this team. Unfortunately, with Axmen you cannot expect wins if punch-up is significant (50k+). Its gotta be, right? You will earn rewards by defeating enemies, but this requires a well thought out strategy. and our Black Order is the team that can easily survive the initial Mercenary combo and flips their advantages into their doom. Only because their self-sustain is the best in the game, they can hope for victory if their stats are high enough. This combination is a common enemy in War. At the Top of the page, you have a list of Teams and with a simple click on the teams name, you will be instantly transferred to their list of counters with a brief explanation for each counter. Cosmic Crucible - Team Counters | Marvel Church The principle is always the same control Captain Carter with Ability Block or stun, and focus all your damage against Captain America. As long as there are all A-Force members, Nico Minoru will place Trauma and Disrupt on her primary target (Squirrel Girl) and most probably on Ms.Marvel and Echo. Focus on SS, and after him, do whatever you like. Note that many of these counters that are effective in Alliance Wars can also double as counters for Cosmic Crucible in MSF as well. Although you have to keep Squirrel Girl controlled by Agathas Stun in the first turn while Scarlet Witchs ultimate focus is on Dormammu. After having visions of Naashjeii, Ajei was informed about the Web of Life and Destiny. If you use Dormhold, a punch-up can be significantly higher, and the strategy is the same. What makes the Web-Warriors so great is that they are a designated Raid team. Territory Battles, Which Characters First? Uxmen are the best team for Cosmic Crucible without a doubt and only Infinity Watch has the real answer for them. Young Avengers form a powerful team. So THATS what 8w means! Weapon X is considered the best counter for the Young Avengers. Darkhold/Dormhold is no exception. However, there cannot be any punch-up if you wanna succeed. However, not all players know which members form part of the Weapon X team. The names of the teams for which I will suggest counters will be highlighted in Info Boxes. They will prevent Cloak from controlling the battle and they have enough self-healing to survive New Warriors initial burst. The best place on Earth for nerds. They also beat them with Secret avengers + Kestrel and fury, but they said it wasn't as easy as xfactor. Whenever a team is designed to excel is a specific mode, I always here the same question: Is this team worth it OUTSIDE of that mode? And its usually a loaded question. Most importantly it is commonly known that you can afford a big punch-up as long as your Thanos uses his special after enemy Thanos do the same. The natural counter for Eternals is Darkhold. Right after her, Spider-Woman will place Ability Block and Heal Block on Squirrel Girl and Heal Block on the rest of the team (depending on the position of Squirrel Girl). Green Goblin is your solution for targets in stealth. Maya Lopez was born deaf, but she has the ability to mimic the movements of others. The secret when fighting Young Avengers is to prevent Squirrel Girl from healing while controlling Kate Bishops turns. However, you must save Ikariss ultimate to be used in the second turn to flip mass Evade that will be placed by Echo. Below you will see the list of viable counters. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Uncanny X-Men with Magik can be a real threat so it is safest to use META teams against them. I don't think it's any better than the 5-member team, necessarily, but it's tricky to fight against for people still waiting for Kate Bishop. Original Uncanny X-Men (with Psylocke) is another team that can easily beat Axmen. SG would negate Zemo, and Doom might give them enough damage to make it tricky for 8W. The combination of Dormammu and Young Avengers is pretty common nowadays. Place Abi Block with Mister Negative on Spider Weaver If you can do that, victory is near. That being said, they're not the worst team to try against them too since they can flip buffs and Maw loves his hero controllers. "Haha, your infantry will never be able to directly assault the Maginot line.". Young Avengers have no answer to the Undying duo as well. It will not be a big problem for the Green-Red War squad. Unfortunately, there cannot be a significant punch-up here. With the official War Bot, you can get partial answers to your questions. Unlikely some other excellent War teams that have bonuses just in one segment of this mode, this team can be equally lethal in both. For all other teams, Secret Avengers will pose an unsolvable enigma that can be beaten only by META teams. After that with your Skirmishers remove Immunity from Dormammu and use Omega Reds ultimate on him as the primary target. After those two things are done dealing with Mercenaries is easy regardless of team composition. That should be enough for you to consider using DH, especially if there are other teams that can be only beaten with Gamma, Undying or WX. Undying is best to pair up with TW or NW because both teams have three members, which is ideal. Even though Dormhold will not have the most important CDs, Agathas passive can make your life miserable, especially if Dormammu is not down soon enough. Below we will list many of these counters as we work with our friend MGF_JB to develop more counter guides for the community. I know that it is easier said than done, but you can expect a video guide as soon as possible. A.I.M. Thereafter, players should focus on Kate Bishop. In even match-up, X-Factor with Namor can deal with Black Order without many difficulties. The fact that Captain America will open battle with ultimate instead of his special and that you can easily prevent Captain Carter to make things dangerous makes Rebirth an easy target for most War Offense specialized teams. If you have high-level Skirmishers in the team, you will remove Dormammus buffs in the process. We send 2-4 emails a month. However, unlike other META, War Dogs need precise and clinical decisions depending on the situation and power of enemies they are facing (knowing who can be killed on start is the difference between win and lose). With the introduction of Hero Asgardians, many players tried to find a way to boost them up by replacing Heimdall. When I released theDefensive Team Countersarticle, your feedback was positive but many of you asked that we divide Counters for Cosmic Crucible and Alliance War. Unlimited X-Man should be able to win, but I am not 100% sure. She is a damage-dealer and fits the Striker class quite well. ADVERTISEMENT Bionic Avengers Infinity Watch Unlimited X-Man Astonishing X-Men can be an exceedingly difficult opponent if you let them kill any of your team members. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. FINISH OLD TEAMS! You should not have any difficulties and you can allow yourself a punch-up of at least 100k. On another note, Black Order would have a tough time too (to some extent) since some of their utility comes from Prox and Corvus assisting in removing buffs. Against Dormhold it is best that they are supported by Dormammu. Not just in Offense but in Defense as well. Hero Asgardians are the latest AW Defense team. Underworld is a new WAR counter for AW META defense. On the other side of things, pairing Doom with 4 members of YA for defense is hilarious, as Squirrel Girl can purge AB from Doom right before his turn so he can Ult if he's taken damage. Zemo will initiate a fight by clearing Defense Up from all enemies and by picking who should be Ability Blocked (Viv Vision, obviously). Baron Zemo will initiate the combat by removing Immunity from enemies before placing Ability Block on either SS or Crystal. And yes, if Weapon X uses its abilities properly Darkhold and even Dormhold dont have a chance against them. Darkhold with MLF passive level 6 can easily deal with Dorm/YA. Kestrel is a Hero who is a nightmare for Web Warriors. Their strength must be significantly higher though because they dont have a way to control GAMMA in War as they control other teams. Tauna posted two videos about it. If your Omega Red is playing the first target opponent Omega Red, focus on him with other characters and try to turn rewind Silver Samurai (with Lady Deathstike). I had my doubts if I should put Darkhold/Dormhold in the list of justified counters against WX, but since there are only 3 possible options at the moment the decision was obvious even though the RNG will decide the outcome in the end. Rebirth seems like an ideal team for War Defense. Which Is The Best Time To Play Online Slots? One of the teams that are fully equipped to deal with them is Darkhold. Only have debuffs on a few enemies? There is no real defense from Rogues special, that is true, but with Eternals kit, you can easily overcome everything Uxmen has to offer in War. Each member has unique skills that can be used to defeat enemies. You can win a trial by defeating more rooms than your opponent. He can generate barriers and draw enemy attacks. The following table describes each Bionic Avenger: Cosmic Crucible contains 3 trials, each of which lasts 24 hours. Vindication at last. They said it wasn't close either. Taskmasters and Mr. Negativitys kit together will tear apart Emarauders with an insane punch-up. Gamma is also an obvious counter. If they are boosted by Dormammu, the only thing you have to do is add Dormammu to the Underworld team. Not only does this attack do a lot of damage, but it also increases the blind durations of Viv-Visions initial attack. It's easy to default to "the team that beats everything", but in this case you'll have better luck using a different team. Im surprised by the addition of Scarlet Spider and Spider-Punk, just because I figured Scopely would tap into the Into the Spider-Verse crowd and give us Spider-Ham or Spider-Man Noir. You shouldnt be worried about Psylocke because Trauma will prevent her from transferring debuffs. Does anyone have some practice reps against them yet? Taking down Dormammu right after Shang Chi is mandatory, therefore it is best to use Omegas ultimate on him and Stun him with Silver Samurai while focusing on Shang Chi in the meantime as usual. With upcoming changes and New Horseman teams, the list will need an update definitely, so it is best to bookmark it and check when you need help. They will be unaffected by Blind and their control and damage potential is considerably higher than Death Seeds who are specialized for Raids after all. Unlimited X-Men in particular, as long as you incapacitate Thor with Rogue.
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