Justin Peters ministries 10. However, in the eyes of God (the big guy), it is very offensive, and so much as lying about your weight is punishable by burning for eternity. He acknowledged, does not refute, that prophecies could be changed, but he only relies on the sheer number of prophecies as convincing evidence. Then and there, we will welcome Beth into our home and hearts as we listen to her expound Gods holy, authoritative word. In 1.5 miles, takeexit 91 West River Drive. Christianity is the driving force for many evils throughout history, such as the Crusades, witch hunts (which still occur today), persecution of Native Americans, condemning millions to die every year of AIDS, and much more. The Dallas Statement makes a series of affirmations and denials, most of which are not controversial, regarding a clear articulation of the Gospel. Unborn humans saved. His height is 1.93 m tall, and weight is 77 kg. No. Friel clearly believes that God has chosen his elect from the beginning of time, and only these chosen ones will be permitted to enter heaven. Not once did Todd present any proof of God. Because last time, you did a one-word association, the guy wrote a book about it. That being said, there are, in fact, contextual factors shaping these particular prohibitions that careful, faithful interpreters must consider. Todd knows that dying for a belief is not sufficient evidence at all, but he has to say it is otherwise his faith has no proof. Simply labeling it as so does not alter reality to fit your personal beliefs. The other two havent denied it, they just wont give comment. Hitchens mentions the then-ruler of North Korea, and Todd replies that he's "not sure whether God's Kim-Jong Il". Help us share the truth of Gods Word and the gospel! Dan learns a lot from his kids, and he does not expect his kids to humble themselves to him. Creation means there must be a creator, the fool says in his heart 'there is no god,' and the conscience (not the land of the intellect where we can debate and argue) that testifies that they have sinned and done wrong against that creator. Todd asks "where is the body? Hitchens mentions the section in his book where he implores the world to escape the slavery of religion, and this sort of attitude is precisely what Friel is encouraging: a form of slavery and owning another person. However, Naaman had a skin disease, probably leprosy. Theists take drugs (or more drugs depending on the state) than nonbelievers, but Christianity is suppose to transform people to becoming better people however, this does not appear to be the case. Friel goes on to say Muslims were not among the pilgrims, revolutionists, founding fathers, signers of the Constitution or Bill of Rights, nor were Muslims seen in the womens suffrage movement or the abolitionist movement (in fact, Friel says that Muslims are the largest human traffickers today, they are cruel to them, and it was evangelical Christians who started the abolitionist movement because the Bible strictly forbids slavery[note 1]). Turn Right onto West River Drive. Did they offend God? New York, New York. Gratefully, God saved Todd (from hell and stand-up comedy). The point is Christianity has made no moral improvement in the world, and it is true. He has authored numerous books, academic journals, and magazine articles. Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. Union Seminary has used The Dallas Statement as an opportunity to advance their agenda of denouncing Scriptural Inerrancy, a cause for which John MacArthur is most well known. Todd already does not accept the testimony of alien abductions, but the number of people who claim to have been abducted is much greater than 500 (perhaps more than 1,000). However there was no body because Jesus rose from the dead and 500 people witnessed it (not for a lie, because they actually saw it). In a halfmile turn right onto Lamoreaux Dr. That is purely a Christian invention turned strawman to make atheism appear foolish. Grace to Youlaunches on just one radio station: WRBS in Baltimore, Maryland. Tony Evans Radio ( One of my favorite pastors ) 8. Saturday October 18 6:00 pm-9:00 pm: "Jesus in the Old Testament". Thabiti Anyabwile whose actual name is Ron Burns, but chose his new moniker to identify with the Black Nationalist Movement endorsed first Bernie Sanders and then Hillary Clinton on the pages of the Gospel Coalition. For example, evolution is not random or chance. Not written as a legend? In reporting on the debate, Slate magazine pointed out that Cameron's declaration to prove God would have made him the first to accomplish this feat in many centuries of religious thought, besting scholars such as Thomas Aquinas. There are many examples of late term abortions saving the mother;[3] even though it may not be common, it does not overrule the fact that it does happen and women should have the right to protect themselves. Todd says Eddie can choose answer one of five: the DNA or RNA; the muscle or bone; the lungs or the throat; the nervous system or the hormone system; or the immune system or the means for it. Friel does not accept evolution because he believes it is random chance, and thus insulting to our intelligence. The next question is another sleight of hand by the New Testament authors of Psalm 22:16 which does not say anything about nails or crucifixion, but the literal translation is mauled by a lion. and a reference to Mark 16:15: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Rather, Muslims have only been seen helping the Nazi Party and committing acts of terrorism. This is clearly not reasonable. And I talked to my mother who had gone to seminary and she said, "Julie, you're going to go crazy in seminary. Hitchens answers it may be highly probable. Racial disharmony is good publicity for Dwight McKissic, and he knows it. Furthermore, theres another truism thats undeniable. Will Whether it is a tower falling on 18 people, 9/11, etc. So Naaman went to Israel, found this residence of this person, but when Naaman knocked on the door a servant answered. Right? On the show, you will see and hear live witnessing encounters, discussions of tough theological issues, and c. For instance, there is absolutely no evidence at all that 500 people saw anything. How can the Bible be infallible and trustworthy when dishonest tactics like this occur often. Part 1 and Part 2. Regeneration comes before faith; so to the calvinist, without regeneration you cannot be saved, cannot be a Christian, cannot go to heaven, cannot have eternal life. (see Romans 16:1-3, 7; compare 1 Corinthians 15:6). Christian listeners may not have understood the solid arguments, and instead may have just believed that Hitchens was against God. Lots of homosexuals are following Merritts lead to condemn the Dallas Statement. Turn Right onto West River Drive. Todd claims that God said he will save you so he can get all the credit. If he lied to the government, he commits treason. Please refresh the page and try again. Todd has three children, one wife and a dog. Round One: He loves his wife and Todd Friel is the host of the nationally syndicated Wretched TV and Wretched Radio programs. Todd hypothetically says if he lined up ten Oreo cookies, people would not say that it was random chance that arranged them. Todd says God already knew beforehand that the people would choose to sin and rebel against him and bring the world into disease, destruction, and such. The only difference between you and me is that I believe in one less God than you do. Friel says the law of the Lord is perfect, they should be used as a mirror to see how sinful they are. Eddie points out that Todd did not answer the question about immaculate conception, but wonders why Eddie cannot use the Bible as an argument, but Todd can use the Bible to prove the Bible? Hitchens responds I have never completely known nor does he see anything wrong with it. and hyperactive agency detector says that must be some kind of bird, animal, human, creature thing up there doing that and they named is Zeus or Thor and they thought this thing was communicated with them. An infinite punishment for a finite crime is not justifiable, nor is it just or reasonable. However, after questioning his religion he slowly became an atheist, concluded God does not exist, and discarded faith. For nearly two weeks, Christian social media has been atwitter with commentary over whats being called The Asbury Revival at, Arizona Pastor Blows the Whistle on Andy Stanley, Robby Gallatys Glowsticks Are Not the Problem, Russell Moore Likes Tweet Calling Social Justice Statement Stupid, Sesame Street Goes Gay for LGBTQ Pride Month, ERLC Promotes Intersectionality Book that Discriminates Against White Women, Following Assassination of Sharia Critic, Phoenix Apologist Claims Few Qualified to Speak on the Subject. He does not spank his children, he would try to find a way to make his children. After Pres. Todd holds up his watch and announces it "evolved" and came to be on its own, and he appeals to humor and ridicule by asking the audience who would like to buy this 'evolved' watch? What sins could bacteria cause? It it contradictory; full of errors and deceptions; contains scientific mistakes; has very poor moral examples; any one of us could have written a better book. Are they all doubters, skeptics, nonbelievers? Send comments and feedback to Eric Black, our editor. Absolutely. And yet, the names not on the document resound as loudly as those that are. Todd asks Hitchens What would God do with you? Hitchens hopes that he does not go to Heaven, and points out that Todd is basing this on if you believe in the God of the Old Testament. If he lied to his boss, he could be fired. Todds projects include: The Case for Atheism (There Isnt One), Herman Who? Touching back briefly on the last issue, Friel asks so ownership is a bad thing? Hitchens answers of other people, yes. Period. How Do I Glorify God? Wretched Radio, hosted by Todd Friel, had Christopher Hitchens call in for an interview/debate in April 2009. Todd's Case for Atheism - There Isn't One, Dan begins to describe what he once was: a bornagain, biblebelieving preacher, song writer, and a missionary. Is the universe designed? There are many different denominations of Christians, and they believe they have the correct interpretation of the bible while the others are wrong. Both Sessions are open to the public, free, and require NO registration. Dan asked why the audience does not believe in Thor, Zeus, Jupiter, etc.? you killed part of God's well arranged plan." It has been a great help. There is no evidence at all that the universe was created in less than a week. 133,560 views 2 years ago Wretched TV and Radio are daily Christian programs hosted by Todd Friel. Hitchens answers God has been nowhere in his life. Wallis was Social Justice long before it was cool, back when it was called Social Gospel. In fact, it was Wallis that Albert Mohler debated on the topic of Social Justice in 2011. Todd says people may die for a lie, but Christianity has evidence of the supernatural: 500 witnesses who saw Jesus after he was crucified and buried. This opening was barely a debate and more like open preaching a very bad start. In doing so, they claim that the Bible is riddled with prejudice and needs to determine which parts of the Bible are Gods messages and which parts are just the message of sinful men. [12][13], Cameron and Comfort participated in a debate with two members of the Rational Response Squad (RRS) atheist activism organization at Calvary Baptist Church in Manhattan, on May 5, 2007. Todd says a painting means there is a painter, a watch has a watchmaker, and creation requires a creator. Office Phone: . Todd asks the audience if they know the speed of light, how large the Milky Way is, and how many galaxies like ours exist. Todd dismisses it and says of course God exists. It portrays you as a dishonest and deliberate liar. Eddie says they are not contradictory to us, but they are for God in his nature and goodness. Sunday October 19 9:30 am-11:00 am: If Todd walked around and asked people if they saw Eddie fly to the debate, and they said "no" but if Todd found one person say "yes" Todd would ask that person "are you willing to die for it?" Friel holds a negative view towards Muslims and Islam (as do most of the staff on Way of the Master). First Question redirected to Todd. RationalWiki will provide a side-by-side format, with Dan's Opening along with Todd's response in the left column while a refutation to Todd's arguments provided in the right column. We may spot design in the universe, but that does not mean the universe as a whole was designed. For example, if he lied to his daughter, not much harm is done. Hitchens never killed anyone, but Todd says that since Hitchens has been angry then Hitchens has committed murder in his heart. What exactly is the missing information that decodes the enigma of immaculate conception? Photo courtesy of Baptist Women in Ministry. Todd Friel is the host of the daily programs Wretched TV and Wretched Radio. Or Jupiter? If his kids did something wrong, like stealing a cookie, Dan does not send them to the gas chamber. * Note: Audio quality problems are not the fault of your audio device. All a person needs are eyes that can see and a brain that can think. Belief in God makes a no moral difference in the world, it has not . Wallis a spiritual advisor for both Presidents Clinton and Obama finds himself now in perfect unity with Calvinisms most famous leaders in a bizarre turn of events. The show ran from January 2006 until November 2008, when it was renamed Wretched Radio, broadcast through FamilyNet. [14][15][16] Nightline aired the debate online and included a short two-segment summary on its May 9 broadcast. In fact, the opposite seems to be true. Friel asks the audience if they ever seen a child tie their shoelace, they often put several knots and it makes it difficult to undo each knot. Office Phone: (610) 667-5778. . If God knows for certain that Hitler, Pol Pot, or the Turks will commit genocide and mass bloodshed then God should not have created those people or simultaneously create people who will prevent them from committing genocide. It has opened my understanding of the greek language in the Bible and God's wisdom!" John Miller: "Mr. Friel does a fine job giving a basic understanding of New Testament Greek. The reason we have these debates was already answered by Dan, because the. Todd says that God will make us account for our sins (we have lied, lusted, stolen, and blasphemed) and we should seek him out and ask for forgiveness. To be sure, there are Pauline passages that preclude women from speaking in a gathered assembly of Christ-followers (see especially 1 Corinthians 14:34-35; 1 Timothy 2:11-15). Naturalistic explanations does NOT say there was nothing. Gratefully, God saved Todd (from hell and stand-up comedy). Turn Right onto West River Drive. Repent and trust. However, Christianity and religion has made no world moral difference some would argue the opposite. As we have previously written about McKissic: In short, Dwight McKissic is the SBCs version of Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, and he uses his own skin color rather than the content of his character to gain for himself notoriety and place himself in the midst of scandal. April 1, 2021 from Answers Magazine. Hitchens, hypothetically accepting Todd's premise that God made him and cared for him, would not accept that God owns him, or especially his children. He has spoken at churches, festivals, seminars and youth groups all over America. Hitchens notes that he already addresses this in his book, and Todd is not asking something new. One year, a 27yearold mother of four came in 11 weeks pregnant and seriously ill. Doctors and experts said if her pregnancy were not terminated, she would likely die, taking her unborn child with her. Unfortunately, the discussion did continue, with fellow panelist Phil Johnson describing Moore as narcissistic and panelist Mike Riccardi affirming MacArthurs contention regarding Moores preaching. Amen, I gather. Todd Friel debated at Dan Barker at the University of Minnesota, March 2006 on the subject "Does God Exist?" Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution, those who do not believe in Jesus must therefore hate Jesus, poorly constructed philosophical arguments, Keeping Ray, Tod, and Kirk honest because they don't know how to, https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2009/04/11/how-to-frustrate-an-evangelica/, http://www.womensenews.org/story/campaign-trail/041028/late-term-abortion-saved-these-womens-lives, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZB0lLIcXIA, http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/dover/kitzmiller_v_dover_decision2.html. Even if MacArthur were to be correct in his assertions and assessments, in his disparaging remarks and condescending comments regarding Moore he fails to follow the very Scripture he proclaims. In less than a mile, turn right onto Stoney Creek Ave, just before the road bends. As calvinist Todd Friel says, " People who ask Jesus into their hearts are not saved and they will perish on the Day of Judgment. Your newsletter signup did not work out. Friel asks Do you believe that God who has provided everything for you has rights on your life? Hitchens answers no, why should he, why would he own me? Third Question redirected to Todd Friel. Todd Friel played the role of a group facilitator at John Macarthur's recent Strange Fire Conference (Oct.16-18 . For some reason, the critics of John MacArthur keep invoking the name of arch-heretic, Charles Finney, as though he were an expert on much more than splitting hell open. His justification for such a belief is that any crime, no matter how small, must be punished, and the guilty must suffer in Hell for eternity. Again, this is like quoting Arius to demonstrate that Christians have always denied the deity of Christ. Will God help you through trials and tribulations because you are a Christian?
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